Political Leadership

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Posted by: | Posted on: June 9, 2015

CNRP must adopt working smart and working hard together

Chea Sim who is the President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and Chair of Senate, passed away in 8 June 2015 caused by aged illness and natural depreciation.

Chea Sim Passed Away

Courtesy: Sakou Samouth

His passing away has intrigued hot debates among Cambodian youths, observers, and political commentators. There are accuracy, loopholes, and inaccuracy among those debates.

Some have viewed this passing away as a new phenomena of political landscapes in Cambodia while internal structure of CPP would be more polarized than unified. As Hun Sen said in April 29 this year about his ascending to presidency of the party whenever Chea Sim passed away surprised many supporters because as the president of the party cannot be prime minister (or could not be both) in complying to the internal rule of the party. Hun Sen’s power consolidation shall actually trigger two outcomes: making CPP more divided, or more solidified?

Hun Sen’s political maneuver

Chea Sim

Courtesy: Facebook

At the helm of political regression of Hun Sen popularity among the Cambodian people and the young voters, and the uncertainty of his power consolidation inside the party, Hun Sen is in need to having Sam Rainsy of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) to balancing and stabilizing his new maneuver, or at least to neutralize his unseen opponents from inside the party.

At this point, Sam Rainsy should be able to grab all opportunities in hand such as strengthening the duties and prowess of the CNRP, a loyal and official opposition party. Among those upgrading, CNRP must step beyond the ability of “uphill struggling” opposition by transforming itself to “new vibrant alternative political party” towards government leadership.

To achieve this, the titling of Minority Leader of Sam Rainsy must not be just symbolic or shallow title paralleling to Prime Minister position without having privileges and responsibilities at all.

Moving up from Uphill Struggling Party into Alternative Government Party

Sun Ray Policy Platform Pace I drawn by Sophoan Seng

Sun Ray Policy Platform drawn by Sophoan Seng

CNRP should adopt a policy of “working smart” and “working hard” combining together. Let put aside of “working hard” and “just nationalistic” rhetoric alone by transforming itself into a real political party to driving social changes as well as to embracing the Government Leadership for this 2018 election mandate.

Working hard is an “activism policy” but working smart is “government leadership policy”. Both are very important but to undertake the preparedness for this government leadership in 2018 is a must. In order to achieve that, CNRP should consider following scenarios:

  • Adopting political opposition and their status like those in the UK, Australia and Canada. In Canada, an opposition and Minority Leaders have reserved full privileges and responsibilities such as he/she is the leader of a shadow government, the opposition leader could host international delegates at the same level of the Prime Minister, there is a free mansion for opposition leader and their family to reside in, there are members of his cabinets for his office, and there are funds to conduct researches regarding national issues opposition could mobilize evidences and capitalize critical knowledge to criticize the government effectively.
  • Adopting the “Sun Ray Policy Platform” in different paces and expectations. For instance, pace I is dealing with upgrading opposition status, pace II is dealing with expertise within the opposition members ring or shadow government, pace III is dealing with policy to lead the government during the upcoming elections: commune in 2017, and national election in 2018 etc.

(Article and copyright by Sophoan Seng)

Posted by: | Posted on: May 26, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 21

This part, the author Mr. Sophan Seng, interestingly described the trend of “Culture of Dialogue” vs. “Culture of MAD Politics”. MAD is derived from “Mutually Assured Destruction”.

skills 4Historically significant, the WWI and WWII as well as the Cold War, the world faced destruction from military confrontations and MAD tactics. But by realizing such destructive behavior, each party sit down to face up through verbal communication, not weaponry confrontation any more.

This new embracing to dialogue is called “Enlightened Era”.

Cambodia was not exceptional in receiving and being ruined by this confrontational approach or MAD politics. But while the world had resumed MAD politics, Cambodia was still having aura of MAD politics from the world. Cambodia was engaging in civil war, killing and atrocity, and foreign occupation etc.

Though the UNs came to help setting up and monitoring the election and crafting democracy for this country, the leaders have failed this country shamefully.

But the election result on 2013 is the turning-point for Cambodia has been emerged.


Posted by: | Posted on: May 26, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 20

This part, the author Mr. Sophan Seng, keenly described the different views leadership-stock-art-304xx3310-2214-0-52and practices of “Culture of Dialogue”. Once, the dialogue happened as both parties have shared similar strength.

At the present, Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) are believed to affording enough strength by both sides to drive for positive change of this country.

At the end, the Culture of Dialogue needs honest conversation and integrity to achieve its original contents.

Posted by: | Posted on: May 26, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 19

This part, the author Mr. Sophan Seng, articulated on “Culture of Dialogue” that has been so popular in Cambodia politics at the present by exposing this new paradigm as realistic to the world’s changing and Cambodia modern geopolitics.

skills 3Thus, the culture of dialogue is in good timeframe to debate about healing processes of Khmer trauma by exposing more truth through talking and storytelling about it.

In conclusion, to end the culture of revenge, animosity and enmity among Cambodian people, the means to encourage communication must be incentivized, and culture of dialogue is the essential mean among them all.