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Posted by: | Posted on: May 27, 2013

After Pol Pot: A Modern Historical Novel

Product Description

WilliamCambodia was broken open by the Cold War, a passive victim of domino theories, the Vietnam conflict and the casual brutality of global strategies. In the wake of the devastation had moved Pol Pot. Calling his work genocide missed the point, it was suicide, the Khmer Rouge had killed their own. Nearly two million dead, a fifth of the population in less than four years, amidst a senseless spiral of utopian ideology, peasant savagery and mind-numbing incompetence. After Pol Pot had been driven away, Cambodia was consumed by a fifteen year civil war funded by American and Russian rivalry. The ending of the Cold War had found Cambodia a shattered brutalised victim of a country, awash with murderers, survivors and refugees; a victim surrounded by a guilt-ridden guilty world.The book is a political novel set in modern Cambodia drawing on its recent history, the legacies of its violent past, and the guilt that threatens to drown its future.

Emily is a shy, socially clumsy English lawyer with a resentful streak, a taste for alcohol and a driving need to find some kind of direction in her life. In Cambodia where an autocratic and brutal government creates a need for human rights lawyers, she hopes to find that direction. She sees a poisoned society awash with corruption, violence and development aid. Corrupt bureaucrats, ex-murderers, traumatised genocide survivors and westernised idealists mix with a stratified western community of aid workers, missionaries and sex-tourists.
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Posted by: | Posted on: May 23, 2013

Political Analysis on Khmer Youth, the Catalyst for Change

Dr. Surya SubediWatching a video clip reported by Radio Free Asia (RFA) stunt me a lot on the new phenomena of Khmer youth participation with the politics. While his lecture ended and opened floor for questions from the student audience, there are questions aiming to attack the lecturer in the meantime the questions were not focused on the topic as well as the persons who asked the questions and gave the comments were not on the platform of classroom setting but emotionally displayed on political involvement. Hence, a Buddhist monks stood up to clarify the skeptics that are attacking on the report of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi. Dr.Subedi has been appointed as the Special Rapporteur by the United Nations for Cambodia.

Watch this below video clip by RFA

My concerns are following:

1. Reading the report of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi in both English and Khmer version, the report is really balancing and constructive. The report summarized that Economics Land Concession (ELCs) and other land developments are impacted by poor management and non-transparency of the government. As the result, there are numerous displacements, evictions, community deprivation and devastation of the forests. Those forests are the key sources for community livelihood, environment and national revenue; but those foreign investments have focused on selling timbers more than rubber and plundered the trees without obstruction.

Watch below video clip on the interviewing of Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi about his visit to Cambodia and the recommendation he made for Cambodian government.

According to the comment accused the report of Dr. Surya Subedi as bias and discouraged foreign investment in Cambodia. Of course, this belief is absolutely wrong. Whenever, the human rights situation is improved, the trust will be built for those honest and effective investors or foreign direct investors (FDIs) to Cambodia. Whenever, our rule of laws and regulations are strong, it surely builds trust for all dedicated and good-willed FDIs. Cambodia at the moment, I can say, has been worse as her government has continually dismissed and ignored the recommendation of the UN’s envoy. If the government has learnt to admit the fault and adjust its policy accordingly, the leaders will be admired and the FDIs will be flooded into this land. The land, trees and natural mineral will be properly managed. The people will experience justice. The whole society will be getting genuine progress.

That why I have criticized those students as unprofessional, immature and lacking proper research into the topic. However, I appreciate them all. Negative or positive, they have become a flame igniting inside the Cambodian soil. All Cambodian youths will pay more attention into those causes and effects.

2. By this small cohort of rallying against the report, more Khmer youths have stood up to exercise their power and prowess. As I read the comments and watching video clips on facebook, google groups and youtube; I am really optimistic on Khmer Youth movement to lead change for Cambodia. Cambodian Youth have been labeled as very young, having little knowledge, immature, having little power and incompetent. But the upcoming election on July 28, 2013 and while we are waiting another two months arrival; more and more youths are standing up from their bed, from their game board as well as from their silent space to voice out concern, worries and sensitivity. Youths are the agent of change. Youths are the catalyst for change. Youths are the unstoppable force for change in this country.

Below are the responding back to a group of students who protested against Prof. Dr. Surya Subedi and his report on the human rights situation in Cambodia.


Below is the responding of Chea Chheng, a youth who involved in the protest.

Let applaud for Cambodian youths!!

Posted by: | Posted on: May 16, 2013

Asian Heritage Day of May at Cambodian Canadian Community

Op-Ed: Khmer Youth Association 

The Khmer Youth Association would like to express deep gratitude and appreciation on the successful welcoming of Bus Tour of Asian Heritage Foundation to celebrate the Month of May signifying for Asian Culture and Diversity in Alberta, Canada.

We are glade to see more than 32 guests unloading from the bus and entering into the compound of our centre. We are glade to see our community members of more than 50 collectively help and participate this extraordinary event.

The presentation was briefly explaining about the history of the community, the history of rich cultural heritage such as ancient monument of Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom, the Khmer clothes, performance art and food, the benefit of Vipassana meditation and its practice etc.

The event was highlighting with 7 distinctive shows:

1. Pinpeat Music Orchestra which is assembled of many original instruments have originated since the Angkor period of 9 century. The instruments are including Sko Touch, Sko Thom, Tre etc. (see attached photo) or more reading on:


Courtesy of:

2. Preah Thong Tong Sbai Neang Neak which is one of the important parts of Khmer Wedding. Preah Thogn Tong Sbai Neang Neak or groom holding the scarf of bride significantly describes the legend of the birth of Cambodian country. The legend said that Groom must follow Bride by holding the scarf tightly so that he can reach her parents’ resident. Legend further describes that Cambodia originally led by a powerful and gorgeous princess, a distant traveler named Preah Thong fell in love with the princess and asked her to be married. In order to travel in a long distance and dangerous way, Preah Thong must ensure that his one hand is holding the scarf tightly while another hand is holding a sword. For Neang Neak who is a family leader in that time, she is a chief in the family to oversee many things including family finance which she is holding on her palm hand as a symbol. The legend was about the Kingdom of Naga (Sacred Serpent) in which some interpretation has been mistaking called Dragon. Naga is the important legendary sacred snake in Cambodia. More reading about the story of Preah Thong Tong Sbai Neang Neak:

Preah Thong Tong Sbai Neang Neak   Note that in the past, the wedding ceremony took up to more than 3 days with more than 62 traditional songs but now it has summarized to 13 songs in 1 day and a half.

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Posted by: | Posted on: April 28, 2013

Tver Bon and Tver Tean in the Context

Dear Sis. Socheata and everyone;
Alms Food Collection to 100 Monks ធើ្វបុណ្យរាប់បាត្រ១០០អង្គ

Alms Food Collection to 100 Monks ធើ្វបុណ្យរាប់បាត្រ១០០អង្គ

Just to confirm that Buddha doesn’t regard next life of exist or non-exist extremely. The belief or principle teaching of extremism is not the way the Buddha’s teaching propagated. His teaching is the middle way, moderate way or non-judgmental etc.

For Buddha, next life can exist in the condition of:

– We are possessing Kilesa (defilement) កិលេស, Kamma (action) កម្ម and Vipaka វិបាក (fruition); these 3 are the potential for next rebirth

– With above 3, we are still Puthujana បុថុច្ជន, not Arahanta អរហន្ត

For Buddha, next life doesn’t exist in the condition of:

– Enlightened One, or Awaken One (full Enlightenment) will not been reborn.

About Danna or Tver Bon/Tver Tean is one of the principle teachings of Lord Buddha. Be reminded that Tver Bon and Tver Tean is not equivalent to the term “sharing”. Sharing might be equivalent to the international aids of developed or democratic countries who attached strings and conditions to those aids. But Tver Bon/Tver Tean in current situation of Cambodia might be comparable to the aids or free donation from China. In the public, it is showing that China is very kind to Cambodia. But at the back door, China might be able to obtain good position on different special agreements with the powerful for the benefit of China’s corporations etc.

Khmer proverb said “give him the means to catch fish, not the fish”. Buddha said “Teaching people the Dhamma or wisdom បញ្ញា is the greatest Tver Bon or សព្វទានំ ធម្មទានំ ជិនាតិ “.

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