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Posted by: | Posted on: September 17, 2013

What was happening to Chhim Phal Virun and Phay Siphan

Public is condemning radio and TV commentator Chhim Phal Virun and government spokesperson Phay Siphan when both of them appeared among nonviolent mass demonstration on September 15th, 16th and 17th, 2013. This incident occurred after the first condemnation was happened to a news outlet manager and TV commentator Soy Sopheap who was surrounded by the youth group during his lining up to cast his vote on July 28th, 2013.

Posted by: | Posted on: September 14, 2013

CPP CNRP and the King: Meeting of the Announcing

In my guess, CNRP is still obtaining many means to handling political negotiations. If there is no progress on demand for change on NEC, the attendance on the first National Assembly Convention might be shamefully missed the 55 elected members. Intensifying to the existing peaceful mass demonstration, the taking over national assembly by the CNRP alone, or the power share as a hybrid opposition within the winning constituencies/provinces, all are considered effective mechanism for genuine reform and change.

Thomas Hobbs on his book of “The Leviathan” critically narrated the “state of nature”, “divine leadership” and “monarchy” as the type of government operated by the absolute and divine King. Almost 500 years now that his theory has still being embedded in Cambodia and I am keen to comment on it while the King of Cambodia: Preah Bat Norodom Sihamuni invited the top leaders of CPP and CNRP to the meeting to resolve the political deadlock caused by the recent National Election on July 28th, 2013.

Watching TVK’s video clip of shorter than 20 minutes, the meeting is about listening to the King’s letter orally read by him with an unobstructed and unnatural tone. After that, the King handed the letter to both top leaders to invite them for the first session of national assembly. This scene surely pleased Premier Hun Sen but displeased Sam Rainsy, at an incalculable level.

The Fight for People Demand and the Confrontation with the Leviathan

At the present, Cambodia has faced with the dilemma of two groups of people: the change challengers and the fans of the divinity. The election day and the subsequent days after the election roaming up to now, the cohort of youths and mass population have come out to the street to support CNRP without fear and reluctant in their expedition for change. As the matter of fact, the increase of seats of CNRP and the crowd joining with the peaceful mass demonstration manifest the truth of non-stopped challenging. The crowd is the message for civility, liberty and rights.

But for the King who has been regarded as divine by the Cambodian people issued a letter on August 30th to appeal to all Cambodian compatriots to respect the existing mechanism of NEC according to the National Constitution in which analyst posed suspect on the inconsistent letter issued on August 7th that advised both rivals to negotiate and settle down conflict peacefully. Latter on, the King issued letter to support NEC to announce the election result as mandated on its schedule. Subsequently, this face to face meeting is to pre-arrange for the King’s call for the first convention of the National Assembly on September 23rd. as mandated by the NEC mechanism.

This trend is moving reversely to the demand of the CNRP that has continuously called for the not-free and not-fair election conducted by the NEC since before and after the election. CNRP has repeatedly called for the delay of result announcement, but no one care! Now, CNRP is likely speechless as the King will convene the first National Assembly and handed the invitation letter by televising it to his people entire the country. The puzzling question is that why NEC is seen so protective especially by the divine King? Why the demand of CNRP which is representing “change challengers or civility” is not on the eye of the King?

CNRP’s leadership is going to face tough decision making as one is their challenging supporters and another is their respectful divine King. At this crossroad, politics is about “survival” and I hope it is not the “survival of the fittest” described by Darwin. For Premier Hun Sen, he is likely happy with the provision by this power of divinity in the meantime that Sam Rainsy can tell the reporters only that “meeting today is no no, nothing”.

Futurist’s Thought on the Future Monarch of Cambodia

Many observers and writers have said the same tune that the popularity and the important role of the King of Cambodia is on the rim of decline. This inclination is possibly caused by the increase in civility and respectful neutrality of the King especially during the occurring conflicts is not practical. Different from the King Father: Preah Bath Dhammakod, his presence in China is in China; no interacting letters were endorsed in Cambodia. While the King was absent, the substitute(s) can hold to power and authorize decision making vertically.

But this time, observing from letter issued on August 30th, 2013 till now, the respectful neutrality has been gradually in a loophole. As the message of the CNRP has greatly outreached to the bottom line Cambodian people on the bad credibility of the existing NEC and calling for the creation of independent co-investigator; the mediation effort of the King is to push all parties to accept the existing NEC.

What will happen NEXT?

No one know exactly what is happening NEXT because it is the myth of the politics. It is not a divine predestine but a human-oriented opportunity. The calling for mass demonstration by the CNRP on 15-16-17 of September shall be in business as usual. But to keep the flame alive on the prospect of change might be not on motion within the demonstrators. It might be on a set of classroom to instruct them about the exercise of civil rights and liberty. But it is very useful for the component of democracy that people “must be able to freely express themselves and exercise their rights without limit”, and importantly it will advocate for broader concept of “well-informed citizens”.

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Posted by: | Posted on: September 13, 2013

Comment on CAMBODIA: New Political Trend of Positive Change by Our Ritthy

Dear Mr. Ou Ritthy;

As current deadlock is on its way, CNRP must not only stick on nonviolent mass demonstration as only one possible means; there are many other possible means waiting ahead. If the CNRP accepted the 55 seats as its base to build the foundation for reform; the time is fast approaching before the round table talk invited by the King. Or the meeting is a pending scenario prior to the formation of the new government? I don’t know how the leaders are trading off in mind but the political communication for public stunt is rolling non-stopped and the leaders must adopt, adjust and adjourn wisely and flexibly.

I am enriched and empowered by your thought provoking article. Among youths of youths, I think you have taken step of political advancement far beyond current Cambodian context. Talking about youths’ political socialization, yours is moving far beyond them and out-dating most incumbent Cambodian politicians.
Courtesy: Social Business News

Courtesy: Social Business News

As a keen futuristic political observer, the trend of change in political culture on behavior, leadership, socialization, participation and power perception, is on its unobstructed rolling. I have placed a lot of hope on young Cambodians representing 30% as the agent of political realism and pragmatism in this country. I can see that at the moment, many Cambodian politicians have been outdated by those young generations. As a outdated product, there will be no market or inventory shelve to sell those products any more.
One of the examples, while the CNRP has changed its policy to non-confrontational approach, the CPP is still strongly undertaking that past habitual confrontational means. Part of political will, and I don’t see concrete message on internal reform, CPP has keen interested on the grassroots movement and the power of this social stratum by increasing wage to those commune councilors. The use of this existing tool might not be effective for CPP to call back confidence at all. CPP must focus on macro reform and the change of its political leadership. On a glimpse of current movement and social change, the Premier must consider himself a great leap of sacrifice by undertaking political retirement by early or middle period before or during the upcoming government if it is to be fully formed. Doing so, the Premier can retain both personal interest and party interest.
For CNRP, the conglomeration of all democratic bodies is impregnably to boost current confidence but it doesn’t ensure that the future is resulted the same if the leadership doesn’t answer the demand for the youths and the futurists. As current deadlock is on its way, CNRP must not only stick on nonviolent mass demonstration as only one possible means; there are many other possible means waiting ahead. If the CNRP accepted the 55 seats as its base to build the foundation for reform; the time is fast approaching before the round table talk invited by the King. Or the meeting is a pending scenario prior to the formation of the new government? I don’t know how the leaders are trading off in mind but the political communication for public stunt is rolling non-stopped and the leaders must adopt, adjust and adjourn wisely and flexibly.
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Posted by: | Posted on: September 7, 2013

Mass demonstration resumed legacy blossomed

Dear Cambodian Compatriots;

7 Sept 2013 Peaceful Mass Demonstration2

Although supreme patriarchs issued direction for monks not to participate with the demonstration, hundred of them came out to the freedom park equipped with ribbons, lotus flowers and yellow umbrellas. Photo Courtesy: Facebook

Today, Cambodia has witnessed the new chapter of its history in nation building process: transforming the culture of violence into the culture nonviolence. I have read this phenomena very long time ago and I am looking forward to seeing its transcendence. Putting aside the prolific speech of Sam Rainsy, president of the CNRP, at his convincing statement at freedom park: “today we are not only witnessing the protest against injustice but we are embracing the new culture of Cambodia: the Culture of Nonviolence”, I am convinced by the peaceful environment of the mass demonstration and the many thousands enthusiastic participants.

Those demonstrators have played good role model of well-informed citizens and well-disciplined political activists to other Cambodians countrywide. The security armed force has also demonstrated their understanding on how to perform duties properly and appropriately. Both demonstrators and policemen have demonstrated maturity and they are on the verge of “well-informed citizenship and well-disciplined political professional”.

7 Sept 2013 Peaceful Mass Demonstration

Freedom Park was restricted to 10000 participants by the authority while the CNRP asked for 20000 participants, but the real scene has been claimed of half million participants. Photo Courtesy: Facebook

For the preconception of the civil rights and liberty, those who have restrained from all types of abuses such as physical abuses, financial abuses, sexual abuses, verbal abuses and psychological abuses, are considered REAL ACTIVISTS of CHANGE; they are the CATALYSTS for CHANGE. Violence is the change resistant. Violence is stemmed by greed, hatred and delusion. Nonviolence is blossomed by giving or sharing, compassion and wisdom.

In the past, Lord Buddha built democracy by the march for Freedom and Enlightenment. To succeed this goal, He implemented the nonviolence method diligently, intellectually and effectively. Every time, He addressed the audience of loving-kindness, compassion, sympathy, and equanimity. The core stanza of his teaching is “No Other Happiness is Greater than Peace, Nibbana is the Greatest Bliss”.

7 Sept 2013 Peaceful Mass Demonstration4

Youths are courting authority to choose between guns and beautiful lotus flowers. Photo courtesy: Facebook

We must believe strongly on the effectiveness of this message: the message of PEACE. The mantra of PEACE and the mission of spreading PEACE have carried more weigh in bringing benefits to human beings. It doesn’t only help to disperse FEAR but also to increase CONFIDENCE and TRUST. Cambodian people especially YOUTHS have embraced this mantra since the DAWN of election campaign, and we should not allow the DUSK of this embracing mindset diminish from this beloved wonderful land.

With Love and Peace,
