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Posted by: | Posted on: June 9, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 23

This part is broadcasted by CMN Radio on June 7-8, 2015 that Mr. Sophan Seng continued to analyse the “Culture of Dialogue” in accordance to Khmer context.

Leadership chartWhile Cambodia has witnessed some degree of peace but social justice is questionable, the Khmer proverb keeps saying “during the war, the nation needs bravery men; but during the peace, the nation needs educated men”. This context has applied well for Cambodian people, Cambodian youths, and especially those politicians to depart their journey with “knowledge and wisdom” more than “bravery activism”.

With the new investment in using education and wise men to handle with social ills and injustice, the culture of dialogue is very essential to be part of the political means.

To high up to another level, the opposition CNRP is proposed to upgrade itself from activism towards alternative government party by building more capable members within the party as well as to create a shadow government or choose expertise to be ready for government leadership. This party should seek incredible persons who are expertise in Public Servants, Foreign Policy and Diplomacy, Governance System, Economic, Social, Trade, Agriculture, Defense, Tourism, Media, and Education etc.

In the meantime, the Cambodian People’s Party must conduct indept reforms with good political will to bring about social good to the nation. At least, this party must change their view that all those public servants are national manpower, not the party manpower at all. The CPP must stop politicizing those public servants for their political gains, in contrast, the government must implement the civil codes of conduct properly in order to deserve full responsible public servants.

Posted by: | Posted on: June 9, 2015

CNRP must adopt working smart and working hard together

Chea Sim who is the President of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) and Chair of Senate, passed away in 8 June 2015 caused by aged illness and natural depreciation.

Chea Sim Passed Away

Courtesy: Sakou Samouth

His passing away has intrigued hot debates among Cambodian youths, observers, and political commentators. There are accuracy, loopholes, and inaccuracy among those debates.

Some have viewed this passing away as a new phenomena of political landscapes in Cambodia while internal structure of CPP would be more polarized than unified. As Hun Sen said in April 29 this year about his ascending to presidency of the party whenever Chea Sim passed away surprised many supporters because as the president of the party cannot be prime minister (or could not be both) in complying to the internal rule of the party. Hun Sen’s power consolidation shall actually trigger two outcomes: making CPP more divided, or more solidified?

Hun Sen’s political maneuver

Chea Sim

Courtesy: Facebook

At the helm of political regression of Hun Sen popularity among the Cambodian people and the young voters, and the uncertainty of his power consolidation inside the party, Hun Sen is in need to having Sam Rainsy of the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) to balancing and stabilizing his new maneuver, or at least to neutralize his unseen opponents from inside the party.

At this point, Sam Rainsy should be able to grab all opportunities in hand such as strengthening the duties and prowess of the CNRP, a loyal and official opposition party. Among those upgrading, CNRP must step beyond the ability of “uphill struggling” opposition by transforming itself to “new vibrant alternative political party” towards government leadership.

To achieve this, the titling of Minority Leader of Sam Rainsy must not be just symbolic or shallow title paralleling to Prime Minister position without having privileges and responsibilities at all.

Moving up from Uphill Struggling Party into Alternative Government Party

Sun Ray Policy Platform Pace I drawn by Sophoan Seng

Sun Ray Policy Platform drawn by Sophoan Seng

CNRP should adopt a policy of “working smart” and “working hard” combining together. Let put aside of “working hard” and “just nationalistic” rhetoric alone by transforming itself into a real political party to driving social changes as well as to embracing the Government Leadership for this 2018 election mandate.

Working hard is an “activism policy” but working smart is “government leadership policy”. Both are very important but to undertake the preparedness for this government leadership in 2018 is a must. In order to achieve that, CNRP should consider following scenarios:

  • Adopting political opposition and their status like those in the UK, Australia and Canada. In Canada, an opposition and Minority Leaders have reserved full privileges and responsibilities such as he/she is the leader of a shadow government, the opposition leader could host international delegates at the same level of the Prime Minister, there is a free mansion for opposition leader and their family to reside in, there are members of his cabinets for his office, and there are funds to conduct researches regarding national issues opposition could mobilize evidences and capitalize critical knowledge to criticize the government effectively.
  • Adopting the “Sun Ray Policy Platform” in different paces and expectations. For instance, pace I is dealing with upgrading opposition status, pace II is dealing with expertise within the opposition members ring or shadow government, pace III is dealing with policy to lead the government during the upcoming elections: commune in 2017, and national election in 2018 etc.

(Article and copyright by Sophoan Seng)

Posted by: | Posted on: June 7, 2015


ខ្ញុំចប់ពីសាលា១០មករា៧៩ខេត្តសៀមរាបដែរ…កញ្ញាតោ គឹមសុី ជាជំនាន់ប្អូន…ខ្ញុំមានមោទនភាពចំពោះកញ្ញាខ្លាំងណាស់….សូមប្រសិទ្ធិពរអោយកញ្ញាបានជោគជ័យនូវរាល់បំណងស្វែងរកថ្នាក់បណ្ឌិតសិក្សា។
I also graduated form 10 January 1979 High School. I am proud of you Miss Kimsy Tor, wish you success in your graduate school effort. (from Sophoan Seng facebook)


Kimsy Tor ’15 receives Donald J. Carty Valedictory Medal.

Cambodian-born Kimsy Tor, a member of Manhattan College’s class of 2015, moved to the U.S. at the age of 18 to begin her freshman year in Riverdale, N.Y. Four years later, Tor will address her fellow classmates and their families as the 2015 valedictorian at the College’s 173rdCommencement on Sunday, May 17.

Tor graduates with a B.S. in mathematics and a minor in computer science. In the fall, she will move to Paris to pursue a Master of Science in mathematics at the prestigious Pierre and Marie Curie University, which is part of The Sorbonne University alliance. She hopes to pursue her Ph.D. in Paris and eventually return to Cambodia to teach, where approximately 10 residents hold doctorate degrees in mathematics. Subsequently, education is important to the development of Cambodia with an adult literacy rate of only 74 percent and two in 10 Cambodians living below the poverty line. Tor plans to make a difference in Cambodian education.

Read More …

Posted by: | Posted on: June 2, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 22

This part has been broadcasted by CMN radio on Sunday, May 31 and re-broadcasted on Monday, June 1, 2015, the author Mr. Sophan Seng described the “Culture of Dialogue” in Buddhism taught by Lord Buddha.

2015-05-23 10.14.59In the past, Lord Buddha wandered from places to places tirelessly to propagate his teachings to the people who adhered strongly to Hinduism. But through his effort and communicative dialogue, those Hindu population changed to follow Buddha that allowed them to pursue life of moderation, believing in oneself, and no classes system in society etc.

Buddha said “Dhamma-sakacchaa, Etam-mangalamutamam” means “Dialogue and conversation within a proper time and circumstance is the blessing”.

By essence, successful dialogue could be occurred through integrity of each side Buddha addressed such as good intention in physical expression by no intimidating or killing, stealing or cheating, and sexual misconducting; good intention in speech such as no telling lie, using rude words, back-stabbing wording, and talking in vain; good intention in thought such as no ill-will, revenged, and jealousy minding.

In sum, as a nation-state, political rivalry is a norm of politics in all civilized countries, but dialogue to maximize Cambodia national interests and collective successes are admired by the wise while integrity and honesty of the peer(s) are very essential.