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Posted by: | Posted on: May 30, 2012

Yellow vine and the forest of ecstasy of Cambodia

There is an alert on the cause led to the cold-blooded murdering of green forest activist Chut Wutty, these two videos shed us some light on that.

Posted by: | Posted on: May 30, 2012

Facts about Commune Election 2012 in Cambodia 23 May 2012

Facts about Commune Election 2012 in Cambodia

23 May 2012

  • Date: Sunday, June 3, 2012; from 7:00am to 3:00pm. It is the third communal election since 2002
  • Eligible voters: 9,203,493 registered (Population: 14,2 million)
  • 1,633 communes (increased from 1,621 communes in 2007)
  • Female candidates increased by 4.29%: Cambodian People’s Party (CPP): 22.47%, Sam Rainsy Party (SRP): 20.75%, Norodom Ranaridh’s Party (NRP): 30.33%, Funcinpec (FCP): 30.68%
  • Cost: USD 19.5 million estimated; government would cover 76% and asks donors to support the rest (24%)
  • Election campaign: from 18.05. to 01.06.12. Each party has 12 minutes campaign time daily on television and radio, 2 six minutes spots per day: 6 minutes video spot and six minutes debates organized by National Democratic Institute (NDI).
  • Registration: 10 parties participated for 11,459 seats,
  1. CPP: candidates in all 1,633 communes (100%)
  2. SRP: candidates in 1,615 communes (99%)
  3. FCP: candidates in 1,413 communes (87%)
  4. HRP: 1,070 communes (66%)
  5. NRP: in 1,029 communes (63%)
  6. Khmer Nationality Party: 225 communes (14%)
  7. Democratic Alliances Party: 164 (10%)
  8. Khmer Anti-Poverty Party: 23 communes (1%)
  9. Republican Democratic Party: 9 communes (1%)
  10. Democratic Movement Party: 2 communes (0.1%)
  • 10.6 million Ballots printed
  • Observers from the (10) parties: 118,810 persons and 10,000 observers from 16 NGOs
  • Polling stations: 18,107
  • 180,000 staff members employed
  • Organized by the National Election Committee (NEC), dominated by the ruling party members.

For comparison:

Election results in 2002, 8 parties participated, only four gotCommune Council members (11,261 seats):

  1. CPP: 7,703
  2. FCP: 2,211
  3. SRP: 1,346
  4. Khmer Democratic Party: 1

Election results in 2007, 12 parties participated, only five got CC members (11,353 seats):

  1. CPP: 7,993
  2. SRP: 2,660
  3. NRP: 425
  4. FCP: 274
  5. Hang Dara Democratic Movement Party: 1

(Source: NEC, Phnom Penh Post, The Cambodia Daily, Reasmey Kampuchea Daily and Kampuchea Thmei Daily newspapers)


Posted by: | Posted on: May 22, 2012

More reliable evidence of the cause of the death of Chut Wutty

Chut Wutty was one of Asia’s leading environmental activists, tirelessly working to prevent illegal logging in Cambodia.

But on 26th April, he was gunned down in mysterious circumstances in the protected Cardamom Forest.

When David O’Shea unravels the story behind his death for Dateline, he finds allegations of corruption and cover-up, with government investigators giving several conflicting accounts of what happened.

So who’s really behind Chut Wutty’s death? And was there something the activist knew that his killers didn’t want revealed?

WATCH – Click to see David’s report.

EXTRA – Read more about Chut Wutty’s life and the tributes that have been paid to him by following the links on the right-hand side of the page

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Posted by: | Posted on: May 15, 2012

CAMBODIA: Prime Minister Hun Sen is not blind to what goes on around him

The April 26 shooting death of Wutty has drawn worldwide criticism. There are growing protests by villagers and warnings that Cambodia’s wilderness will soon vanish. Cambodia’s commune elections are a couple of weeks away. Hun Sen initiates his political ramvong – a popular slow circle dance with participants continuously moving around and around in a circle using hand movement and simple footwork.
May 15, 2012

An article by Dr. Gaffar Peang-Meth published by the Asian Human Rights Commission
We may never know what really happened when Cambodia’s eminent environmental activist Chut Wutty (46), father of two, head of the Natural Resource Protection Group, a Cambodian non-governmental organization fighting Cambodia’s deforestation, was shot and killed on April 26 at Veal Bei point in Mondul Seima district, in Koh Kong province.
On a trip by car from Pursat to Koh Kong with two journalists from The Cambodia Daily, Khmer Phorn Bopha and Canadian Olesia Plokhii, both 27, who were doing a story on grassroots efforts to prevent illegal logging, Wutty decided to stop at Veal Bei point, a heavily forested area notoriously known for illegal logging, near where a hydropower dam which is among four in Koh Kong and is being built at Stung Russey Chrum Krom by the China Huadian Corporation (CHC).Wutty who devoted himself to protecting Cambodia’s forests, was determined to investigate “forest crime” by a Chinese-owned company named Timbergreen, licensed by Cambodia’s Economic Land Concession (ELC) to clear the Lower Russey Chrum reservoirs.
The ELC is a long-term lease (maximum of 99 years) that permits the beneficiary to clear land for industrial-agricultural activities. Cambodia has granted land concessions for various purposes since the 1990s; the 2001 Land Law formalized the legal framework for land concessions for economic purposes.

Playground for Khmer elite

My last article in this space examined the English narration of a video available on the Internet, “The Green Deal in Cambodia,” which asserted that Cambodia’s forests have disappeared at an alarming rate, and corruption and the lack of law enforcement ensured that profits from the logging benefited only a powerful elite . . . and the logging contributed nothing to Cambodia’s development.
An excerpt from an article by former Peace Corps volunteer Terry McCoy has been widely dispersed on Khmer websites this month. The article features a former Khmer pin up model, Tep Vanny, now an advocate of a new protest strategy and a new matriarchal order in the traditional Khmer patriarchal society. I ordered and read McCoy’s article, “The Playground,” an article I recommend.
“From the slums of Phnom Penh to the southern shores and eastern hills, Cambodia is transforming from a nation of farmers into a country of skyscrapers, golf courses, and air-conditioned villas at the behest of foreign investors – a playground for the elite,” McCoy writes.
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