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Posted by: | Posted on: March 8, 2012

Seminar on “Reconfiguration of Khmer Soul” on Marc 17, 2012

Original post at: World Khmer Supporters of Buddhism

You are cordially invited to this very important seminar on “Configuration of Khmer Soul”. The main purpose here is not about recollecting of typical Khmer soul rituals as believed and practiced by Khmer people, the seminar aims to elaborate on the Khmer Soul of Race/Nationality, Khmer Soul of Culture/Tradition/Costume/Buddhism, Khmer Soul of Social Affair, Khmer Soul of Economic, and Khmer Soul of Politic.

There is a part of your engagement by multi-choice questionnaires and input space of your thoughts and suggestions.

Don’t miss it, if you can not physically attend this Seminar, you can log into paltalk and enter into room named “CanCambodia”.

Thank you very much,

Sample of Seminar Paper On “Reconfiguration of Khmer Soul” on March 12, 2012: Introduction and Questionnaires


Posted by: | Posted on: February 2, 2012

Cambodian children are the young seed of Cambodia whom need special care and nurturing

To celebration the end year of 2011, Mr.Sophoan Seng, Khmer Youth Association of Alberta, CanCambodia, team-works and generous members, have initiated to help kids at two places in Cambodia in Siem Reap Province of Angkor Wat the Great.

First group of photos are illustrating Mr.Chanroeun Pa and his teams are distributing note-books, scarfs, shampoo, soap, detergent, dry Mii Yeuong noodles, study tools and cash to many kids who have been survived by the rubbish dump. Their living condition has been affected by rubbish environment which is located in remote area: no school, hospital and other amenities. Many kids and families have been moving here in hope for the career of SCAVENGING. Many generous, journalists and NGOs have stepped in to help them release suffering. Some donations offered, wells dug, and we hope that many other plans are on the row. If you wish to spare your heart and love, please do that…the location is following: Phum Tropaeng Thom, Tropaeng Thom Commune, Prasat Bakong District, Siem Reap Province.

Another group was led by Mrs. Chann to distribute note-book, pencil, pen and 500 riel cash to 500 students of primary and secondary school in Phum Dong-het, Khum Kok-thlok Krom, Jikrieng District, Siem Reap province. The school has located in the middle of four villages: Phum Dong-het, Phum Konsaeng, Phum Robieng and Phum Anlong Tro-orn at about 7 km north of national road number 6 at the Domrey Chlong point. During the civil war, this location was ravaged by the factional fighting between the Khmer Rouge armies and Vietnamese armies. The typical career of people here are farmers.

Thank you very much for your kind sharing and hospitality. We expect to receive your extending heart and love for those kids more in the future!!

Posted by: | Posted on: January 20, 2012

Help sign petition for the freedom and justice for those victims of forced eviction in Cambodia

I think those 30 peaceful protestors have sneaked from the detaining centre for freedom already, but reading this petition and the involvement of Amnesty International in Cambodia affair is a sign that Cambodian victims at Borei Keila, Boeung Kak Lake and many other places throughout the country who are suffered by land grabs and forcible evictions, are not alone.

Join Amnesty International to Sign Petition to the Governor of Phnom Penh to release those 30 peaceful protestors for the rights of housing.

Dear Governor;

Objective: Free forced evictions protesters

I am very concerned at the arrest of 30 peaceful protesters on 11 January, including 24 women and six children, who are now detained at Prey Speu Social Affairs Centre, and call for their immediate release.

I acknowledge the government’s statement that these protesters are not detained; however, protesters report that they are unable to leave, have not been given access to local civil society organisations and are being requested to agree to resettlement documents before release. In my view this constitutes detention and I reiterate the need for their immediate release.

I urge you to conduct a full and independent investigation into the forced eviction of some 300 families living at Borei Keila, Phnom Penh on 3 January, including into why the eviction took place, and the apparent excessive use of force by security forces.

The eight villagers detained on 3 January must be released pending further investigations. The members of the security forces found to be responsible for excessive use of force on this day to be suspended and prosecuted.

Those forcibly evicted must be provided with adequate compensation and suitable alternative accommodation that meets international standards for adequate housing. You are obliged to prevent forced evictions and respect and protect the right to adequate housing, in accordance with international treaties to which Cambodia is a state party.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 27, 2011

Cambodian journalists alerted on climate change

Cambodian journalists alerted on climate change





Average Cambodians associated climate change with deforestation, disease and increasing temperature, whereas Cambodian NGO workers saw it as global increase in carbon dioxide emissions and deforestation, said BBC World Trust research officer.

Mr. Trak Peaseth shared this message at a UNESCO climate change training to local journalists in Cambodia.  He also emphasized the need for free and easy access to information regarding climate change in Cambodia.

A Climate Change Training Project funded by UNESCO and implemented by the Cambodian Center for Independent Media (CCIM) was recently held in Phnom Penh including a field trip to provide direct experience on climate change in Koh Kong organized by the International Union of Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

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