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Posted by: | Posted on: July 19, 2014

Political Analysis on Cambodia Political Culture of Violence: Revolutionists VS Pragmatists

Dear Friends of Democrats and Justice Lovers;

I am interested to read more books on “violence” in Cambodia. Since, I was born I can say violence is everywhere and it is man made. The trauma of Cambodian people caused by violence is very tremendous. The victim of the violence is the weak, not the strong. In contrast, the strong gain benefit from violence embroilment as this projected violence is systematic.

Sometime, violence has been shaped itself from time to time. For instance, the Khmer Rouge leaders were great in using violence to control others and enhance their power. But their extremism ended their career faster than expect. The same Khmer Rouge comrades have likely maintained their power base but changed the images of violence, at least academics see this as changing from “direct” to “indirect” violence embroilment. With this synthesis, well-known authors on Cambodia such as David Chandler, Penny Edwards, Gafar Peang-meth, Sorpong Peou, John Tully, and Sebestian Strango have simultaneously theorized Cambodia politics as lineage political culture of violence built by violence leadership.

While the UNTAC-sponsored election in 1993 was not violence free, the post-established government was violently divorced from each other through a deadly coup detat. Subsequently, many protesters were injured, amputated and killed by the grenade attack and security guards deployed by the government; and many movie stars and journalists are day-light shooting including extrajudicial killing. Those perpetrators have never been brought to justice. Sebestian observed that the repression on opposition party through violence orchestration and court-ordered charges have been traditionally trumped-up by the CPP under Hun Sen leadership.

Now, look at the two groups within Cambodian’s People Party (CPP) such as the revolutionists leadership and pragmatists leadership: the revolutionists groups have always taken over the agenda and their tools are guns, batons and judiciary manipulation visibly.

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Posted by: | Posted on: July 1, 2014

Leadership is about empowering children

Dear Fellow Friends and Readers;

Power meaningWhile watching the FIFA World Cup 2014, two outstanding things pop up to my mind: the involvement of the kids and the international stage team of two poor countries: Honduras and Bosnia.

When each team is lining up into the ring, each player is tossing hand of a kid. It is a great symbol of building up younger generation to take turn everything elders have accomplished. Cambodian political culture has richly embedded by this concept. Sometime, Khmer proverb said “children are the young bamboo seed of the decayed bamboo” or “Tompeang Snorng Russey”; some time, Khmer proverb said “youths are the backbone of the future nation” etc.

But in contrast, those nicely verbally said proverb is placed in context only, not in implementation, or it is only the rhetoric, not a realistic one. Observing from parents who like to dominate children in all things rather than listening the idea or demand of the children, the educators and government leaders are in position of personal conceit of power rather than using that power to build or create or innovate new things towards their students or citizens for long-run development. Cambodian educational curriculum and teaching pedagogy are strongly embedded by vertical approach, not horizontal approach at all. Political leaders of Cambodia are indulged only in personal, family and relative corruption, or strongly embedded by patronage system, not the institutional system or rule of law at all.

For Honduras and Bosnia, these two countries have shared poverty line and civil war like Cambodia but these two countries can rise up to this international stage because of their leadership who have utilized the time frame of around 28 to 30 years like Cambodia. Their population well-being is likely well off than Cambodia. Their foreign debts is likely paid off than Cambodia. Their leadership has been clearly reshuffled in the expectation of receiving more progressive and democratization etc. Cambodia is in contrast, the incumbents are afraid of open society policy by closing its people mouth through public media, or placing restrictions to those internal power cells not to freely express their leadership, and maintain clientele-patronage-based governance regardless of fearing unavoidable backfire.  The Prime Minister has been so proud of his two achievements: stability and getting rid of genocidal through frequent public speech and televisation. In reality, he has closed his leadership by ignoring the demand of Cambodian youths who are representing 70% of total Cambodian population, or he still cannot see the leadership deficit through the recent national election result. Those youths are demanding social justice, political change, savvy economic development, freedom of expression, information and technology (IT), quality of education, decent living with minimum wage jobs, and much more…etc They are enough and enough for the political propaganda of national stability and the absence of civil war.

Today is July 1, 2014 and it is the Canada Day which Canadian government and its people are celebrating the 147th anniversary of the past but glancing at the future on how Canadian people can enrich the multiculturalism society, greater shared responsibility of nation-building within a liberal democracy processes, modernization of both social justice and economic equity, and boost itself to the international stage by providing more aids to poorer countries, reduce foreign loans and increase peace safeguard staffs to the world etc. The national and private media which are source of public education have collectively shouldered to educate the wrong-doers but admire the right-doers without censor or fear of political reprisal.

Just little thing, all Cambodians should consider to practice, please teach your kids or others the best things as you are the actors of role model. Below is a simple example of a kid whose parents are Khmer Kampuchea Krom-born and she said from her heart in which inspired all attendants during the 65th anniversary of the loss of this rich land.

Hello everyone;

My name’s Kathy Dao. I am very honored today to express some of my opinion on who am I, how could I share Khmer identity with others and my thought on the birth place of my parents, Khmer Kampuchea Krom.

Firstly, I was born in Canada but my first language is Khmer. At school, English is my second language. Of course, I spoke Khmer since I learnt how to speak as a toodler. Although, I havebeen growing up among Canadian children at school, but I have used Khmer language, eaten Khmer food and dressed Khmer cloths most of the time.

Secondly, I have informed my teachers and friends at school that I am Khmer. My parents are Khmer. My grand parents are Khmer. I have shared with them about Khmer culture, food, cloths and temples.

Thirdly, I must try to speak Khmer and learn how to write Khmer alphabets so that I can be a bilingual person living in this bilingual country. More than this, when I visit my parents’ birth place at Kampuchea Krom, I can speak Khmer with all those Khmer people without using English a word.

I think the future of Khmer Kampuchea Krom will depend on how Khmer Krom children know their own roots, their culture, their language and their freedom. I would like to urge all Khmer parents to use their little time to educate their children to speak Khmer language as well as to write Khmer alphabets so that they can receive both ability to speak Khmer fluently and to preserve their roots.

Thank you very much,

Posted by: | Posted on: June 24, 2014

Last interviewing part by Radio Australia Khmer on Political Leadership Skills

Leadership SkillsThis is the part III of interviewing between Mr. Alex of Radio Australia Khmer services and Mr. Sophan Seng about his recent book on “Political Leadership Skills: Pathway for Khmer Leaders”.

As the summary, you can learn many good points the author elaborated during the interviewing of this part. He articulated clearly that good leader must obtain the mindset to respect the rule of law, be a democratic principle person, sacrifice personal gain for the interest of the nation, and be honest to himself and the nation etc.

The virtue of good leader should fully obtain 4 sublime states of the mind in according to Buddha’s teaching such as Metta (compassion), Karuna (Loving-Kindness), Mudita (Sympathetic joy), and Upekkha (Equanimity). This quality reservation need comprehension to be able to apply in real time situation, not just parroting them.

At the end, the author intellectually bestowed Cambodian leadership style which move beyond the current democratic development by criticising GDP materialistic measure by inserting mental happiness into the agenda. The well-being of the people must accomplish through the balance of physical and mental needs. Comparing to the theory of Rouse and Aristotle the world has implemented, the author suggested Cambodian leadership to endorse Cambodian home-made leadership skills paralleling with Cambodian culture and Buddhism he has ever articulated.

Link to all three parts of interviewing of Radio Australia Khmer

Posted by: | Posted on: June 13, 2014

Books are a great gift for your life


Leadership Skills


“Political Leadership Skills: Pathway for Khmer Leaders” is an important book for everyone. The author introduces a new concept of leader which is not someone else who has obtained title, position or status. It is every member of society who are leaders. Author argues that Political Leadership during the Dark Age, the entitled ones had the full power and it is a leadership of dictatorship or vertical mode. But this new age of globalization and information technology (IT), Political Leadership has been shaped by active and well-informed citizens and it is the leadership of horizontal mode. Author has positioned very well in his argument on the importance of practicing according to the Buddha’s teaching for the well-being and successful governance in Cambodia. He well-proclaimed leadership as unique Khmerness, not an imitation or import product from any outsiders. It is wise-worthy to read this book for your food of thought or as a gift for your friends!

Author: Sophan Seng, Year Published: 2014

It has 83 pages, Khmer language, hardcover stylized by photo of King Jayavarman VII. You will donate only $19.99 CA as the shipping fee per book, so you can have it for yourself, a gift for a friend or for a library!

Authored was interviewed by: Radio Australia Khmer Part I Part II



Constitution for Living is a manual for life. It is idealistic to own this book as a guide to understand the meaning of life, the purposes of life, the daily living challenges, happiness and achievement of individuals. The book describes the teaching of Buddha from Tipitaka scripture in the way that ordinary people can comprehend and practice. The book is very accurate and applicable for our modern changing world.

Author: Sophan Seng,Year Published: 2003

It contains 128 pages, Khmer language, beautiful Bayon Smile cover. You donate only $19.99 US as the shipping fee per book, so you can have it for yourself, a gift for a friend or for a library!



Good Question Good Answer was written by an outstanding Australian Bhikkhu Monk who has dedicated his life for the prosperity of truth and for the Dhamma at the Western world. This book is significantly collected all profound, challenging, and essential questions relating to Buddhism. When you read it, you can understand the core teachings of Lord Buddha, the universal truth of Dhamma and its supremacy over other doctrines. Fascinatingly, this book translated into Khmer language by a Khmer Bhikkhu Monk who has higher education in foreign countries. Author:

Sophan SengYear Published: 2004

It has 130 pages, English and Khmer language page by page, beautiful Naga Buddha art of Bayon cover. You donate only $19.99 US as the shipping fee per book, so you can have it for yourself, a gift for a friend or for a library!





Fundamental Thought of Buddhism
is a popular book in Cambodia. It elaborates in details of scientific findings of Buddhist meditation. Scientists don’t need other tangible tools to measure happiness and capture genuine happiness for human beings, meditation through practicing under the guidance of Lord Buddha, practitioners can experience genuine happiness. The book also includes analysis of Economy in Buddhism, Sociology in Buddhism, and the Virtue of Parents etc. It is a food of thought to owning this book in your shelf!

Author: Sophan Seng, Year Published: 2008

It has 90 pages, Khmer language, hardcover stylized by photo taken in Banff National Park of Canada by author. You donate only $19.99 US as the shipping fee per book, so you can have it for yourself, a gift for a friend or for a library!