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Posted by: | Posted on: April 28, 2017

Government belongs to the Cambodian people, not to any particular political party

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 104

This part (104), Mr. Sophan analysed on “Government belongs to the Cambodian people, no one can privatize government”.

Members of CabinetWith this prudent aspect, Cambodia is Constitution-based nation. As said, political parties are just part of the nation’s actors paralleling to civil societies and other spatial communities in which hose actors are generally called “stakeholders”.

Cambodian people have placed in a grey zone in comprehending the government leadership especially the government has irresponsibly worked to cloud the Cambodian people not to see the government as it is belonging to the Cambodian people through all provisions by the current Constitution, not belonging to any political party.

One of the examples is government leadership structure or bureaucrats. The government-led part is not the government although those top leaders including Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Council Ministers, and Secretary of States or all of them are called “members of cabinet”, are from a party.

Those members of cabinet swore in to office to serve the people, to abide by the Constitution, to protect national interests, and to protect Constitution etc. Each provided royal degree to those members mean they have passed credentials, qualifications, and undertaken high esteem of responsibility in front of the King, the Cambodian people, and the Constitution.

Posted by: | Posted on: April 9, 2017

Political applicability and financial manageability of 5 points policy of CNRP

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 101


5 Points of Policy from CNRP to campaign for vote for this Commune Election of June 4, 2017

This part (101), Mr. Sophan analysed on the standard of policy platform for political parties to campaign for vote. By describing the five points of CNRP, Mr. Sophan elaborated the exclusive applicability, financial manageability, and its merits and wills to implement them aiming to success.

The five points that are covering on all political aspects of good governance, respects of human rights, sustainable development and increasing family income, especially the strengthening of local government through allocating $500,000 US to each commune for its operational budget, all are seen critical.

Posted by: | Posted on: January 17, 2017

Happy New Year 2017 and bad luck from year of 2016 for Cambodian citizens

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 93

This part (93), Mr. Sophan takes his precious time to bless all Cambodian compatriots to having good health and continual success for this New Year 2017.

Courtesy: Facebook

Courtesy: Facebook

In the meantime, he concluded three distinctive social components i.e. politics, economic, and social as following:

  1. Politics: during the passed year of 2016, he has seen the year of 2016 as the worst one. Many constitutional violations happened within the palm-hand of Prime Minister Hun Sen such as arresting and jailing a Senator and Law-maker without respecting parliamentary impunity well inscribed within the Constitution. Two law-makers were beaten to nearly death by members of PM’s bodyguard unit, civil society members of Adhoc were arrested and jailed because of using their own petty cash of their NGO to aide a woman victim, and over 19 activist of opposition party were arrested and jailed, up to the present.

  2. Economic: Cambodian people are the poorest citizen in Southeast Asia. According to annual income indexed by a well-known organization, each Cambodian people earn only over 1200 US dollars a year which is the lowest revenue among those 10 states of Asean. The social gap has been wider while the attempt to raise middle income figure is vocal by the government.

  3. Social: the distrust between Cambodian people and the authority of the government especially with the judiciary system has been wider and riskier leading to intractable social conflict and division.

Posted by: | Posted on: December 23, 2016

The rule by law of Hun Sen administration is facing severe counterproductive

Political Analysis:

CPP’s party convention on December 18, 2016 came with the statement on pushing for further “reforms” and “culture of dialogue” in which the stance is like previous party convention statements. Hence, the statement and the action have already displayed contradictory landscape. The subsequent statements are viewed of propaganda rather than political will to ascertain them. The perception of the public especially those facebookers and online youth savvy users have highly conveyed on “double standard” being used by the Prime Minister to influence all sectors of the government cells to incline in such “rule by law” in a tapestry of legal enforcement. “Rule by law” that is described as “double standard” implementation was called by international expertise to subsume current practices of Hun Sen leadership in which “rule of law” has been visibly disregarded.

“Rule of law” which is known for “institution building” is not in sight of Cambodia incumbent leader. He has tantamountly operated like a state of nature shadowed by his supreme and sacred leadership to team up “clan” by using law to favour his side but not the other side, and this is called “rule by law” by foreign expertise.

Left: Chean Pisith Right: Sum Putthi Photo courtesy: facebook

Left: Chean Pisith
Right: Mong Putthi
Photo courtesy: facebook

Look at the bottom line of population, the social disintegration and popular discontent towards such top down “rule by law” has gradually widened. The example case happening in Poipet while a policeman named Chean Pisith fell down in front of a car, and policemen handcuffed the driver named Mong Putthi immediately without waiting a thorough investigation, is critical. Watching video clip filmed by bystanders, the policeman tricked to fall down himself in front of the parking car aiming to accuse the driver who is the activist of Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). Now, the legal needs are met as Doctor issued confirmation letter of injury and unconsciousness of the policeman while the public has cried out loud on such trick committed by Chean Pisith and colleagues.

This case is one of the hundred cases illustrating maltreatment and extrajudicial conducts of incumbent government. Many broad daylight murderings have been in impunity. Many trials on both civil society members and opposition political activists are not comparable to the illegal and crime committed by the powerful side viewed by the public. The trend has become more serious and it is believed to be more fragile and polarized within this society under Hun Sen leadership.