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Posted by: | Posted on: September 28, 2013

Cambodia in the next five years

Dear Mr. Kea and Campo’s Esteemed Members;

Dear All,

It would be interesting to get your visions or opinions on “Cambodia in the next five years.” Kea

Answering to your question is a big burden for Cambodian politicians. If you have chance to ask those 123 members of assembly on this same question, how diverse and interesting it is? I think we should have an independent body to impose on those politicians to answer key questions for their mandate regarding their ability and commitment for this prestigious job. They should not be just swearing in by mimicking speech of a group anchor. They must show genuine interest in the job, their mission and vision statement, and their actual task time frame to achieve during these 5 years term.  
For me, I do agree with Munin and Kimchoeun; and further to that the trend in Cambodia now is absolutely spectacular. The Cambodian people impregnably are able to control their own destiny. I am very optimistic on that. Pragmatically speaking, the past sorrow and suffering have translated into struggle for freedom, justice, equity, rights and brights. Their struggle has based on nonviolence, visionary leadership, compassion, intellectual and cognitive. This new phenomena will drive hard towards those politicians to bend themselves 180 degrees in order to adapt, adjust and adhere. If they don’t bend, they will be surely tipped over.
From observing current exposing of political landscape, the leadership between CPP and CNRP illustrates something following:
– The idea of public forum conducting monthly in both local and national level addressed by Hun Sen on the first day of new cabinet inauguration in order to listen to the needs and complaints of the people, is a sign to respond to this new trend. Hence, this new written policy and lecturing have happened just after the frequent successful public mass demonstrations and rallies conducted by the CNRP. I think CPP has bent itself but it is considered very late as well as lacking trust from the Cambodian people. While the reform is on the written policy, the CPP has experienced tremendous pressure from the Cambodian people in building trust and participating from the Cambodian people.
– The inquiry of CNRP to take over the presidency of National Assembly is a smooth response to the need of the Cambodian people. As the Assembly is the community center for Cambodian citizens to send their representatives to work for their demands, the possible chairing over the Assembly will not only to endorse check and balance in this country, the CNRP has exercised Servant Leadership and bend itself 180 degrees.
– Among other reforms, the Assembly reform is in need to answer the new trend of the Cambodian people. Any party who can take initiative on this reform, that party will gain more support from the Cambodian people. Those reforms include trustful, free and fair National Election Committee (NEC), changing the procedure of selecting representative from current party-based criteria to be individual meritocratic based criteria, increase more assembly seats to respond to new change of demography, allow Cambodian foreign workers and oversea Cambodians to vote in each national election, and ensure that the three key institutions such as Assembly, Judiciary and Executive allow the participation and leverage of the opposition to play their role for Check and Balance. Note that the selection of assembly candidate in Cambodia now has based on party practiced by both CNRP and CPP. This practice has not only deprived the work effectiveness of the nation, it has also damaged the party as whole. The change procedure should copy from other democratic countries by conducting election within the party first to select the competent candidate to stand for competition.   
Posted by: | Posted on: September 25, 2013

Interactive dialogue: Human rights in Cambodia 28th Meeting 24th Regular Session of Human Rights Council

The report of Prof. Surya Sobedi, special rapporteur of the United Nations for Cambodia on this September 24, 2013, is seen a huge wealth of knowledge and practical recommendation for the genuine reform of Cambodia. The responding of Mr. Sun Suon, a representative of Cambodia, is really critical to going along with the recommendation and he is so protective to the status quo of his government, while his opening statement is showing awareness on the finding without hesitation.

Further more, the guest comments from both Japanese and Australian government is very crucial for Cambodia to further commit on its reform pace. They clearly elaborated on the NEC reform, the vast irregularities of the recent election, the injustice and inequality in society, the call for working together of both key political parties etc.

Ms. Ruth Stone of Australia emphasized that the lack of confidence and trust on National Election Committee (NEC) from the Cambodian people has posed great threat on democracy development and national unity.

Further to above UNs’s report, EU and US etc. have issued its statement on political stalemate in Cambodia as a backward of democratization in this country, and they have called for greater political will to solve issue immediately.

Posted by: | Posted on: September 21, 2013

The King Should Send Only Royal Letter for 23 September 2013

Dear Cambodian Compatriots;

I don’t wish to see any discontentment from Cambodian people towards our King at all. If the King cannot follow the footstep of his Father, King Norodom Sihanouk during the political deadlock in 2003 who publicly declared that he will not attend the first meeting of the assembly if the two rivals cannot settle down the conflict, OUR PRESENT KING SHOULD ONLY SEND THE ROYAL LETTER TO THE ASSEMBLY THROUGH HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY TO READ FOR THEM. The King has been warrant by the laws to choose his own choice and decision-making for the sake of Monarchy and Unity.

The latest development of political deadlock in Cambodia has become tense and the King has been seen as the target from people’s eyes and international communities. Tomorrow of September 23th, 2013 will mark an important historical day for King Norodom Sihamuni since his enthronement in October 29, 2005. If the King cannot avoid and he must present at the National Assembly to lead the first parliamentary convention tomorrow (September 23th, 2013), it shall be known as the second most controversial day for the King since his enthronement. The first most controversial day is not something unpopular to the Cambodian people because it was very obsessive as many critics and opposition members were jailed; the Prime Minister, the assembly members and the King worked under pressure to complete the border treaty between Cambodia and Vietnam which is called “Supplemental Border Treaty between Kingdom of Cambodia and Republic of Vietnam”. After the Assembly ruled majorly by the Cambodian People’s Party approved the treaty by showing hands on November 11th, 2005, the King ratified it eventually to legalize the treaty.

Tomorrow shall recall the King’s leadership on bonding the Cambodian people. As the nature of two conflicts happened by the protest from the opposition party while the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) has increased its popularity and major votes among the Cambodian people substantially, the approval act of the King would be seen increasing implausible and discontentment among Cambodian people.

As a Cambodian citizen, I have wholeheartedly supported the Monarchy existence in Cambodia. This institution is not only essential by its embedded splendid history, the national motto and constitution, my feeling of belonging and my sense of pride on the Great Kingdom of this country, has intuitively absorbed into my mind, heart and responsibility. I don’t wish to see any discontentment from Cambodian people towards our King at all. If the King cannot follow the footstep of his Father, King Norodom Sihanouk during the political deadlock in 2003 who publicly declared that he will not attend the first meeting of the assembly if the two rivals cannot settle down the conflict, OUR PRESENT KING SHOULD ONLY SEND THE ROYAL LETTER TO THE ASSEMBLY THROUGH HIS PERSONAL SECRETARY TO READ FOR THEM. The King has been warrant by the laws to choose his own choice and decision-making for the sake of Monarchy and Unity.

Doing so, the King will possibly retain full respect from Cambodian people.



Posted by: | Posted on: September 18, 2013

The Two Dichotomous Manesfactos

After reading a short paragraphs to two different arguments of Cambodian politicians ie. Phay Siphan and Yim Sovann on facebook on the must follow the Constitution and the Effort of the King, and the must follow the will and conscience of the Cambodian people. I have my say as following:

Of course, the argument is likely becoming a stage for national debate. Cambodian people from all walks of life must participate with this renaissance and enlightening crusade for the nation. While one side is sticking on the rational of National Constitution and having the King on the Constitutional Mandate, the other side is focusing on the rationale of people’s will and their conscience.

This question is really relevant that “Can the spoken represent the unspoken?”. I cannot calculate how many are spoken and how many are unspoken. Recently, Prince Dhammiko declared to the peaceful mass demonstrators at the Freedom Park that there were thieving of victory from the CNRP by the CPP. He elaborated that the unnecessary dispatching/rallying of arm force, tanks and guns to every part of capital city, to the headquarter of NEC and CCC etc. during the pending election result, is a fact of threatening.

I have two scenarios to back up my argument following:

1. To pursue my neutral debate (professional neutrality as said probably), I see the existing mechanism of Constitution is facing dilemma as no international communities have given green light to the election result. And I think the UNs is the most outspoken one in this matter as their recommendations to reform the NEC prior to the Election has been intentionally neglected. So extending to this backing up, is there any factor or correlation between Cambodian Constitution and UNs as well as other international obligations to adjudicate or legitimize this bonding or undetachable obligation?

2. Civil rights and liberty have evidenced as all were opposing to the existing laws or constitution. If I can recall back to the March of Ghandi for freedom from England, or Jr.King to fight for the halting of black skin discrimination; all are opposing the existing mechanism, am I right? This doesn’t include many dictatorial countries that their existing laws and constitution are just the shield to protect absolute power. But when people woke up, those laws have been seen nonsense.

But I do think laws and constitution in Cambodia have been amended by National Assembly and it has been seen flaws while Check and Balance, and Effective Implementation, have been nationally and internationally criticized. So if we could not take those critics as our bonanza for reform in all fields, just NEC reform is nothing hideous to the Constitution at all. The NEC reform will only be luminous to this nation, unity and the strengthening of nation building through Election Confidence and Trust.

Note that I have only supported the effort, in case of Cambodia especially at the present crossroad, to switch from the use of guns to use the power of pens. At an effort of CNRP’s leadership, the testimony of peaceful mass demonstration, the constraints behavior of the policemen, the change to more open minded TV commentators, the well-informed demonstrators/population, the maturity of the politicians, tolerance and nonviolence culture, all can keep the flame alive on this wonder land.

The puzzling question here now is why NEC has been seen so protective, not only by the powerful entities and some politicians, by the use of Constitution to protect NEC is not plausible, healthy and futuristic at all for Cambodia.

