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Posted by: | Posted on: April 8, 2015

Hing Thirith who is government official but selected by the CNRP

Eventually, those nine members are expected to show their neutrality, high working ethics and capacity to drive new NEC to gain trust from Cambodian people, the political parties, and to push for genuine democratic achievement. Their crusading tasks are not yet criticized as their realism into this nation building has not yet departed. But we are eagerly looking forwards to seeing their performance after the parliament promulgated ratification.

We are surprised to see CNRP has selected diverse candidates for their own quota of four members of new National Election Committee creation. Among those, they are from NGO, from political party activist, from government official, and from women wing.

rong-chhunMr. Rong Chhun is well known for his hard working to protect Cambodia interests in many occasions such as from additional border treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam, his hard working to advocate for decent wage for teachers and garment workers. His advocacy and constructive criticism towards the government officials who have abused their own power has been so outstanding.

kuoy bunroeunMr. Kuoy Bunroeun is known for his leadership as representative in Kampong Cham province and gave up his post to opening way for his president, Sam Rainsy, to pursue his political career after Cambodia court convicted him and banned him from law-maker candidacy as well as voting right because of his triumph to protect Cambodia land border.

Te MonyrothMrs. Te Monyrong is only woman among those nine members picked up by CNRP.

A Hing Thirith Photo


Thus, Mr. Hing Thirith is an officer of the incumbent government with the post as a prosecutor for the supreme court of Cambodia.

In contrast to the CPP that has chosen two former members of past NEC, a law-maker, and a senior officer of the Interior Ministry, the CNRP has diversified its ability to step beyond boundary by choosing members who are from civil society, feminism, and incumbent government official. Pragmatically, this party has likely pursued the policy of inclusiveness, no clinging to assign enmity among Khmer people, and be in pragmatic leadership of nonviolence and culture of dialogue.

For Hing Thirith in particular, he was once removed from the post by his own working ethics to preside over many cases in the court. Radio Free Asia English language reported in 2004 that Hing Thirith ruled over four different cases led to be attempted of removal. Among those cases was a conviction Thirith ruled out over Hun Sen’s nephew Nim Sophea for involvement in a shooting that left at least two people dead.

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Posted by: | Posted on: March 2, 2015


How much you are aware of LEADERSHIP? And how much you have delved into developing yourself into EXTRAORDINARY LEADER?

I have compiled many skits to help with your EXPLORATION. They are short but concise, attractive and legible.

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Posted by: | Posted on: February 22, 2015

Reflection on the natural activism “Mother Nature Cambodia”

Weekly Analysis (Third Week of February 2015)

While the Western countries believe in giving space and liberty to their citizens to bravely speak up their voice and fully engage in social development in the hope of long term survival of their motherland, Cambodia is in dichotomous effort by the government. This historical and remarkable contrast has happened since Cambodian people protest against the additional border treaty with Vietnam in 2005, many of them were arrested and jailed, once Prime Minister Hun Sen promised to make coffins for those who dare to claim back Khmer Krom lost land for Cambodia, and with many other occasions including banning Alex from his campaign to protect the Cambodia forests, is seen as an attempt to threat those bottom line people activism who are working to protect their lands and forests and to open way or encourage the wrong doers such as land grab activities, deforestation and logging, and forced eviction etc. to continue their wrong deeds without obstacle.

This week, Cambodia media has been immensely covered by the Cambodian

Courtesy of Mother Nature facebook page

Courtesy of Mother Nature facebook page

government measure to reject visa extension for Alex Gonzalez-Davidson aka Alex to banning him from staying in Cambodia beyond February 20th expiry date. Alex has fallen in love with Cambodia nature particularly in Areng Valley in Koh Kong of South Western Cambodia. He has lived in Cambodia for more than 10 years and he can use Khmer language fluently. From his tangible contact with local communities and his researches in Areng area, he reveled that this more than 500 h. vast dense jungle and prairie are comprising of rare plants, wild life, lakes and brooks, and minority people etc. It has huge potential for eco-system and eco-tourism to generate income rather than to build dam that produces low electricity capacity. More than this, the dam project has likely hidden agenda to cut trees for trade within this vast plentiful green forest. Cambodian people especially youths both inside and outside of Cambodia have come in solidarity to condemn the government for this very unjust, negligible, dis-courageous measure. (watch this video Alex said about his visa denying)

The Cambodia People’s Party (CPP) has emerged the longest controller of power to be able to generate their wealth through lands, rivers, water, air and mountain businesses. Prime Minister Hun Sen and his leadership emerged as anti-capitalism. The CPP was installed by the Vietnam who practiced political dogma and ideology of Marx-Lenin to proliferate the farmers and to downgrade the bourgeois classes, has transformed themselves overnight to generate their personal, family and patrons wealth unbelievably. During this overnight policy changing, Hun Sen family and his political rings members have changed from poor cadres into billionaire capitalists.

The Social Change and Revolution has rested on “Blessed Unrest”

Blessed Unrest is a title of a book written by Paul Hawken. He posed intrigued question on the front cover that “How the Largest Movement in the World Came into Being and Why No One Saw It Coming?”.

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Posted by: | Posted on: January 22, 2015

Minority leader of Cambodian parliament embodied

What is minority leader?

Leader of MinorityIn most democratic countries, minority leader is very essential to ensure “critics quality” to drive force of nation building. Nonetheless, minority leader doesn’t entitle  without having proper privileges and obligations at all. In Canada, minority leader is appointed and endorsed by the Queen with full power and privileges. There are packages of budget reserved for minority office to effectively run its businesses such as campaign, rally, researches, advisory groups, assistants and staffs, and other necessary expenses.

Reading the endorsed letter issued by President of the Assembly, H.E. Heng Samrin, the two groups are nominated: parliamentarian leaders from both parties. What differences are: the CPP has one president and two deputies; but the CNRP has one president, one deputy, and one secretary. While the endorsement allowed each group to obtain office with secretaries at least 2 to 4 for daily operation. The two wings are incomparable and sophisticated.

Hence, there is the statement to recognize H.E. Sam Rainsy as the Minority Leader in the parliament, but the letter doesn’t state clearly on privileges and obligations at all.

Could any one clarify on this unsettled odd? Why Cambodian parliament, sometime, produce sophisticated and complicated bureaucrats to supplement the existing sophisticated and complicated status-quo?