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Posted by: | Posted on: November 2, 2014

Political Platform Crafting and Debating

Reading article by  Cambodia Daily on “CNRP Leaders Hammer Out Party Platform” intrigued my deep thought on Platform and Reform agenda in which CNRP has stepped beyond imagination. The political platform in this page is also one of the examples.

Cambodia is not disturbed by political platform debating at all. In reality, Cambodia has been daily disturbed by Political Realism ie. abusing of power, impunity, corruption, unjust court system, wide gap of rich and poor, or destitute rural livelihood and city cast-system dwellers, inadequate public infrastructure and services etc. The immediate agenda should be REFORM, not PLATFORM at this moment.

Political 7 Points of CNRPCNRP’s parliamentary members as well as the party’s manpower has pushed for genuine REFORM from within of the 20 years old monopolistic government. The outcomes are at the reaching fingers while the framework for REFORM is at its play: many ministers, dignitaries and high profile powerful elites are in row to be questioned by the law-makers to clear the way for ACCOUNTABILITY, TRANSPARENCY and GOOD GOVERNANCE.

REFORM shall be useless if those powerful elites are not properly tamed and rule of laws are not properly enforced. CNRP has held ball with full grip in hands to play with the CPP. When each team has been discharged to the field, don’t think you are protesting on the street, or you are advocating for some special right such as the rights for the GAYs etc.

CNRP can play the REFORM GAME at the fullest within the prospect of law making to change the corruption system such as strengthening national assembly, NEC reforming, judiciary impartiality, neutrality of all types of arm-force and public servants, sound economic, sustainable and equitable development, and fair distribution of the nation wealth etc.

Hence, for political platform, I don’t think someone else is better than CPP in term of their written policy and long term plans. Their Triangular Shape Policy Platform as well as their Proposals for Foreign Aids and Loans are at the international standards, but one weakest thing for the CPP is the IMPLEMENTATION and MISMATCHING OUTCOMES.Political Platform in Canada 1

CNRP has well utilized the 7 points policy platform successfully to raise awareness among voters but this platform was just mainly focusing on Economic Development and Quality of Life in term of Standard of Living. It was lack “full package platform”.

Political Platform in CanadaFull package platform for Cambodia is very different from other countries. It is heuristic or holistic, the Cambodia Political Platform can not be imported, or handed over by the foreign think tanks. In Canada, the platform (as shown with the picture), the neutral court and national arm-force are not on the agenda, or the corruption is not on the table for face to face striking at all; and the voters are variable in need and in debate about the platform as politics and elections are the “place-based contraction”.

Thus, Cambodia is in contrast. The corruption issue and patron-clientele administration is at the door-step of the CNRP, the parliamentary building. MP Son Chay has taken a leading step to clean this door-step first before broadening its mission to other places.

I would request the CNRP to focus on Three Motto: Responsible + Respect + Reform.

  1. Responsible is the core value all human beings. Each of us deserves to having Freedom but the Freedom must come along with Responsibility. Cambodian people who are 18 years of age must be responsible in front of the law and the society. Individual Cambodian must primarily learn Responsibility from their parents, family, community and school. These factors are imperative.
  2. Respect means individual Cambodian must respect the righteousness and the rule of laws. CNRP has adopted strict and constructive internal leadership and regulations, for instance, every member must respect or comply by the regulations to effectivate the tasks of the party etc.
  3. Reform refers to key outstanding issues occurring in Cambodia right now: NEC, Judiciary, Assembly, Corruption, Non-neutral arm-force and public servants, Disparity of Economic Development, Land Grabbing and Forced Evictions, Abusing of Power by the Elites, Sovereignty Independence, Garment Labors and Displacement Workers, Child Labor and School Abandoning, Public Violence and Family Violence etc.

In short, political platform or party platform should not be secretly discussed by few top leaders. It must be engaged by all party member activists, supporters and general citizens. To craft a platform means everyone can voice their concerns and shared responsibility. In the meantime, it is a good time to propagate it to the larger audience on behalf of a liberal and democratic party. The party must create “working group” or “task force” by selecting those academics or experienced researchers to outreach with survey as well as public forums and conferences/seminars to brainstorm as well as to collect accurate first-hand data. A successful political platform means it is applicable, practical, comprehensive and due diligent.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 2, 2014

Political Party Platforms

Political Party Platforms

OK, you may affiliate with one particular political party, but be honest — are you really aware of where the party stands on all the issues? Or for that matter, where the opposition stands? Check out our handy table below for a list of your political party platforms.

Issue Republican Party Democratic Party Libertarian Party
Social Security Social security should be privatized (not to be confused with private savings accounts, but rather, private investments).  Social security should remain a government sponsored insurance plan for retirees.  Believe in an “opt out” policy in which one can choose to privately invest (they believe this to be the better option) or go with a government sponsored social security plan.
 Jobs  Pro small business. Supports giving small businesses tax incentives so that more jobs can be created.  Encourage businesses to keep jobs here and not outsource them overseas. Supports unions and advocates for the rights of low income workers.  Free market should dictate the job market.
 Economy  Supports free market competition and entrepreneurship, corporate deregulation and cutting entitlement spending.  Increase taxes to cut deficit. Believes large deficit negatively affects government services and that low deficits stimulate the economy.  100% Free Market.
 Security/Defense  Believe in a proactive military and defense. Supports building weapons and technology that serve to protect our nation. Believe that peace is achieved through strong defense. Increase defense and research budget.  Believe in a limited missile defense. Oppose nuclear buildup in the U.S. Believe that peace is achieved through worldwide relationship building.  Believe in reducing nuclear arms in the U.S. Military should be used to protect people’s livery and property only.
 Legal/Tort Reform  Supports tort reform and limiting victims compensation, especially for frivolous lawsuits.  Oppose tort reform and oppose limiting liability of doctors and/or businesses.  Generally does not support tort reform.
 Tax Reform  Supports tax cuts, low interest rates and the repeal of the death tax penalty in effort to stimulate the economy.  Generally supports raising taxes on the wealthy, lowering taxes for the middle class.  Stridently opposes all government imposed taxes and employer withdrawal of employees money for tax purposes.
 Immigration  Generally supports closed or tight borders and tracking system for foreign travelers.  Support illegal alien’s ability and right to become citizens and giving them more protections under the law.  Support open borders.
 Faith  Religion strongly associated with Republican party. Advocate free exercise of religion.  Strict adherence between the separation between church and state. Promote secular issues and a more secular nation.  Strong belief in separation of church and state and by contrast, Libertarians hold a strong belief in freedom of religion.
 Education  Promote school choice/vouchers and homeschooling. Supports voluntary student supported prayer in school. Opposes gender and race quotes in colleges.  Oppose vouchers. Increase NCLB federal funding. Enact new taxes to decrease class size and hire new teachers.  End government financial support of public schools, believe that all public schools should be privatized with tax credit for tuition.
 Abortion  Generally pro-life with emphasis on promoting alternatives to abortion.  Generally pro-choice owning the mantra, “Safe, legal, rare.”  Adamantly pro-choice but oppose any government financial aid to subsidize abortions.
 Energy  Oppose Kyoto treaty. Support tax incentives for energy production.  Wish to find environmentally friendly energy sources and solutions. Oppose increased drilling, especially in the U.S.  Supports deregulation and believes all government energy resources should be turned over to private ownership. Opposes government conservation of energy.
 Heathcare  Keep healthcare private. Would like to impose caps on malpractice suits. Supports reformed medicare to give seniors more choices.  Supports more federally funded healthcare programs.  Strongly supports a complete separation of healthcare and state. Supports the deregulation of the healthcare industry.
 Foreign Policy  Spread Democracy. Supports UN reform. Wants to stop WMD proliferation countries. Believe that nations who support terrorist are just as bad as the terrorist themselves. Strongly supports worldwide coalitions and multi-national programs. Supports aid for disadvantaged countries. Supports the UN.  End all foreign aid because it’s the same as welfare for nations. Believes that aid perpetuates independence on your government.
 Campaign Finance Reform  Generally support soft money contributions from individuals but supports limiting it from corporations. Also supports full disclosure.  Favor more regulation with spending limits on individuals and corporations.  No restrictions on contributions form any legal resident. Believe that politicians holding an office should not be able to run for another seat until term is over.
 Environment  Supports privatizing federal land. Believe in cap and trade market based air pollution reductions and that the market should regulate itself.  Generally puts the interest of the environment over business. Wants to maintain federal land under government control.  Believes that land and animals should be sold to private organizations or ranchers and taken out of the hands of the government because private citizens will care for it better.
 Guns Limited gun control. Strict gun control.  No control whatsoever.
 Gay Rights Oppose gay marriage. Supports constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.  Generally supports gay marriage although Democrats remain largely divided on the issue, as some only support civil unions. Pro private choice and equality including marriage.

Source: Imperfect Parents


Posted by: | Posted on: October 27, 2014

Extensive Paris Peace Agreement Analysis by CMN Radio

PPAWhat is the Paris Peace Agreement, its remarkable history, and where is it about?

Mrs. Moeung Tum of CMN Radio discussed in details with the analysis by Sophoan Seng, Dr. Duch Rasy, Dr. Dy Kareth, and Dr. Kuch Chanly. The live broadcasting is from part 1 to part 5 broadcasted on 23-24-25-26-27 October, 2014.

Beside of the 18 signatory countries who were party of the Accord, the present Cambodian government, Republic of Vietnam and Kingdom of Thailand who were party of this agreement have continued to violate this agreement, how are full meaning and stipulations of the Paris Peace Agreement mandated?

Although Paris Peace Agreement is the modern hope for Cambodian people, but the government has not complied by this agreement. Is PPA still valid or invalid? What are gross violations on the Paris Peace Agreement?

These 23 years of the Paris Peace Agreement has remained important for Cambodia at the present and the future especially in term of democratization, sustainable development, rule of laws and sovereignty independence etc.

Last chapter details on what Cambodia can move on, on what principles?

Posted by: | Posted on: October 26, 2014

Sam Rainsy on his Leadership Accountability

I absolutely agree with his speech! We need all Khmer people especially those leaders observe the five precepts with honesty, integrity, transparency and accountability. Five precepts are the basic codes of professionalism and ethics. Bravo Khmer leadership!