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Posted by: | Posted on: January 6, 2015

Program: Pragmatic Politics Thought from the Voice of Khmer Youth Part II

Program: Pragmatic Politics Thought from the Voice of Younger Khmer Generation

This part, you will learn about the Khmer meaning of Leader means a person who plays role model and a person who leads by example. Beside this, you can learn about the hero and heroines of Khmer leaders from the past.

It was broadcasted by CMN on Monday, Dec. 29, 2014.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 6, 2015

Peeling the Truth of Cambodia Political Economy

Beside of this manipulative GDP to increase wealth for the cadres, the elites and the powerful, the inability to collect domestic revenue, has been also factual to increase wealth for those bourgeoisie groups and ingrained corruption officials as well. Hence, the land concession policy, the Economic Zoning Policy, the privatization of state’s assets without fair bidding etc. all are part of injecting more wealth to those bourgeoisie groups.

But to what I called Cambodian people are cold-blooded consumers especially those are dwelling inside the cities and urban areas, are seem passively responding to state’s monopoly of infrastructure supplies such as Electricity, Water, Washes, and Garbage. Tell me how many company in Cambodia are running business to own Electricity or Garbage collection in Phnom Penh (without elaborating entire Cambodia) to value the choice of consumers as well as to structuring the competitiveness in order to gaining productive services and minimized cost? None.

As an example, a house is contracting with only one Electricity company. More the house is using the electricity, more value added cost incurred into their usage. When the house paid late few days, the service provider come to the house and unplug the electricity motor without hesitation. Those agents and services providers sometime are bribed by the house owner to accommodate ease for the need of the light. This is just one of the examples of facade democracy but operating dictatorship marketing system in case just this electricity provision.

Those Cambodian consumers are pointless in this situation. Who could shed some light for them to wake up?

Cambodia political economy can be one of the impressive subjects for university students who have enrolled in Political Science, or MBA etc. From the past to present, Political Economy has transformed into real alternative for political liberalism among post-Marxism scholars. But this article, the author is aiming to elaborate on how Cambodia politics in general has applied political economy into its governance and public administration?

History of Political Economy
I don’t know much about the birth of Political Economy. But according to some texts, the Political Economy has been a classic subject during the heyday of Adam Smith, David Ricardo and many others. Some school of thought such asWilliam Jevons and Afred Marshall keyly focused on productive factors of land, labor and capital to distance itself away from the Politics, or this thought is called “Neoclassical Paradigm”.

During the early 19th century, the conservatives and the Marxists were at their height to debating on the creating of science of society. But at the twentieth century, many subjects were closer to its points ie feminist, ecology, and moral economy etc. This group of post-Edmund Burke and Neo-Marxists likely jumped over the neo-classical orthodoxy towards Political Economy.

And I have noted that modern perspectives are expanding towards all types of periphery ie Politics of Ecology, The Indigenous Politics, The Politics of Diaspora etc.

Cambodia Political Economy

Cambodia Political EconomyAfter the peacekeeping effort and election monitoring by the United Nations in 1993, Cambodia has obtained political package of democratization, strengthening the rule of laws, and liberalize its economic development. While the world has been so indulgent into Economy than Politics and Others, Cambodia has well adapted itself to this new trend.
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Posted by: | Posted on: January 6, 2015

The Pragmatism Politics Thought by Young Khmer Generation Part I

Program: Pragmatism view of politics by Khmer Younger Generation.

This first part, you will learn the meaning of Leadership Skills, its broad meaning and activities, and how Khmer leaders have been in role model?


Posted by: | Posted on: January 1, 2015

What should CNRP and CPP behave for this 2015?

CNRP must not neglect this absorbing activity through concessioning various political means such as accepting to reform the NEC within a jargon paper contract (while deviling in details), giving TV channel (while strictly regulating inside the application form (អញ្ញាប័ណ្ណ)), and upgrading opposition party to officially recognize through the constitution in mandating power of opposition leader paralleling to that Prime Minister (while the leverages and obligations of this post are not yet detailed) etc.

Today is January 1, 2015. I am staying home for this year holiday. This holiday should accommodate me inside couch to read or to watch movies rather than keyboarding to express view on the blog. Actually, I cannot abstain to pen idea and paint vision for the collective interests of Cambodia at all.

CNRP is the opposition party that has been built within democratic principles while CPP has been born from different wombs of political spectrum. Opposition’s obligations are to criticize the government. Criticizing government doesn’t mean you are going to oppose everything that government has been doing, or to say the least, if the government is continuing to jail opposition activists and civil rights activists, opposition leaders must not only say this activity is not to create the culture of dialogue or politics of cooperation. Deploying this rhetoric doesn’t translate the duties and obligations of the opposition at all.

Why CNRP must slow down or low down its criticizing crusade towards the government? Because the opposition wants a new NEC to be reborn first, or waiting for other appropriate circumstances etc.? No. No. Criticizing the government in failure to implement the laws, to develop economic equally, or to fail to put the interest of the nation first etc. is a must. Opposition CNRP must continue to criticize and furthering its critics authority by bringing professionalism to its table through doing scientific researches and compiling those research findings into dossiers or documents to educate the public.

Whenever, CNRP stopped criticizing the government (ruling party), it means the life of the CNRP shall also perish.

2559 or 2015?

2015-01-01 23.43.09According to Cambodian lunar calendar, the new year shall likely start in the first moon day of Vishakha each year. This adoption owing to the birth of Lord Buddha on the Full Moon of Vishaka, so from that day should be considered the first day of the year calendar. However, Cambodia norm and costume have adopted Gregorian lunar month to follow the phase of the moon by calculating according to bright moon night (ខ្នើត)and dark moon night (រនោច). The first month Khmers have started to count is likely first moon day (១ កើត) of Magha (មាឃ) fallen into around ending of November and middle of December. This lunar month calendar has been using among Buddhist temple congregations and rural Cambodians. But as probably adopted by French colony, the city dwellers and government including school teachers and students are using Solar Calendar system like Western culture by adopting January (មករា), February (កុម្ភៈ) etc. and use the A.D. year.

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