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Posted by: | Posted on: April 10, 2017

IPU Solution on Cambodia 2017

IPU Solution on Cambodia 2017

ហេតុអ្វីអ្នកដែលជាតំណាងកម្ពុជាដ៏មានកិត្តិយសបានលើកយកខ្មែរក្រហមជាកម្មវត្ថុនយោបាយដើម្បីធ្វើទុក្ខបុកម្នេញកម្ពុជា? អារម្មណ៌របស់គេអាចកំពុងច្របូកច្របល់យ៉ាងប្រត្យក្រឬគាត់មានអ្វីជាល្បិចសំងាត់ដើម្បីធ្វើអោយកម្ពុជាប្រព្រឹត្តអំពើហឹង្សាដាក់គ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ជាពិសេសទាក់ទាញមេដឹកនាំណាដែលយកអំពើហឹង្សាជាយានដើម្បីធ្វើទុក្ខបុកម្នេញដល់ប្រជាជនកម្ពុជា។ ខ្ញុំគិតថា ជីវិតនយោបាយរបស់ពួកគាត់ដែលយកគោលការណ៌ប្រឈមមុខស្លាប់រស់ និងជ្រុលនិយមជាគោល ទាំងអស់នេះគឺហួសសម័យហើយ។ អ្នកទាំងពីរបានបាត់បង់ការគោរពនៅក្នុងអង្គប្រជុំដោយវិធីជ្រុលនិយមរបស់ពួកគាត់។ តាមរយៈអាកប្បកិរិយាជ្រុលរបស់ពួកគាត់ មិនមែនតែអ្នកពីរទេដែលគេសើចចំអកដាក់ ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាទាំងមូលត្រូវបានគេសើចចំអកដាក់ផងដែរ។

កំណត់ចំណាំ៖ ចំឡើយរបស់អាយភីយូបញ្ជាក់ច្បាស់ហើយថា អាយភីយូមិនអាចងាកទៅរកអតីតកាលទេ អាយភីយូកំពុងដោះស្រាយបញ្ហាបច្ចុប្បន្ននិងអនាគត។

Courtesy: Newsnextbd

Courtesy: Newsnextbd

Why the persons who are prestigiously representing Cambodia picked up the Khmer Rouge political commodity to inflict the Khmer people? His mind must be so paranoid or he has his hidden agenda to draw violence among Khmer people especially to drag those violence-based political leader(s) to continue inflicting Cambodian people. I think their political career of confrontational approach, and extremism, all are out of date. The dual is experienced dishonoured in the meeting by their own radical approach. Through their radical behaviour, not the dual only is laughed at, but the whole Cambodia.

Posted by: | Posted on: April 9, 2017

Political applicability and financial manageability of 5 points policy of CNRP

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 101


5 Points of Policy from CNRP to campaign for vote for this Commune Election of June 4, 2017

This part (101), Mr. Sophan analysed on the standard of policy platform for political parties to campaign for vote. By describing the five points of CNRP, Mr. Sophan elaborated the exclusive applicability, financial manageability, and its merits and wills to implement them aiming to success.

The five points that are covering on all political aspects of good governance, respects of human rights, sustainable development and increasing family income, especially the strengthening of local government through allocating $500,000 US to each commune for its operational budget, all are seen critical.

Posted by: | Posted on: April 9, 2017

World MPs see rights crisis in Kingdom

European Parliamentarian Ramon Tremosa (left) at a meeting in Brussels in 2011. Tremosa and a number of other EP members formed a bloc called Group in Support of Democracy in Cambodia this week. Convergencia Democratica de Catalunya/Flickr

European Parliamentarian Ramon Tremosa (left) at a meeting in Brussels in 2011. Tremosa and a number of other EP members formed a bloc called Group in Support of Democracy in Cambodia this week. Convergencia Democratica de Catalunya/Flickr

Members of the European Parliament and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) condemned what they see as a crackdown on the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party by the ruling Cambodian People’s Party ahead of commune and national elections.

In Bangladesh on Wednesday, an IPU assembly, which represents 171 countries, adopted a resolution calling attention to the arrest, persecution and suspension from the National Assembly of members of the opposition.

“The IPU is alarmed at the escalating harassment of members of the opposition in Cambodia,” the IPU’s statement reads. “The Organization is also concerned at the prospect that one opposition party, the Cambodian National Rescue Party, may be dissolved and not allowed to take part in the upcoming election.”

The newly adopted Law on Political Parties gave authorities the power to dissolve any political party that violates a law or threatens national unity or security. The law is widely viewed as having granted the CPP the legal tools to dissolve arbitrarily any serious political threat.

In a Facebook post on Wednesday, former opposition leader Sam Rainsy said the IPU’s statement demonstrates that union members believe there is a lack of political will on the part of Cambodian authorities to resolve human rights violations.

“[IPU] considers it crucial for the CNRP to be able to stand in the upcoming elections,” Rainsy wrote.

Read the detailed news by Phnom Penh Post

Posted by: | Posted on: March 5, 2017

Government’s rebuttal to Human Rights Report on Cambodia by the US is out of common sense

Political Analysis:

“when one is out of common sense, one is likely chasing their own shadow without knowing the shadow’s owner” – Anonymous

common senseU.S. Department of State through its Diplomacy in Action has always released situations of human rights and democracy for many countries around the world annually. This 2016, with its tittle “Country Reports on Human Rights Practice 2016: Cambodia“, the reports echoed to its 2015 reports on seventh different sections such as respecting for the integrity of the person including freedom from arbitrary deprivation of life and other unlawful or politically motivated killings etc. by exposing the killing of Dr. Kem Ley and its distrustful legal investigation to punish the real perpetrator(s) as well as arbitrary arrest and detention by exposing several arbitrary arrests, pretrial detention, and denial of fair public trial etc.

This descriptive report is common sense to all Cambodian people and its report is based on NGOs’ reports in Cambodia. But this type of report is not void from a strong political rebuttal from the government, especially through her human rights department (please listen to spokesperson HE Kata Uon by RFI Khmer), without accepting the report to improve their work performance, the rebuttal is critical to deny and to defend themselves from any wrongdoings. Actually, there are many points to be learnt from the report. And the accusation that such report is the violation over Cambodia’s sovereignty is impregnably baseless. By looking at the regular conducts of the report and the nature of the report which was seems to re-organize information collected from annual database released by local NGOs in Cambodia, they are common sense that has been nationwide conveyed by Cambodian people. The rebuttal is likely opposing to such common sense perceived by the Cambodian people.

The spokesperson highly talked about the professional and technical workmanship within the government especially within their human rights department, but the verbal rebuttal and refusal rhetoric is significantly highlighting its lack of common sense, professionalism, and technicality. Cambodian people are speechless and hopeless to this kind of government leadership performance. Cambodian people need concrete policy framework documenting within a credential report or publishing to read rather than through relentless verbal attacks to major outsiders’ reports. This is a country, not an autocratic plot of land.
