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Posted by: | Posted on: September 13, 2018





  • The Charter of Rights and Freedoms has not solely served Canadians but people around the world. Canada has been known for its leading roles in supporting the Paris Peace Agreement in 1991 to settle down civil wars and conflicts in Cambodia, to conduct a first general election in 1993 sponsored by the UN, and to continue support of democratic and economic development;
  • The legacy of democracy, political pluralism, rule of law, free and fair election from the UN in 1993, has completely cracked down by government-led party Cambodia’s People Party led by Prime Minister Hun Sen prior to the national election on July 29, 2018;
  • Within his whole triumph to clinging to everlasting power, national Constitution and institution are used to legitimize his power and to influence the Cambodian voters and the international community;
  • The largest opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party was dissolved, its leader and activists were put in jail, 55 seats of law-maker and 5007 posts of commune councillors elected by the people were disenfranchised; and
  • The UN, the US, the EU and Australia have expressed their grave concern over this state of democracy.

We, the undersigned, citizens and permanent residents of Canada, call upon the Government of Canada to:

  1. Express serious concern over the upcoming election in Cambodia;
  2. Reconvene or to join with other nation-states to fully implement the Paris Peace Agreement to organize a free and fair election in Cambodia; and
  3. Ban and/or sanction individuals for their involvement in cracking down on democracy and human rights violation in Cambodia.




  • ច្បាប់ស្តីអំពីសិទ្ធិនិងសេរីភាពមនុស្សមិនគ្រាន់តែបានបម្រើប្រជាជនកាណដាទេ ប៉ុន្តែបានបម្រើមនុស្សជុំវិញពិភពលោក។ កាណាដាត្រូវបានគេស្គាល់តាមរយៈតួនាទីដឹកនាំសំខាន់ក្នុងការបង្កើតអោយមានសន្ធិសញ្ញាសន្តិភាពទីក្រុងប៉ារីសឆ្នាំ១៩៩១ ដើម្បីបញ្ឈប់ជំលោះសង្គ្រាមស៊ីវិលនៅកម្ពុជា រៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោតថ្នាក់ជាតិលើកដំបូងក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៩៣ធានាដោយអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ហើយកាណាដានៅបន្តគាំទ្រដល់ការអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សេដ្ឋកិច្ចនិងលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ
  • មរតកនៃលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យ ពហុបក្ស នីតិរដ្ឋ ការបោះឆ្នោតដោយសេរីនិងយុត្តិធម៌ដែលបន្សល់ទុកដោយអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិក្នុងឆ្នាំ១៩៩៣ ត្រូវបានបំផ្លាញទាំងស្រុងដោយរដ្ឋាភិបាលគណបក្សប្រជាជនកម្ពុជាដឹកនាំដោយលោកនាយករដ្ឋមន្ត្រីហ៊ុន-សែនមុនការបោះឆ្នោតជាតិថ្ងៃទី២៩ ខែកក្កដា ឆ្នាំ២០១៨
  • ក្នុងកិច្ចខិតខំប្រឹងប្រែងរបស់គាត់ក្នុងការបន្តកាន់អំណាចជារៀងរហូត រដ្ឋធម្មនុញ្ញនិងស្ថាប័នជាតិត្រូវបានប្រើប្រាស់ដើម្បីអំណាច ស្របច្បាប់របស់គាត់ និងដើម្បីជៈឥទ្ធិពលអ្នកបោះឆ្នោតកម្ពុជាក៏ដូចជាសហគមន៍អន្តរជាតិ
  • គណបក្សនយោបាយជំទាស់ដែលធំជាងគេគឺគណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិត្រូវបានរំលាយ មេដឹកនាំនិងសកម្មជនគណបក្សត្រូវបានចាប់ដាក់ឃុំ កៅអីតំណាងរាស្ត្រទាំង៥៥និងក្រុមប្រឹក្សាឃុំ-សង្កាត់ទាំង៥០០៧នាក់ដែលបោះឆ្នោតអោយកាន់តំណែងដោយប្រជាជន ត្រូវបានដកហូតសិទ្ធិអំណាចស្របច្បាប់ដែលទទួលបានតាមរយៈសន្លឹកឆ្នោត
  • អង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ សហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក សហគមន៍អឺរ៉ុប និងអូស្ត្រាលីបានសំដែលក្តីកង្វល់របស់គេយ៉ាងខ្លាំងចំពោះការធ្លាក់ចុះនៃលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យនេះ

ពួកយើងខ្ញុំ ដែលបានចុះហត្ថលេខាខាងក្រោម ជាសញ្ជាតិនិងអ្នករស់នៅជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍ក្នុងប្រទេសកាណាដា សូមអំពាវនាវដល់រដ្ឋាភិបាល កាណាដាដើម្បី៖

  1. សំដែលកង្វល់អោយបានកាន់តែខ្លាំងចំពោះដំណើរការបោះឆ្នោតនៅកម្ពុជា
  2. សូមជួយកោះប្រជុំឡើងវិញឬចូលរួមជាមួយប្រទេសដទៃដើម្បីអនុវត្តន៍កិច្ចព្រមព្រៀងសន្តិភាពទីក្រុងប៉ារីសអោយបានពេញលេញក្នុងការរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោតមួយដែលសេរី ត្រឹមត្រូវ និងយុត្តិធម៌នៅកម្ពុជា
  3. ហាមប្រាម និង/ឬ ដាក់ទណ្ឌកម្មបុគ្គលម្នាក់ៗដែលមានចំណែកក្នុងការបំផ្លាញលទ្ធិប្រជាធិបតេយ្យនិងរំលោភសិទ្ធិមនុស្សនៅ កម្ពុជា

សូមបងប្អូន ជនរួមជាតិ និងប្រជាពលរដ្ធ
ទាំងអស់រស់នៅប្រទេសគាណាដា (Canadiens) ជួយជំរុញ លើកទឹកចិត្តក្រុមគ្រួសារ និងមិត្តភ័ក្រ អោយចុះហត្ថលេខា (signer) ញត្តិ(Petition) នេះអោយបានច្រើន។
-បើមានអ្នក signer បានលើសពី ៥០០នាក់ ឡើងទៅ តំណាងរាស្ដ្រអាចយករឿងខ្មែរទៅនិយាយនៅក្នុងរដ្ធសភា (Parlement Canadien)នៅ Ottawa ដើម្បីទាមទារអោយមានការដាក់សម្ពាធលើរបប និងជនផ្ដាច់ការនៅកម្ពុជា និងបក្សពួក៖
១-អោយហ៊ុន សែន គោរព សន្ធិសញ្ញា ក្រុងប៉ារីស 23 តុលា 1991
២-អោយបិទទិដ្ឋាការ និង បង្កកទ្រព្យសម្បតិ្ត

-សូមមេត្តាជួយផ្សព្វផ្សាយ នឹងចែកបន្តអោយបានទូលំទូលាយ
សៈ អ្នកណាអាច signer pétition នេះបាន?
ចៈ អ្នកដែលមានសញ្ជាតិ និង អ្នកមានសិទ្ធជ្រកកោនជាអចិន្ត្រៃយ៍នៅ Canada

សូមចូលរួមធ្វើកាយវិការដ៏ថ្លៃថ្នូរមួយនេះដើម្បីប្រឆាំងនឹងអំពើរអយុតិធម៌ និងអំពើរផ្ដាច់ការនៅកម្ពុជាតាមរយៈការចុះហត្ថលេខាលើញត្តិមួយក្នុង ៥ ជំហានងាយស្រួល ក្នុងភាពសម្ងាត់ ។

របៀបចុះ ហត្ថលេខា

១- ចុចលើ Lien ខាងក្រោម ដើម្បីបើកទំព័រញាត្តិ៖
២- បើត្រូវការ ចុចលើ Français ឬ English ដើម្បីប្ដូរភាសា
៣-ចុចលើ Signer la pétition
៤- បំពេញព័ត៌មានអំពីអ្នក: ឈ្មោះ, ខេត្ត, ប្រទេស, លេខកូដប្រៃសណីយ៍, លេខទូរស័ព្ទនិងអាសយដ្ឋាន, អ៊ីម៉ែល។
៥- ទីបញ្ចប់ បើក អ៊ីម៉ែល ហើយចុចលើ៖

Chers amis et compatriotes,

Nous faisons appel à tous les Compatriotes, collègues et amis pour aider à convaincre et à encourager votre famille et vos amis à signer cette pétition en grand nombre.

Lors qu’il aura 500 signataires et plus notre député pourra soulever le problème du Cambodge au parlement Canadien à Ottawa afin de demander au Canada de faire pression sur le régime et le dictateurs au Cambodge ainsi que leurs proches:
1-Forcer M. Hun Sen à respecter les accords de Paris, 23 octobre 1991
2-Suspendre le visa d’entrer au Canada et geler les avoirs.

-Prier de bien vouloir aider à partager et à faire une large diffusion.

Q: Qui peut signer cette pétition?
R: Tous les citoyens et résidents permanents du Canada

Faites votre noble geste pour contrer l’injustice et la dictature au Cambodge en signant une pétition en 5 étapes faciles, confidentiel.

Comment signer

1- Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour accéder à la pétition:
2- Au besoin, cliquer sur Français ou English pour changer de langue.
3- Cliquez sur Signer la pétition
4- fournir les renseignements suivants à votre sujet : nom complet, province ou territoire, pays, code postal, numéro de téléphone et adresse courriel.
5- Pour terminer, ouvrez votre courriel puis cliquez sur: https://petitions.noscommunes.ca/fr/Petition/ConfirmSignature?guid=A36F9975-6208-4576-9783-641CFB3DF538

Posted by: | Posted on: September 12, 2018

European Parliament resolution on Cambodia, notably the case of Kem Sokha, EBA and UNs

Official reference source: European Parliament

European Parliament resolution on Cambodia, notably the case of Kem Sokha (2018/2842(RSP))
The European Parliament,

–  having regard to its previous resolutions on Cambodia, in particular those of 14 September 2017(1) and 14 December 2017(2),

–  having regard to the Council conclusions on Cambodia of 26 February 2018,

–  having regard to the statement by the spokesperson of the European External Action Service (EEAS) of 30 July 2018 on the general elections in Cambodia,

–  having regard to the evaluation mission of the Commission and the EEAS to Cambodia of 5 to 11 July 2018,

–  having regard to the 2008 EU Guidelines on Human Rights Defenders,

–  having regard to the statement by the spokesperson of the EEAS of 16 November 2017 on the dissolution of the Cambodian National Rescue Party,

–  having regard to the 1997 Cooperation Agreement between the European Community and the Kingdom of Cambodia,

–  having regard to the local EU statement of 22 February 2017 on the political situation in Cambodia, and the statements by the spokesperson of the EU Delegation of 25 August 2017 and 3 September 2017 on restrictions of political space in Cambodia,

–  having regard to UN Human Rights Council Resolution 36/32 of 29 September 2017 and the Report of the Secretary-General of 2 February 2018,

–  having regard to the report of the Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians and the decisions of the Governing Council of the Inter-Parliamentary Union of March 2018,

–  having regard to UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/53/144 of 8 March 1999 on the right and responsibility of individuals, groups and organs of society to promote and protect universally recognised human rights and fundamental freedoms,

–  having regard to the 1991 Paris Peace Accords, in which a commitment to uphold human rights and fundamental freedoms in Cambodia, including on the part of international signatories, is enshrined in Article 15,

–  having regard to the International Labour Organisation Convention on Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise,

–  having regard to the Cambodian Constitution, in particular Article 41 thereof, in which the rights and freedoms of expression and assembly are enshrined, Article 35 on the right to political participation and Article 80 on parliamentary immunity,

–  having regard to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948,

–  having regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966,

–  having regard to Rules 135(5) and 123(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

A.  whereas on 3 September 2017, Kem Sokha, the President of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), was arrested, and whereas on 16 November 2017, the Supreme Court announced the dissolution of the CNRP, at the end of a one-day hearing; whereas the Supreme Court has also banned 118 CNRP politicians from being politically active for five years;

B.  whereas the ruling Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) obtained 100 % of the contested seats in the National Assembly election held on 29 July 2018 and in the Senate election held on 25 February 2018;

C.  whereas the right to political participation is enshrined in Article 35 of the Cambodian Constitution; whereas the amended 2017 Law on Political Parties includes numerous restrictions on the participation of opposition parties, including the dissolution of parties if its leaders have a criminal record;

D.  whereas the 2018 elections in Cambodia were de facto non-competitive and failed to meet minimum international standards for democratic elections; whereas the European Union and the United States of America suspended their financial assistance to the Cambodian National Election Committee and declined to observe the elections;

E.  whereas the decision to dissolve the CNRP was a significant step towards the creation of an authoritarian state; whereas the political structure of Cambodia can no longer be considered a democracy;

F.  whereas the Cambodian Government took wide-ranging measures to ensure that the ruling CPP would run virtually unopposed in the elections for both the Senate and the National Assembly;

G.  whereas, following his arrest on 3 September 2017, Kem Sokha was charged with treason under Article 443 of the Cambodian Criminal Code, despite his parliamentary immunity; whereas statements by the Cambodian Government jeopardised his right to a fair trial and the presumption of innocence; whereas he faces up to 30 years in prison if found guilty; whereas the President of the Court, Dith Munty, is a member of the standing committee of the ruling party;

H.  whereas on 28 August 2018, the Cambodian authorities released 14 members of the CNRP after they had received a royal pardon; whereas this pardon is linked to the releases granted to half a dozen activists and journalists;

I.  whereas Kem Sokha was detained without trial for more than one year; whereas the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention declared Mr Sokha’s pre-trial detention to be ‘arbitrary’ and ‘politically motivated’; whereas he was released on bail on 10 September 2018; whereas he is unable to leave the vicinity of his house and is not allowed to communicate with other members of the opposition or the media;

J.  whereas the arrest and detention of Kem Sokha occurred amid widespread and systematic repression of political and electoral rights in Cambodia; whereas there has been a steady increase in the number of cases of arrest and detention of members of the political opposition and political commentators; whereas the previous President of the CNRP, Sam Rainsy, was convicted of criminal defamation and now lives in exile;

K.  whereas the Cambodian authorities have also cracked down on journalists and reporters covering the attacks on the opposition parties; whereas 69‑year‑old award-winning filmmaker James Ricketson is one of the victims of these attacks on the media; whereas Mr Ricketson was arrested for flying a drone over an opposition party rally in June 2017; whereas Mr Ricketson has been sentenced to six years in prison in the capital, Phnom Penh, on charges of espionage;

L.  whereas there has been a severe crackdown on the independent media; whereas social media networks have also come under attack; whereas in May, the Government issued a regulation restricting the rights to freedom of expression, press and publication and empowering the Government to police social media networks to uncover and silence online dissent in Cambodia;

M.  whereas trade unionists, human rights activists and civil society organisations are operating in an increasingly restricted space in Cambodia and face harassment, acts of intimidation and arbitrary arrest; whereas the 2015 amended Law on Association and Non-Governmental Organisations (LANGO) severely restricts freedom of association and expression, including by establishing government control and censorship over the work of NGOs; whereas the Trade Union Law restricts freedom of association and creates unnecessary obstacles and burdens in relation to registration procedures and the operations of trade unions;

N.  whereas five human rights defenders affiliated with the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), Nay Vanda, Ny Sokha, Yi Soksan, Lim Mony, and Ny Chakrya, face charges of bribing a witness and being an accomplice to bribery of a witness; whereas the five human rights defenders spent 14 months in pre-trial detention before their release on bail;

O.  whereas Cambodia benefits from the most favourable regime available under the EU’s Generalised Scheme of Preferences (GSP), namely the Everything But Arms (EBA) scheme; whereas the EU has allocated up to EUR 410 million to Cambodia for development cooperation for the financial period 2014-2020, of which EUR 10 million is for supporting the electoral reform process in Cambodia and is currently suspended;

P.  whereas the UN Secretary‑General recalled in his July statement that an inclusive and pluralistic political process remains essential for safeguarding the progress made by Cambodia in consolidating peace;

Q.  whereas conflicts over sugar plantations have not yet been resolved; whereas there is continuing concern about evictions from land, persistent impunity for such acts and the dire situation of the affected communities; whereas the Government of Cambodia has not signed up to the EU Terms of Reference for the Sugar Cane Audit Process;

1.  Notes that Kem Sokha was released from prison on bail under strict conditions; denounces the fact that Kem Sokha has been placed under house arrest; calls for all charges against Kem Sokha to be dropped and for his immediate and full release; calls, furthermore, for other politically motivated charges and rulings against opposition politicians, including Sam Rainsy, to be dropped immediately;

2.  Is worried about the condition of Kem Sokha’s health, and calls on the Cambodian authorities to allow him to receive appropriate medical treatment; asks the Government to allow Kem Sokha to meet foreign diplomats, UN officials and human rights observers;

3.  Expresses its conviction that the elections in Cambodia cannot be considered to be free and fair; expresses serious concerns at the conduct and results of the 2018 elections in Cambodia, which failed to produce a credible process and were widely condemned by the international community;

4.  Calls on the Cambodian Government to work towards strengthening democracy and the rule of law and to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, which includes fully complying with the constitutional provisions on pluralism and freedom of association and expression; calls, furthermore, on the Cambodian Government to repeal all recent amendments to the Constitution, the Penal Code, the Law on Political Parties, the Trade Union Law, the Law on NGOs and all other pieces of legislation limiting freedom of speech and political freedoms that are not fully in line with Cambodia’s obligations and international standards;

5.  Stresses that a credible democratic process requires an environment in which political parties, civil society and the media are able to carry out their legitimate roles without fear, threats or arbitrary restrictions; calls on the Government to take the necessary measures to ensure that the dissolution of CNRP is swiftly reversed;

6.  Reiterates its call on the Cambodian Government to put an end to all forms of harassment, abuse and politically motivated criminal charges against members of the political opposition, human rights defenders, trade unionists and labour rights advocates, land rights and other civil society activists, and journalists, among others; calls on the Government of Cambodia to release, without delay, all citizens who have been detained for exercising their human rights, including James Ricketson, and to drop all charges against them;

7.  Supports the decision to suspend EU electoral support to Cambodia; recalls the national and international obligations in relation to democratic principles and fundamental human rights to which Cambodia has committed itself; urges the Cambodian Government to engage in reforms in order to advance democracy and apply internationally recognised minimum standards for future electoral processes, including the organisation of multiparty, free and fair elections, the establishment of a genuinely independent National Election Committee and the involvement of NGOs and the independent media in election monitoring and reporting;

8.  Reminds the Cambodian Government that it must fulfil its obligations and commitments in relation to the democratic principles and fundamental human rights, which are an essential component of the EU-Cambodia Cooperation Agreement and the conditions under EBA;

9.  Welcomes the recent EU EBA fact‑finding mission to Cambodia and invites the Commission to report the conclusions to Parliament as soon as possible; calls on the Commission to consider possible consequences in the context of the trade preferences Cambodia enjoys, including launching an investigation under the mechanisms provided for in the framework of EBA;

10.  Calls on the EEAS and the Commission to compile a list of individuals responsible for the dissolution of the opposition and other serious human rights violations in Cambodia with a view to imposing possible visa restrictions and asset freezes on them;

11.  Calls on the Vice‑President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to closely monitor the situation in Cambodia; calls on the EEAS and the Member States to take action and lead the efforts at the forthcoming 39th session of the UN Human Rights Council towards the adoption of a strong resolution addressing the human rights situation in Cambodia;

12.  Calls on the Cambodian Government to renew the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Cambodia upon its expiry on 31 December 2018;

13.  Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the Council, the Commission, the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, the European External Action Service, the Secretary-General of ASEAN, the governments and parliaments of the Member States and the Government and National Assembly of Cambodia.

EU on Kem Sokha 1 EU on Kem Sokha 2 EU on Kem Sokha 3Photos

Posted by: | Posted on: August 30, 2018

Are China’s gifts a blessing or a curse for Cambodia?

Are China’s gifts a blessing or a curse for Cambodia?

Author: Pheakdey Heng, Enrich Institute


The entrance to Kratie University flanked with Chinese and Cambodian flags in a photo posted on Facebook last week.

The entrance to Kratie University flanked with Chinese and Cambodian flags in a photo posted on Facebook last week.

China’s growing dominance is met with equally growing concern in Cambodia. Despite the economic gains, too much dependence on China comes with significant commitment and risk. Reliance on China’s aid may induce Cambodia to fall into a debt trap, resulting in a loss of autonomy as a sovereign state and the deterioration of its relations with other ASEAN member states.

The lack of transparency and accountability of China’s projects is also causing social and environmental challenges in Cambodia. Criticism that Chinese companies are racing to exploit Cambodia’s resources while paying little regard to international best development practices are common among civil society actors.

The Kamchay dam, the first large-scale Chinese investment project in Cambodia, is a telling example. The dam destroyed 2000 hectares of productive forest, threatened animal species, lowered water quality and negatively affected the livelihood of local communities.

Chinese firm Union Development was awarded a concession of nearly 40,000 hectares — almost four times the amount allowed under Cambodian law — to develop a multi-billion dollar tourism hub in Cambodia’s Koh Kong province. Human rights groups allege that fishermen who had lived in the area for generations were summarily evicted, taken inland and told that they were now farmers.

Chinese investment in Cambodia’s real estate market is almost exclusively aimed at the Cambodian upper class, as well as Chinese tourists and businessmen. This is driving market prices up, making housing unaffordable for most Cambodians.

Chinese investment is also transforming Sihanoukville, once Cambodia’s premier seaside resort, into a bustling casino town. The unprecedented surge in Chinese tourists and casino development in Sihanoukville is benefitting a small group Cambodia’s rich elite, but many other Cambodians are being driven out of the area by the skyrocketing cost of living.

Even though Chinese investment is bringing wealth to Cambodia, this wealth is mainly kept within Cambodia’s Chinese community. Chinese residents and visitors in Cambodia buy from Chinese businesses, eat in Chinese restaurants and stay in Chinese hotels. The trickle-down effect to local businesses is minimal.

China’s economic power and influence can be a source for sustainable development in Cambodia, but for this to happen requires strong leadership from both countries. Both sides must make concerted efforts to promote transparency, accountability and inclusiveness in development projects.

Shared responsibility and multi-stakeholder partnership should be the guiding principles of foreign investment in Cambodia to ensure that Chinese investment and aid contributes to Cambodia’s economic, social and environmental progress in the long run.

Read the entire article at AsiaForum

Posted by: | Posted on: August 26, 2018

កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍វីអូអេ៖ លទ្ធផលនិងភាពមិនប្រក្រតីនៃការបោះឆ្នោត

Op-Ed: The CEROC


កិច្ចសម្ភាសន៍វីអូអេ៖ លទ្ធផលនិងភាពមិនប្រក្រតីនៃការបោះឆ្នោត 

VOA Live Say Monyគណៈកម្មាធិការជាតិរៀបចំការបោះឆ្នោតនឹងប្រកាសលទ្ធផលផ្លូវការនៃការបោះឆ្នោតជ្រើសតាំងតំណាងរាស្ត្រនីតិកាលទី៦នៅថ្ងៃពុធទី១៥ ខែសីហា ស្អែកនេះ ដោយអះអាងថា គ្មានពាក្យបណ្ដឹងពាក់ព័ន្ធនឹងលទ្ធផលបណ្ដោះអាសន្ននៃការបោះឆ្នោតនេះទេ។ ប៉ុន្តែ អ្នកឃ្លាំមើលការបោះឆ្នោតពីក្រៅប្រទេស អះអាងថា លទ្ធផលនៃបោះឆ្នោតនេះ មានភាពមិនប្រក្រតីមួយចំនួន។ លោក សាយ មុន្នី នៃវីអូអេ សម្ភាសន៍លោក សេង សុភ័ណ ប្រធានគណៈកម្មាធិការ ដើម្បីសិទ្ធិបោះឆ្នោតរបស់ពលរដ្ឋខ្មែរនៅក្រៅប្រទេសនិងជាអតីតមន្ត្រីបោះឆ្នោតនៅខេត្តអាល់បើតានៃប្រទេសកាណាដា អំពីបញ្ហានេះ។ khmer.voanews.com | voacambodia.com #cambodia #khmer #voakhmer