Praises of Buddhism
រួបរួមដោយ សេង សុភ័ណ ៚ រក្សាសិទ្ធិគ្រប់យ៉ាង៚ Compiled by Seng Sophan – All Rights Reserved.
H. G. Wells
“Buddhism has done more for the advance of world civilization and true culture than any other influences in the chronicles of mankind.”
ជាងឥទ្ធិពលដ៍ទែផេ្សងក្នុងប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តមនុស្សជាតិ។ —អេហ ជី វ៉ែល
Professor Max Muller
“The Buddha’s moral code is the most perfect which the world has ever known.”
មិនធ្លាប់មាន។ —សាស្រ្តាចារ្យ ម៉ែក មូឡើរ
Albert Schweitzer
“………He gave expression to truths of everlasting value and advanced the ethics of not India alone but of humanity. Buddha was one of the greatest ethical men of genius ever bestowed upon the world.”
ព្រះអង្គបានផ្តល់អោយនូវសច្ចភាពទាំងឡាយដែលមានតំលៃអមតៈ ហើយផ្សព្វផ្សាយចរិយធម៌នេះមិនចំពោះតែប្រទេសឥណ្ឌា តែចំពោះ មនុស្សជាតិទាំងមូល។ ព្រះសម្មាសម្ពុទ្ធគឺជាបុគ្គលប្រកបដោយ ចរិយធម៌ជាក់សែ្តងផុតគេដែលមិនធ្លាប់មានកើតឡើងក្នុងលោកយើងនេះ។ —អាល់បើត ឆ្វាយសើរ
Aldous Huxley
“Alone of all the great world religions, Buddhism made its way without persecution, censorship or inquisition. In all these respects its record is enormously superior to other religions, which made its way among people addicted to militarism.
មានតែព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាតែមួយគត់ក្នុងចំណោមសាសនាពិភពលោកធំៗទាំងឡាយ ដែលផ្សព្វផ្សាយទៅដោយគ្មានការដាក់ទោសទណ្ឌកម្ម ការឃាត់ឃាំង ឫការសួរចំឡើយរឿងជំនឿ។ ក្នុងទិដ្ឋភាពទាំងអស់នេះនិងកំណត់ ហេតុទាំងឡាយបង្ហាយភាពខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ជាងសាសនាដ៍ទៃយ៉ាងសំបើម ដែលវិធីផ្សព្វផ្សាយរបស់គេទាំងនោះគឺញៀនទៅដោយការប្រើប្រាស់ កំឡាំងយោធា។ —អាលដោស ហាក់ស្លេ
Professor Carl Gustav Jung
“As a student of comparative religions, I believe that Buddhism is the most perfect one the world has ever seen. The philosophy of the Buddha, the theory of evolution and the law of Karma were far superior to any other creed.”
ក្នុងនាមជាសិស្សនៃសាសនាប្រៀបធៀប ខ្ញុំមានជំនឿថាព្រះ ពុទ្ធសាសនាមានភាពសុក្រឹតឥតខ្ចោះជាងគេដែលពិភពលោកមិនធ្លាប់មាន។ ទស្សនវិជ្ជារបស់ព្រះពុទ្ធ ទ្រឹស្តីវិវឌ្ឍនាការ និងច្បាប់កម្មផលគឺខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ ជាងលទ្ធិសាសនាដ៍ទៃ។ —សាស្រ្តាចារ្យ ខាល ហ្គាសស្តូវ ជុង
Bertrand Russell
Buddhism is a combination of both speculative and scientific philosophy. It advocates the scientific method and pursues that to a finality that may be called rationalistic. In it are to be found answers to such questions of interest as “What are mind and matter? Of them which is of greater importance? Is the Universe moving towards a goal? What is man’s position? Is there living that is noble ? It takes up where science cannot lead because of the limitations of the latter’s instruments. Its conquests are those of the mind.
ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាគឺជាការរួមបច្ចូលគ្នាទាំងទស្សនវិជ្ជាវិទ្យាសាស្រ្តនិងទស្សនវិជ្ជា អនុលោម។ តែលើកតំកើងវិធីសាស្រ្តវិទ្យាសាស្រ្តនិងបន្តធើ្វដូច្នោះ រហូតដល់ទីបំផុតដែលគេហៅថាប្រកបដោយហេតុនិងផល។ ចំពោះ ការរកឃើញនោះគឺចំឡើយដែលត្រូវបានគេសួរទាក់ទិននឹងបញ្ហាដូចជា តើអ្វីគឺចិត្ត អ្វីគឺវត្ថុ? ទាំងពីរនេះ តើមួយណាសំខាន់ជាង? តើចក្រវាឡ គោចរទៅរកគោលដៅឬ? តើឋានះរបស់មនុស្សស្ថិតត្រង់ណា? តើមាន សត្វមានជីវិតដែលឧត្តមប្រសើរទេ? ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាបាននាំមុខនូវអ្វី ដែលវិទ្យាសាស្រ្តមិនអាចធ្វើបានព្រោះតែសមត្ថភាព ឧបករណ៍ពិសោធន៍ថ្មីៗនេះ។ ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាបានទទួលជ័យជំនះលើ វិទ្យាសាស្រ្តខាងជំនាញ ផែ្នកផ្លូវចិត្ត។ —បើតត្រាន់ រាស់សេល
Albert Einstein
The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend a personal God and avoid dogmas and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description ………… If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.
សាសនានៃអនាគតគឺជាសាសនានៃចក្រវាឡវិទ្យា។ សាសនានោះមិន មានលក្ខណះទាក់ទិនអាទិទេព និងគេចផុតពីទិដ្ឋិនិយមព្រមទាំង ទេវភាព។ លាតសន្ធឹងទាំងផែ្នកចិត្តវិញ្ញាណនិងធម្មជាតិ សាសនានោះ ត្រូវផែ្អកលើជំនឿដែលលេចចេញពីបទពិសោធន៍ផ្ទាល់តែម្តង ចិត្តវិញ្ញាណនិងធម្មជាតិគឺជាគំនររួមដ៏មានន័យ។ ព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា ផ្តល់ចំឡើយនូវអត្ថាធិប្បាយខាងលើនេះ…ប្រសិនបើមានសាសនា ដែលអាចគ្រប់គ្រងតំរូវការរបស់វិទ្យាសាស្រ្តនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នបាន នោះគឺព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនា។ —អាល់បើត អាយស្តាញ
Carl Jung
Buddha is the more complete human being. He is a historical personality and therefore easier for men to understand. Christ is at once a historical man and god, and therefore more difficult to comprehend.
ព្រះពុទ្ធជាម្ចាស់គឺជាបុគ្គលដែលពេញលក្ខណះជាមនុស្សជាងគេ។ ព្រះអង្គជាតួអង្គប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្ត ហើយមនុស្សទូទៅងាយយល់ពីព្រះអង្គ ជាងគេ។ ព្រះយេសូ៑ទាំងជាមនុស្សប្រវត្តិសាស្រ្តនិងតួអង្គអាទិទេព ហេតុដូច្នោះគេពិបាកយល់ពីព្រះអង្គណាស់។ —ខាល ជុង
J. Robert Oppenheimer
If we ask, for instance, whether the position of the electron remains the same, we must say “no”; if we ask whether the electron’s position changes with time, we must say “no”; if we ask whether the electron is at rest, we must say “no”; if we ask whether it is in motion, we must say “no”. The Buddha has given such answer when interrogated as to the conditions of a man’s self after death; but they are not familiar answers for the tradition of 17th and 18th century science.
ប្រសិនបើយើងសួរសំណួរ ជាឧទាហរណ៍ថា ថាតើតំណែងនៃ អេឡិចត្រុងនៅនឹងដដែល? យើងត្រូវឆើ្លយថា ទេ តែបើយើង សួរសំណួរថា តើតំណែងអេឡិចត្រុងមានការផ្លាស់ប្តូរទេតាម ពេលវេលាទេ? យើងត្រូវឆើ្លយថា ទេ តែបើយើងសួរសំណួរថា អេឡិចត្រុងនៅសំរាកមួយកនែ្លងទេ? យើងត្រូវឆើ្លយថា ទេ តែបើយើងសួរសំណួរថា អេឡិចត្រុងវិលវល់ចុះឡើងទេ? យើងត្រូវឆើ្លយថា ទេ។ ព្រះពុទ្ធជាម្ចាស់បានផ្តល់នូវចំឡើយ ទាំងអស់នោះ នៅពេលដែលគេដេញដោលសួរពីលក្ខណ្ឌនៃ អត្តសញ្ញាណរបស់មនុស្សក្រោយពីគេស្លាប់ទៅ តែនេះមិនមាន លក្ខណះស្រដៀងទៅនឹងវប្បធម៌វិទ្យាសាស្រ្តនៅសតវត្សន៍ទី១៧ ទី១៨ នេះទេ។ — ជេ រូបើត អូផែនហាយមើរ
Arthur Schopenhauer
If I am to take the results of my philosophy as the standard of truth, I should be obliged to concede to Buddhism the pre-eminence over the rest. In any case, it must be satisfaction to me to find my teaching in such close agreement with a religion professed by the majority of men.
ប្រសិនបើខ្ញុំយកលទ្ធផលទស្សនវិជ្ជាខ្ញុំថាជាស្តង់ដារនៃសច្ចភាព ខ្ញុំត្រូវ តែទទួលស្គាល់យកព្រះពុទ្ធសាសនាថាមានភាពខ្ពង់ខ្ពស់ជាងខ្លាំងណាស់។ ក្នុងករណីណាក៏ដោយ ខ្ញុំត្រូវតែពេញចិត្តយ៉ាងខ្លាំង ចំពោះពាក្យប្រៀន ប្រដៅរបស់ខ្ញុំដែលមានភាពដូចគ្នាយ៉ាងខ្លាំងជាមួយសាសនាដែលមនុស្ស ភាគច្រើនបានទទួលយក។ —អាតថើរ ស្កូផែនហាវ
Contents – praises for Buddhism
- Famous people praise Buddhism
- 1. Philip Kotler (1931- )
- 2. Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004)
- 3. Stephan R Covey (1932- )
- 4. Uma Thurman (1970-)
- Scientists praise Buddhism
- 1. Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
- 2. Niels. Bohr (1885-1962)
- 3. Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976)
- 4. Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967)
- Philosophers praise Buddhism
- 1. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
- 2. James Allen (1864-1912)
- 3. Karl Jaspers (1883-1969)
- 4. Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
- Writers praise Buddhism
- 1. Daniel Pink
- 2. Alan Wilson Watts (1915-1973)
- 3. Hermann Hesse (1877-1962)
- 4. Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy (1828-1910)
- 5. Arthur Charles Clarke (1917-)
- 6. Arnold J Toynbee (1889-1975)
Famous people praise Buddhism
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Philip Kotler (1931- ) “My approach is influenced by Zen. Zen emphasizes learning by means of meditation and direct, intuitive insights. The thoughts in this book are a result of my meditations on these fundamental marketing concepts and principles.” (Marketing Insights from A to Z) |
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Ronald Wilson Reagan (1911-2004) “One thing that Buddhism teaches you is that every moment is an opportunity to change. “ |
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Stephan R Covey (1932- ) About 6th habit (it is conclusion of this book) “Buddhism calls this “the middle way.” Middle in this sense does not mean compromise; it means higher, like the apex of the triangle.” (Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pepole) |
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Uma Thurman (1970-) “Buddhism has had a major effect on who I am and how I think about the world.” |
Scientists praise Buddhism
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Albert Einstein (1879-1955) “If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs it would be Buddhism.” |
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Niels. Bohr (1885-1962) “For a parallel to the lesson of atomic theory . . . [we must turn to those kinds of epistemological problems with which already thinkers like the Buddha and Lao Tzu have been confronted, when trying to harmonize our position as spectators and actors in the great drama of existence.” (Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge) |
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Werner Heisenberg (1901-1976) “The great scientific contribution in theoretical physics that has come from Japan since the last war may be an indication of a certain relationship between philosophical ideas in the tradition of the Far East and the philosophicalSchrodinge” (Physics and Philosophy) |
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Julius Robert Oppenheimer (1904-1967) “The general notions about human understanding… which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar, wholly unheard of, or new. Even in our own culture they have a history, and in Buddhist and Hindu thought a more considerable and central place. What we shall find is an exemplification, an encouragement, and a refinement of old wisdom.'” (Science and the Common Understanding) |
Psychologists praise Buddhism
Paul Ekman (1934-) “Buddhist conceptions and practices that deal with emotional life make three very distinct contributions to psychology. Conceptually, they raise issues that have been ignored by many psychologists, calling on the field to make more finely nuanced distinctions in thinking about emotional experience. Methodologically, they offer practices that could help individuals report on their own internal experiences, and such practices might thereby provide crucial data that is much more detailed and comprehensive than that gathered by the techniques psychologists now use to study subjective emotional experience. Finally, Buddhist practices themselves offer a therapy, not just for the disturbed, but for all who seek to improve the quality of their lives. We hope what we have reported will serve to spark the interest of psychologists to learn more about this tradition.” (Buddhist and Psychological Perspectives on Emotions and Well-Being) |
John R. O’neil He is president of the California School of Professional Psychology and a member of the boards of the Social Venture Network and California Leadership. He advises major corporations and CEOs on planning, leadership, and organizational health. “Perhaps more important was the fact that “real men” who had sneered at meditation found out that their hard-as-nails Japanese competitors used it regularly. So more and more persons in mainstream careers began to study Buddhism and other Eastern teachings and to practice meditation, and weekend retreats incorporationg meditation gew in popularity.” (Paradox of Success) |
Jeffrey M. Schwartz He is a professor of the UCLA.”We talked, too, about how both quantum physics and classical Buddhism give volition and choice a central role in the workings of the cosmos….According to the Buddha’s timeless law of Dependent Origination, it is because of volition that consciousness keeps arising throughout endless world cycles. And it is certainly true that in Buddhist philosophy one’s choice is not determined by anything in the physical, material world…. So in both quantum physics and Buddhist philosophy, volition plays a special, unique role.” (The Mind and the Brain) |
Philosophers praise Buddhism
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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) “The history of the world travels from East to West, for Europe is absolutely the end of history, Asia is the beginning.” (The Philosophy of History) |
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James Allen (1864-1912) “Buddha beheld the vision of a spiritual world of stainless. beauty and perfect peace, and he entered into it.” (As a man thinkth) |
Karl Jaspers (1883-1969) “In Buddha and Buddhism there flows a source which we Westerners have not tapped, and consequently there is a limit to our understanding. We must first of all acknowledgh that Buddhism is far removed from us and renounce all quick, easy ways of coming closer to it. To participate in the essence of Buddha’s truth, we should have to cease to be what we are.” “The fact that Buddha’s life was possible and that Buddhist life has been a reality in various parts of Asia down to our own dsay — this is a great and important fact.” “It points to the questionable essence of man.” (THE GREAT PHILOSOPHERS) |
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Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) “Buddhism is a hundred times as realistic as Christianity. Buddhism is the only genuinely positive religion to be encountered in history.” (THE ANTICHRIST) |
Writers praise Buddhism
Daniel Pink “Science and Buddhism are bery similar,”… “because they are exploring the nature of reality, and both have the goal to lessen the suffering of mankind.” (A WHOLE NEW MIND) |
Alan Wilson Watts (1915-1973) “The Buddha was a very skillful psychologist, and he is in a way the first psychotherapist in history, a man of tremendous understanding of the wiles and the deviousness of the human mind.” (The Philosophies of Asia) |
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Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) “fragrant myth of Gotama, the Buddha, the wise man of the family of Sakya. He possessed, so the believers said, the highest enlightenment, he remembered his previous lives, he had reached the nirvana and never returned into the cycle, was never again submerged in the murky river of physical forms. Many wonderful and unbelievable things were reported of him, he had performed miracles, had overcome the devil, had spoken to the gods. But his enemies and disbelievers said, this Gotama was a vain seducer, he would spent his days in luxury, scorned the offerings, was without learning, and knew neither exercises nor self-castigation.” (Siddhartha) |
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Leo Nikolayevitch Tolstoy (1828-1910) “To life in the consciousness of the inevitability of suffering, of becoming enfeebled, of old age and of death, is impossible – we must free ourselves from life, from all possible life,” says Buddha. And what these strong minds said has been said and thought and felt by millions upon millions of people like them. And I have thought it and felt it. (A CONFESSION) |
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Sir Arthur Charles Clarke (1917-) “Of the faiths that had existed before the coming of the Overlords, only a forn~ of purified Buddhism-perhaps the most austere of all religions-still survived.” (Childhood’s End) Buddhism will spread to the West. |
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Arnold J Toynbee (1889-1975) “The coming of Buddhism to the West may well prove to be the most important event of the Twentieth Century.” |