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Posted by: | Posted on: February 8, 2015

Political Paradigm by Younger Khmer Generation Part 7

Indochina 1931 Exhibition 3This leadership skills commentated by Sophan Seng through radio that those political parties especially CNRP should consider adopt it for their political policy and long term political platform. This is invaluable to listen, to adapt and to adopt.

Posted by: | Posted on: February 8, 2015

Weekend Leadership Skills

Dear Devoted Readers;

From Mind Tools, we have learnt that to effectively activate leadership skills, we must hold onto frequent EXERCISES on:

  1. Creativity: strengthening creativity in your team
  2. Problems Solving: fun ways to turn problems into opportunities
  3. Communication: fun ways to develop communication skills

All these, are Team-Building Exercise that everyone should spend time to cohort and materialise.

Hence, I have learnt some short saying from facebook and wish to share with everyone for this Weekend Leadership Skills Tool:

During the battle war, we need brave men During troubles, we need intellectuals During suffering, we need genuine Dhamma We know true friend, during difficulties

During the battle war, we need brave men
During troubles, we need intellectuals
During suffering, we need genuine Dhamma
We know true friend, during difficulties

Don't go to the war without having ammunition Don't make a life journey without having knowledge Don't want to employ without having skills

Don’t go to the war without having ammunition
Don’t make a life journey without having knowledge
Don’t want to employ without having skills

Posted by: | Posted on: February 3, 2015

Meakh Bochea & Khmer Leadership

Meakh Bochea KhmerThis year, Meakh Bochea of full moon day 2558 is fallen in February 2, 2015. Cambodian Buddhists have ever celebrated the day at the Preah Attharos hills of the Buddha Relic stupa, but this year those Buddhists including Monarchs and government officials are not going to make pilgrimage to this sacred place any more. Instead, the current King Sihamuni shall join the commemoration at Siem Reap of Wat Domnak.


This changing might not be interested by some people, but it is very crucial to dig out why?

As this hill has been considered the sacred place for Cambodian Buddhists especially the Monarchs (since King Norodom Sihanouk), this year getting away is considerably caused by the looting of sacred Buddha relics of this stupa and until now, the new replacing one has been uncertain on its authenticity. The looters were notoriously claimed as conspiracy by authority because the heavy-duty to open the door of the stupa and removing the relics were needed manpower and close cooperation from the security guards and authority.

It seems no one has been reliably responsible or those looters have been free of punity. Nonetheless, the regards to this hill as sacred place for Cambodian Buddhist pilgrimages have clearly changed. The looting of Buddha relics on this hill, including recent jailing the three Buddhist monks as well as other occasions of unusual statements made by the supreme patriarchs, are considered systematic bogging down of Buddhist reputation and its strength in bonding people as well as joining as uncontested pillar for Cambodian social capital.

It is imperative to regard this unprecedented occurrence as the losing backbone of Khmer social coherence.

Meakh Bochea remarks the three distinctive Buddhist phenomena:

1. Meeting of the Sangha fell into the full moon of Magha

2. Meeting of those 1250 Bhikku monks without making appointment or invitation and those monks who were successful into Dhamma stream of Nibbana

3. The Buddha expounded the Codes of Conduct for Bhikkhu monks to live in harmony, to propagate the Dhamma effectively without discriminating on other faiths, and to instill the good behavior of all disciples.

Different from New Year or Pchum Ben, the Meakh Bochea and Visakh Bochea, are purely Buddhist day because these two are: 1. reminding to the Dhamma teaching (Meakh Bocea), and reminding to the Buddha (Visakh Bochea). Rarely, Khmer Buddhists should celebrate the day reminding to the Sangha (Asalaha Bochea Day).

Why leadership?

meakh bocheaThe loss of Buddha Relics and its decreasing attraction of Phnom Attharos hill is not a good sign for Khmer leaders. The continual jailing of those three monks are the undermining attempt to the principle of Buddhism. The secular statements frequently made by the supreme patriarchs are the august interfering by the secular state.

The expounding of Dhamma Buddha primary began was:

Avoiding all evils

Cultivating the good

Cleansing one own’s mind

This is the Teaching of All Buddhas;

Is very important for all Khmer leaders to apply it for their daily life and national level leadership.


Posted by: | Posted on: January 28, 2015

Buddhist Song: THE THREE SIGNS

Buddhist Song: THE THREE SIGNS
-Geraldine E. Lyster

Dukkha, Anicca, Anatta
The leaves are falling fast,
The reign of the rose is ended,
The sky is overcast.
The whole world is filled with sadness,
From city and Jungle rise;
The cry of life’s suffering children
The daylight slowly dies.

Our lord looked with love and pity
Upon every living being,
From the lowliest child of nature
To the mightiest crowned king.
For hatred, delusion, passion
Still claim and enslave us all,
And each alike on the wheel of change
Must suffer, and rise, and fall.

Dukka, Anicca, Anatta,
Tho’s every life knows pain;
He who faithfully walks the Path
Will not look for help in vain.
The law of the Tathagatha
Forever will light the way;
It is our moon to shine by night,
Our sun to illume the day.

In lord Buddha we take our refuge,
His Law of Good our guide,
To pilot us as we toss and drift
On being’s remorseless tide.

With the Dharma’s light to steer by
Some day we’ll fear rocks no more,
But, merit won, each will moor his barge,
On Nirvana’s changeless shore.
Video: Ottawa sunny & snowy day.