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Posted by: | Posted on: January 7, 2015

Today is January 7, 2015: what have we learnt on Cambodia history?

Comment: as for the food of thought, article here is taken from History and the Headlines and photos here are taken from Maha Phirum Facebook and many paper works to reflect on this day at the middle.

Cambodia, Vietnamese Occupation of (1978–1992)

January 7 1On 25 December 1978, Vietnamese armed forces invaded Cambodia, ushering in an occupation lasting nearly thirteen years. This incursion marked the first and only extended war between communist regimes and led to a brief but bloody border war between Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Moreover, the occupation added to the tremendous suffering that Cambodia endured during the Cold War and greatly affected Southeast Asia.The origins of the Vietnamese-Cambodian conflict are complex and reach far back into history. The Vietnamese and Khmer (Cambodian) Empires had been bitter rivals for centuries. By the early 1800s, much of Cambodia had come under Vietnamese rule or was forced to pay tribute to it. This gave rise to deep-seated animosities that survived decades of French colonial rule, Japanese occupation during World War II, and two Indochinese conflicts spanning nearly thirty years.

Some interesting documentaries:

1. Vietnamese invasion in 1979

2. Interviewing Mr. Buy Teen, a former Vietnamese high ranking military staff in Cambodia on “Why Vietnam Withdrew troops from Cambodia?”

Read More …

Posted by: | Posted on: October 20, 2014

Paris Peace Agreement: The Peace and Freedom in the Context (Part III)

Inclusive Development

Among those frameworks of the Paris Peace Agreement, inclusive development and social equality are the front-page agenda. Like I mentioned previously, the peace, the freedom, and the policy of disarming and demobilizing have produced huge social odds. The economic development through free market and capitalism have transcended into crony capitalism and neo-patrimonialism.

Dominant Group or Oligarchy. Ruling and Business Elites. Ruling Party's Normenklatura and Apparatchik - Courtesy of Dr. Lao Mong Hay

Dominant Group or Oligarchy. Ruling and Business Elites. Ruling Party’s Normenklatura and Apparatchik – Courtesy of Dr. Lao Mong Hay

Further discussion to this slide of his, it is essential to hold “Public Debates” on in-dept reform of all fields that Cambodia government led by Prime Minister Hun Sen has ever promised with the Cambodian people. Answering to the question posting that “The elites are controlling the economy and the red security force (red box) is protecting them. So the obstacle is the non-neutral arm force, or guns that has still carried out the job to protect the dictator”; Dr. Lao Mong Hay inspired us to push for “Public Debates”  on this issue. He said “Indeed, our security forces including the the military and the police should be politically neutral and impartial. This political neutrality and impartiality should be extended to public servants, judges and prosecutors. It is hoped that one day, the affiliation to political parties and involvement in political activities of all these military and civilian officials will be constitutionally banned. It would be good if there were public debates on this issue, which could eventually come up with a proposal for this ban and a draft constitutional amendment to that effect. 

Diversion at Stake

While Prime Minister Hun Sen has promised to carry out in-dept reform in all fields such as Assembly, National Election Committee (NEC), Judiciary, Arm Force and Public Servants etc., one group called themselves “Pandits” are loudly speaking to appeal for the party’s reform by pushing both CPP and CNRP to reform its party structure in hope to develop more sound democracy. This latest movement has posed suspicion from all Cambodian people and democrats. The intent to help demolish the social mountain of Cambodia (Neo-Patrimonialism) with Prime Minister Hun Sen under the support of CNRP, at least, has been diverted by this new movement.

Watching this clip, the 98% of Cambodian population are farmer. The displacement to city like Poeuv is very unfortunate. Peouv was cheated and sold by a lady to another brothel. Her value is $1400 that she has no day to receive freedom from this amount of money. But her trap in Phnom Penh, at least, can afford to send monthly remittance to feed many lives in her family back home in Prey Veng. The movie has reflected the current displaced workers of Cambodia. The poor parents and siblings at home who cannot afford to earn $2 dollars a day, have placed high expectation on their displaced children regardless of what job and what position they have been working/holding. Peouv was shocked to hear his older sister flattered her of light skin and city-like figure. And she must bite teeth to avoid such painful city life revealing to her family.


In Cambodia, job means thing to keep one busy although she/he is playing cards, Ramvong dancing, singing, farming, ploughing, fetching water from the well, or lullabying a baby etc. After disarming, Sovanna worked with various jobs such as boxer, beer and ice server at the wedding party, pork meat-cutter, and farming etc. Those described jobs have no pension plan, no injury insurance, sick leave, benefits and security at all. Sovanna was mocked by his friend that he cannot earn $2 dollar a day how could he afford a girl to be his wife; and the beside sitting girl can earn up to $100 a day.

Foreign Aids

Paris Peace Agreement has brought in international currency to develop economy of this country. Trillions of dollar has been promised by the signatory parties and each year, at least, 600 millions handed over to the Cambodian government and the civil society. But life has changed with opposing direction: the rich and powerful people have become more rich and more powerful; the poor and farmers have become victim of free market economic and so-called development. Forced eviction by the elites to paving way for land speculation and concession has become unbearable. National dept has been increased while the pay-back interest is at low ratio.

The social gap and disparity have been so worried during this 23 years after the Paris Peace Agreement!

Posted by: | Posted on: July 1, 2014

Leadership is about empowering children

Dear Fellow Friends and Readers;

Power meaningWhile watching the FIFA World Cup 2014, two outstanding things pop up to my mind: the involvement of the kids and the international stage team of two poor countries: Honduras and Bosnia.

When each team is lining up into the ring, each player is tossing hand of a kid. It is a great symbol of building up younger generation to take turn everything elders have accomplished. Cambodian political culture has richly embedded by this concept. Sometime, Khmer proverb said “children are the young bamboo seed of the decayed bamboo” or “Tompeang Snorng Russey”; some time, Khmer proverb said “youths are the backbone of the future nation” etc.

But in contrast, those nicely verbally said proverb is placed in context only, not in implementation, or it is only the rhetoric, not a realistic one. Observing from parents who like to dominate children in all things rather than listening the idea or demand of the children, the educators and government leaders are in position of personal conceit of power rather than using that power to build or create or innovate new things towards their students or citizens for long-run development. Cambodian educational curriculum and teaching pedagogy are strongly embedded by vertical approach, not horizontal approach at all. Political leaders of Cambodia are indulged only in personal, family and relative corruption, or strongly embedded by patronage system, not the institutional system or rule of law at all.

For Honduras and Bosnia, these two countries have shared poverty line and civil war like Cambodia but these two countries can rise up to this international stage because of their leadership who have utilized the time frame of around 28 to 30 years like Cambodia. Their population well-being is likely well off than Cambodia. Their foreign debts is likely paid off than Cambodia. Their leadership has been clearly reshuffled in the expectation of receiving more progressive and democratization etc. Cambodia is in contrast, the incumbents are afraid of open society policy by closing its people mouth through public media, or placing restrictions to those internal power cells not to freely express their leadership, and maintain clientele-patronage-based governance regardless of fearing unavoidable backfire.  The Prime Minister has been so proud of his two achievements: stability and getting rid of genocidal through frequent public speech and televisation. In reality, he has closed his leadership by ignoring the demand of Cambodian youths who are representing 70% of total Cambodian population, or he still cannot see the leadership deficit through the recent national election result. Those youths are demanding social justice, political change, savvy economic development, freedom of expression, information and technology (IT), quality of education, decent living with minimum wage jobs, and much more…etc They are enough and enough for the political propaganda of national stability and the absence of civil war.

Today is July 1, 2014 and it is the Canada Day which Canadian government and its people are celebrating the 147th anniversary of the past but glancing at the future on how Canadian people can enrich the multiculturalism society, greater shared responsibility of nation-building within a liberal democracy processes, modernization of both social justice and economic equity, and boost itself to the international stage by providing more aids to poorer countries, reduce foreign loans and increase peace safeguard staffs to the world etc. The national and private media which are source of public education have collectively shouldered to educate the wrong-doers but admire the right-doers without censor or fear of political reprisal.

Just little thing, all Cambodians should consider to practice, please teach your kids or others the best things as you are the actors of role model. Below is a simple example of a kid whose parents are Khmer Kampuchea Krom-born and she said from her heart in which inspired all attendants during the 65th anniversary of the loss of this rich land.

Hello everyone;

My name’s Kathy Dao. I am very honored today to express some of my opinion on who am I, how could I share Khmer identity with others and my thought on the birth place of my parents, Khmer Kampuchea Krom.

Firstly, I was born in Canada but my first language is Khmer. At school, English is my second language. Of course, I spoke Khmer since I learnt how to speak as a toodler. Although, I havebeen growing up among Canadian children at school, but I have used Khmer language, eaten Khmer food and dressed Khmer cloths most of the time.

Secondly, I have informed my teachers and friends at school that I am Khmer. My parents are Khmer. My grand parents are Khmer. I have shared with them about Khmer culture, food, cloths and temples.

Thirdly, I must try to speak Khmer and learn how to write Khmer alphabets so that I can be a bilingual person living in this bilingual country. More than this, when I visit my parents’ birth place at Kampuchea Krom, I can speak Khmer with all those Khmer people without using English a word.

I think the future of Khmer Kampuchea Krom will depend on how Khmer Krom children know their own roots, their culture, their language and their freedom. I would like to urge all Khmer parents to use their little time to educate their children to speak Khmer language as well as to write Khmer alphabets so that they can receive both ability to speak Khmer fluently and to preserve their roots.

Thank you very much,

Posted by: | Posted on: August 3, 2013

Analysis of Political Landscape of Cambodia during Post Election

strategies-for-changeWhen I was a Buddhist monk, first I believe that Nibbana is a perfectionist state of mind and matter. But after I perceived on the teaching of moderation and middle path, Nibbana is just a by-product of middle path, neither materialism extreme nor self-indulgence of austerity extreme can lead us to Nibbana.
As we were at the American university, liberal democracy and egalitarian concept, draw us a lot of attention. I can see that this country has applied middle part for their ongoing success of serving the people (serving both material and spiritual need). 
Free and fair election is the concept of building spiritual or emotional need for the people. According to Buddha, when people have obtained well-materialized freedom, they are rich with wisdom and emotional satisfaction. I believe in this case as Cambodian people especially youths must be able to receive some level of freedom, fairness and confidence.
From what I saw the sea of people particularly youths came out from their nests to the public street for change is phenomenal in Cambodia. Those youths were distorted by mainstream atmosphere in building their confidence, but now they come out by themselves to explore self-oriented confidence.
CPP has likely carried the policy of censorship, but those youths are struggling to seek freedom by exposing support to the CNRP. This is the myth of social science.
Until now, I can say NEC and CPP, from their previous policy and performance, have lost credential among those young voters. If I take election outcome as my scientific assessment, NEC needs to build their credential and CPP must do at the same effort. But I don’t think CPP will arrive a stage of party dissolution. However, leadership within the party must be re-arranged or reshuffled. My only one intention for this proposal is to build “credential” and “confidence” back.
For CNRP, this party has gained momentum from at least four scenarios:
– Social myth among youths who are crying for change for a better dream and goal of life
– The unification of two meritocratic leaders
– 7 key points and concise policy
– Build up strong and sound voice of nationalism in which CPP has long time neglected it especially about the illegal immigrants and border scheme solution with Vietnam.
What is next?
There are pros and cons for CNRP to be a coalition or independent. If CNRP will win the 63 seats or up as demanding on the irregularities of the election, it is pragmatically to have CPP to join for coalition government. But if CNRP can retain only 55-56 seats while CPP is still maintaining the same 67-68 seats as publicly announced, the coalition government is not pragmatic for the CNRP. Hence, the opposition CNRP must be able to ensure that arm force is independent, court is independent, NEC is reliable and credible, TVK is neutral, corruption must be effectively implemented, law on immigration and the citizen application must be enforced, the 7 key points of economic development must be practical, and the unity of internal CNRP must be strong etc. in order to take a lead for 2018 election and able to build its own government.
One of the above factors, CNRP is a party of arm-less group and they are backed by the force of civil people. Political scientists have always balanced civility and the militia at the same importance on advancing political progress. As we all know, Cambodia at present is well-known for partial arm forces. If the current election result is assaulted by the heavy mobilization of the military, how could we know that the 2018 election will be a free lunch from that?