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Posted by: | Posted on: November 24, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 42

This part (42), Mr. Sophan Seng continued to analyse on the Reform of Cambodia Education. After the wake of war, education has remained important factor for this country to leapfrog herself from post-cold war country to peace and developed country, or from revolutionary-socalled country to democracy country equipped by Rule of Laws and Fair Share of National Wealth according to sustainable development pragmatism.

Courtesy: Mu Sochua blog

Courtesy: Mu Sochua blog

Again, Mr. Sophan highly articulated on quality of education system and quality of school teachers. In Cambodia, besides of fundamental concept of “better knowledge persons to teach less knowledge person” has remained omnipresent presently existing in Cambodia modern school compounds, the teachers’ pedagogy is seen out-of-date omnipotently.

For instance, this likely pro-violence country has not yet trained teachers to be anti-violence agents at schools at all. Teachers, in Cambodian concept, they are the second parents of all Cambodian children. While children are affected by violence-parenting style of ingrained traditional home-raising parenthood, teachers are not well trained in handling domestic violence in schools at all.

Recent incident of a school teacher commanded a male student to unclothe a female student in front of the roommates in the way to punish her because of her inability to answer assignment question, is one of the thousand punishment ways Cambodian teachers have always used to teach them in schools.

This sexual violence is among other four domestic violences ie. physical violence, verbal violence, financial violence, and emotional violence. School teachers are not taught to handle with all these violences and most of time they are the violence perpetrator rather than a violence stopper/investigator/observer.

Those teachers are not different from public politician figures whose education credentials are not counted to getting their way into those important public servants and high prestigious public posts. As the matter of fact, Cambodia education has been mocked by the no education or less education persons have become a player of role model in the public eyes of Cambodian people. Currently, many top officials including Premier are not graduated high school. Currently, majority of teachers are counted by training teachers graduates, they have not completed post secondary education at all.

When this important strata of social fabric are remained weak, the future of Cambodia is deems murky.

Posted by: | Posted on: November 21, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism Paris Peace Agreement 1991

Since 1991, Cambodia has been desperate as this country is remained led Poster 2015by the longest Premier Hun Sen whose leadership has focused on self-centred style than rule by law style. The Paris Peace Agreement has encouraged the Rule by Law leadership but this attempt has been disarrayed impregnably.

For this 24 years of PPA Anniversary, the CMN broadcasted the speech by Mr. Sophan Sent who was a keynote speaker during the gathering to commemorate the Paris Peace Agreement organized by Khmer Youth Association of Alberta (KYA).

Posted by: | Posted on: October 28, 2015

Animals also hate violence

violence 2នយោប្រទេសកម្ពុជាត្រូវគេសំគាល់ឃេីញពោរពេញដោយអំពេីហឹង្សា។ ឬសគល់នៃអាកប្បកិរិយាហឹង្សានេះគឺមានដូចតទៅនេះ

១ វឌ្ឍចក្រនៃអំពេីហឹង្សាបណ្តាលមកពីអំពេីហឹង្សាក្នុងគ្រួសារ គឺឪពុកម្តាយចិញ្ចឹមកូនតាមទ្រឹស្តីអំណាចពីលេីចុះក្រោម ហេីយផ្សារភ្ជាប់យ៉ាងមាំដោយរោគសញ្ញាផ្តាច់ការ។

២ វឌ្ឍចក្រនៃអំពេីហឹង្សាបណ្តាលមកពីមរតកសង្គមកម្ពុជា គឺអ្នកប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តបានសរុបព្រមគ្នាថានយោបាយកម្ពុជាគឺជានយោបាយហឹង្សា។

យ៉ាងណាក៏ដោយ ការណែនាំនូវជំរេីសថ្មីរបស់គណបក្សសង្គ្រោះជាតិនូវអហឹង្សានិងមូលមតិគ្នាបានឆ្លុះបញ្ចាំងទឡ្ហីករពីដៃគូររបស់ខ្លួនដែលកំពុងជោគជាំដោយកេរ្តិ័តំណែលនៃអាកប្បកិរិយាហឹង្សាដែលពិបាកលាងជំរះបាន។

វីដេអូនេះកំពុងបង្ហាញពីយុគទាន់សម័យ ដែលមិនមែនតែមនុស្សទេដែលបានរំដោះខ្លួនចេញផុតពីហឹង្សា សត្វសុនខទាំងនោះក៏បានចេះពីភាពជាមិត្ត អហឹង្សា និងសាមគ្គីភាពជាមួយសត្វមានជីវិតទាំងអស់នៅក្នុងលោក។ ជោគវាសនារបស់ស្រ្តីនោះមិនខុសពីមេដឹកនាំកម្ពុជាដែលកំពុងកាន់អំណាចទេ គឺពួកគេស្អិតជាប់ទៅដោយចិត្តគំនិតឬកោលិកាឈាមហឹង្សា។

តេីនៅពេលណាកម្ពុជានឹងទទួលបាន ការកាត់ផ្តាច់វឌ្ឍចក្រហឹង្សា?

Cambodia politics has been remarked by “violence”. The root causes of this violence-oriented behavior are following:
Violence 11. Cycle violence from domestic violence: parents have raised children through vertical approach and strongly embedded by violence syndromes.
2. Cycle of violence from social inheritance of Cambodia: historians have spontaneously concluded that Cambodia politics is the Politics of Violence.

Hence, the introduction of new approach by the CNRP to non-violence and solidarity has clearly contrasted its partner who has unobstructively inherited the violent political behavior.

This video is illustrating that modern era, not only human beings who are freed from violence, those dogs are learnt to be friendly, non-violent and united among all beings in this world. The woman’s destiny is not different from incumbent Cambodia leaders who are embedded by the violence mindset/stemcell.

When will Cambodia receive “Breaking Cycle of Violence”?

Posted by: | Posted on: October 27, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 41

This part (41), Mr. Sophan Seng continued to analyse on Education Reform in Cambodia. The critics by Opposition Leader, Mr. Sam Rainsy, on the weakness of Cambodia education has been viewed differently according to the government’s responses. In reality, Cambodia education has faced many shortcomings such as school infrastructure, livable wage for teachers, up-to-date curriculum, and accreditation etc. Cambodian graduates regardless High School or Post Secondary, have not been endorsed by Asian nations or having equivalency with them.

Cambodia High school exam 2015 3In term of practical knowledge, his high school graduation as example could not enable himself to face up with the external world. He was taught overwhelmingly on academics but not citizenship, social adaptation, and leadership skills at all. Schooling for Cambodian future generation should not just focus on reading and writing Khmer language, or knowing math; but students can apply those knowledge in the real world.

On the other hand, the rebuttal from minister of MOEYs and Prime Minister Hun Sen, has been seen as self-defense rather than to accepting the reality and adjust the shortcomings accordingly.