Original Source: EU Cambodia, Brussels, 11/06/2020 – 11:43, UNIQUE ID: 200611_3Press releases
As part of the global efforts to support partner countries around the world, Team Europe* is mobilizing 443 million euros in grants and loans to work with Cambodia in fighting the global covid-19 pandemic, and mitigate its socio-economic effects.

Team Europe is the combined effort of the European Union, its Member States and their financial institutions and implementing agencies. Together, they provide significant financial and technical support to help Cambodia address immediate needs, protect the most vulnerable, mitigate the socio-economic impact of the coronavirus crisis and prepare for recovery. In Cambodia, Team Europe works together with its European partner Switzerland.
All Team Europa programs and projects contribute to enhancing democratic principles, promoting and protecting human rights and strengthening gender equality.
The EU Ambassador to Cambodia Ms Carmen Moreno said: “The coronavirus pandemic demands cooperation and solidarity. Team Europe stands together with Cambodia in these challenging times. We have to work together to ensure a sustainable and strong economic recovery, and to help mitigate the impact of this pandemic on human lives, jobs and livelihoods. To this purpose, we combine our resources and join efforts with the Government, the people of Cambodia and civil society, in response to this global challenge”.
The support of the European partners to Cambodia focuses on three essential priorities, in line with the country COVID-19 Master Plan.
In Supporting health, Team Europecontributes to expand research and testing capacities in Cambodia, supports the implementation of the COVID-19 National Action Plan and strengthens the health system. European partners are reinforcing and reorienting their programs on nutrition as well as hygiene, access to clean water and sanitation, to be more responsive to the pandemic needs. Team Europe strongly supports the World Health Organisation and contributes to finance its programs in Cambodia.
At a time when jobs, livelihoods and food security are in danger, European partners contribute to support people, livelihoods and employment; reaching out to the most vulnerable population through social protection programs, scholarships, improved access to education, assistance to workers and returned migrants. Team Europe’s programs sustain livelihoods through aquaculture and fisheries, rural infrastructures development and they contribute to address the challenges related to microfinance crisis management.
Europe will work with Cambodia to support economic recovery and job creation. Team Europe support will contribute to strengthen key areas of the economy and involve public investments for economic development, energy efficiency and green recovery. European programs and projects will contribute to build resilience in the private sector and to support job creation, to ensure a robust recovery and a more sustainable, inclusive and resilient economy, in keeping with the Agenda 2030 and the Paris Agreement
This EURO 443 million support (equivalent to USD 483 million and KHR 1,990 billion) combining new allocations, funds already programmed and redirected funds, is channelled through the Royal Government institutions and partner organisations, including civil society organisations.
* Team Europe stands for the EU and its Member States. In Cambodia they are joined by our European partner, Switzerland.
Encl. Team Europe Infographic:

EU COVID-19 Response Cambodia Data.pdf

Team Europe Development Assistance to Cambodia.pdf