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Posted by: | Posted on: November 11, 2013

The ICJ Judgement, the Prasat Preah Vihear and the Cambodian people

Prasat Preah VihearToday marks historical event for Cambodia while the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in the Hague of Holand interpreted the verdict of the Preah Vihear issue of June 15, 1962 again as this temple is belong to Cambodia, not Thailand. On this November 11, 2013, the court affirmed its stand again. Cambodian people from all strata including the politicians are happily cheering to this judgement. The most cheering politicians are Prime Minister, adviser(s) to Premier and the spokesperson of the government (listened from RFI and VOA).

For online group debate such as CAN and Campro, the members shared different aspects on the judgement. Reading the original document of the judgement, the court declared the Temple belongs to Cambodia while the document doesn’t elaborate or clarify the contested surrounding area or vicinity of 4.6 km square land parcel. The court termed “promontory” or means “a narrow area of high land that sticks out into the sea” in its written judgement. For Cambodia, the mentioned 4.6 km square is not mentioned in its legal contesting at all. Cambodia has never said or termed such 4.6 km square; Cambodia has seriously referred legal contesting to the Map or the Annex 1 Map, according to Phay Siphan, the spokesperson on Hello VOA today. After the court released its judgement, the editor of ThaiPBS Sermsuk says Thailand has lost 1-2 sq km around temple NOT 4.6 sq km (link).

The interpretation conundrum might rest within a sloppy trail as individual Cambodian and Thai will have their say and their vocal opinion.

However, the adjudication of the court has already been impregnably uncontested. When all parties discussed on those long standing legal and technical aspects in front of the judge(s), the conclusion to this final decision has already covered all those filing documents and arguments. This interpretation is different from the judgement on the June 15, 1962 as the addendum of documents and arguments have already been warrant from all concerned and contested parties. So the judgement in this time adjudicated all legal compositions and ascended into mission-fulfilled legal attainment. The temple, the surrounding, the vicinity or the promontory etc., all belong to Cambodia.

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 23, 2013

As Opposition to the Regime Mounts, Cambodia’s Capital Braces for Bloodshed

As Opposition to the Regime Mounts, Cambodia’s Capital Braces for Bloodshed

Sensing change in the air, an emboldened opposition takes on strong-arm ruler Hun Sen

TANG CHHIN SOTHY / AFP / Getty ImagesCambodian police officials stand guard as Buddhist monks and supporters of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party chant near the Royal Palace in Phnom Penh on Sept. 21, 2013

Cambodia is gearing up for more mass rallies, with up to 50,000 people slated to attend a three-day opposition demonstration beginning Wednesday.

MPs-elect for the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) are boycotting the National Assembly in protest at alleged irregularities they claim cost them victory in recent general elections. CNRP leader Sam Rainsy has demanded international intervention and also threatened a general strike. The turmoil has alreadyclaimed one life, and fears are growing of further bloodshed.

The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) of strongman Prime Minster Hun Sen, who has held power for 33 years, won 68 out of 123 legislative seats at the ballot box on July 28. However, the opposition claims they were defrauded out of eight seats that would have swung the balance of power. “It is frustrating [not being in parliament], but we are all united behind the boycott,” says Keo Phirum, a CNRP MP-elect for Kratie province.

Not everyone agrees that the CNRP won the most votes. Ou Virak, president of the Cambodia Center for Human Rights, says that opposition politicians “should just admit that they didn’t get enough votes” and instead “emphasize there were significant irregularities.” Allegations of vote buying, intimidation and “ghost voters” swooping in to sway borderline constituencies have also not stopped international governments from tentatively recognizing Hun Sen’s victory.

(MORE: Back From Exile, Cambodia’s Opposition Leader Brings Thousands Onto the Streets)

Nonetheless, discontent over land rights, deforestation, extractive industries and rampant corruption is running high, and a groundswell of opposition is developing as people sense that change may finally be possible. “It is remarkable, the absence of CPP supporters in public, on TV or radio,” says prominent political analyst Lao Mong Hay.

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Posted by: | Posted on: October 21, 2013

You are cordially invited to join with the 22nd Anniversary of Paris Peace Agreement

You are cordially invited to join with the 22nd Anniversary of Paris Peace Agreement

Committees of Youth Association would like to cordially invite members and distinguished quests to commemorate the 22nd  Anniversary of Paris Peace Accord.

Theme: Civil Rights and Liberty of Cambodians after the 22 Years of Paris Peace Agreement

22nd Anniversary Commemoration of Paris Peace AccordBrief Schedule:

–         Blessing from the Monks

–         Keynote speaker on the meaning ofParis Peace Accord, civil rights and liberty within this 22 years.

–         Slide show documentaries

–         Q & A

22 Anniversary Press ReleaseDate and place:

–         @ Khmer-Canadian Buddhist Cultural Centre

7011 Ogden Road SECalgaryAB

–         Date: Saturday, 26 October 2013

1:30pm to 4:30pm

     – Tel: 403-455-8294

Press Release

            Khmer Youth Association of Alberta would like to solemnly announce to the Khmer youths and compatriots, either inside or outside Cambodia, to hold or participate with the 22nd Anniversary of Paris Peace Accord: 23 October 1991 – 23 October 2013 collectively.

Paris Peace Accord is the advancement of modern history of Cambodia. This day has the same value of that glorious civilization of the Great Khmer Empire during Angkorian period.

Our compatriots can conduct this commemoration as individual, family, friend, group, association or community by observing or updating news about this day, share messages among networks, directly communicate with siblings-children-friends, petition, thumb print or sign petitions, attend seminar/conference/lecture, participate with nonviolent mass demonstration, or conduct a ceremony by inviting Buddhist monks to offer a Jayanto blessing.

May all Khmer compatriots are blessed by the four wishes of Lord Buddha: Longevity, Beauty, Happiness and Strength.

Canada: October 9th, 2013

Sophoan Seng (President)


– Individual members

– Khmer-Canadian Youth Association of


22nd Anniversary of PPA Press Release

22nd Anniversary Commemoration of Paris Peace Agreement

Posted by: | Posted on: September 28, 2013

Buddhism and the Modernity

Buddhism and the Modernity

Buddhism is about “awakening”, “enlightening”, and “truth”. There are several aspects to talk about Buddhism about its comparability with modern world. While the world has been tremendously changed, the essence of Buddhism has always buddha2bunder2bthe2bbodhi2btree2b22been seen up to date and it is a right responding to those changes. From his effort, Buddha was acknowledged on his cognitive learning and succeeding all knowledge. He enrolled in different courses at schools of thought and he achieved them all. Finally, he intuitively learned by invading into his personal physical and mental sphere. He achieved them eventually.

The popular knowledge on modern world would be Politics, Economics and Socials.

1. For the political advancement, Buddha pointed out individual dependency. The teaching of Kamma is about adjusting from wrong to right such as action in physical control, mental control and verbal control. But since the primal, people are pertaining their own tendency and belief. It is hard to take away those tendency from them. That why the first mission Buddha advised to his Bhikkhus is to travel near and far, in different way, to teach to the people beautifully and simply from the beginning, to the middle and to the ending for the benefit of many, for the prosperity of mankind….those who have less dust in their eyes will see the Dhamma…you are not in vain in putting an effort.

Or we can say teach them with both reason and visualized example to change the belief and perception in Kamma. Kamma in Buddhism is different from Kamma in Hinduism (god-oriented destiny ព្រហ្មលិខិត) as in Buddhism is (human-oriented destiny មនុស្សលិខិត). From this point of view, the endurance for civil rights and liberty, liberal democracy, and civic engagement etc. have been responding to the teaching of self-centered approach expounded by Lord Buddha 2557 years ago.

2. For economics advancement, the concept of good corporate citizens, or economic of sustainability etc. are just a way Buddha taught long time ago. The simple life of Bhikkhus is the reflective way for the greed of business corporations. The love of nature, mountain and forest Buddha rejoiced the most is the sign of how important to balance between subtraction of natural resources to answer the demands of human beings but it must not be at the brink of destroying human beings. Four necessities introduced by Buddha such as Clothes, Food, Shelter and Medicine are just in need but not in greed.

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