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Posted by: | Posted on: January 22, 2015

Minority leader of Cambodian parliament embodied

What is minority leader?

Leader of MinorityIn most democratic countries, minority leader is very essential to ensure “critics quality” to drive force of nation building. Nonetheless, minority leader doesn’t entitle  without having proper privileges and obligations at all. In Canada, minority leader is appointed and endorsed by the Queen with full power and privileges. There are packages of budget reserved for minority office to effectively run its businesses such as campaign, rally, researches, advisory groups, assistants and staffs, and other necessary expenses.

Reading the endorsed letter issued by President of the Assembly, H.E. Heng Samrin, the two groups are nominated: parliamentarian leaders from both parties. What differences are: the CPP has one president and two deputies; but the CNRP has one president, one deputy, and one secretary. While the endorsement allowed each group to obtain office with secretaries at least 2 to 4 for daily operation. The two wings are incomparable and sophisticated.

Hence, there is the statement to recognize H.E. Sam Rainsy as the Minority Leader in the parliament, but the letter doesn’t state clearly on privileges and obligations at all.

Could any one clarify on this unsettled odd? Why Cambodian parliament, sometime, produce sophisticated and complicated bureaucrats to supplement the existing sophisticated and complicated status-quo?

Posted by: | Posted on: January 20, 2015

Political Paradigm of Young Khmer Generation 5

This part is about leaders must sacrifice.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 20, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from Khmer Younger Generation 4

This part 4 is essential to reminding leaders on how they could embrace proper behavior.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 16, 2015

Comparison on the politics of outdated policy and pragmatism

An analysis on Cambodia politics: old tactician is facing with new pragmatic politicians in Cambodia and those pragmatic younger generations.