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Posted by: | Posted on: July 26, 2013

Last Epilogue of the Cambodia Election

Let go to vote

Photo courtesy: Facebook

Courtesy: Social Business News

Courtesy: Social Business News

Reading many pages of newspapers, comments and think pieces. Watching many clips and pictures. Sensing many touches, reasons and imagination. Today is the last days of Election Campaign Trail. From 12:00 am midnight, the noisy street bikers will take a relax.


Cambodia is the Land of Wonder with the Contradictory Scenes and Sight-view. Angkor Wat is a great monument the world admired, the Khmer Rouge and the museum of Toul Sleng frighten the Cambodian people and the world. In the Campaign Rally: opposition leaders both HE Sam Rainsy and HE Kem Sokha from the CNRP walked through several mountains, rivers, rice paddies and people crowds for the CAMPAIGN, but HE Hun Sen and HE Chea Sim from the CPP have stayed in shade quietly. Today is the last day of Election Campaign Trail. From 12:00 am midnight, the distance walkers will pause for a reflection.


Meas Srey and Prum Chea were jailed almost a year by the court of Cambodia under the CPP’s leadership because of their uniting with Sam Rainsy to protect their farm land from the Vietnamese attempt to construct the border post there, now two of them are happy with their bravery action even-though the local authority and the government have never given up of pineapple eyes on them. Today is the last day of Election Campaign Trail. From 12:00 am midnight, the family of Meas Srey and Prum Chea will plan to grow rice in their farm land and be ready for a VOTE FOR CHANGE.


Noisy streets by those rallies will become quiet, but the street bystanders and vendors will not forget their involvement from shouting and signaling the support of NUMBER 7. When the street watchers are signaling to oppose the Campaign Rally, this phenomena speaks a direct language to the Rally’s Organizer.

For your entertainment, please watch two video clips below:

This first video clip was shot on 26 July 2013 in Phnom Penh posted on Facebook.

This second video clip was shot on 24 July 2013 in Siem Reap posted on Facebook

Posted by: | Posted on: July 25, 2013

Election Watch: Violence in the Election


A CNRP’s youth was hit by CPP’s youth
Photo courtesy: Facebook

response to clip

Messages to all TV channels and Radios which are attacking Khmer youth.
Messages are concerning on violence should not be incited between Khmers and Khmers. If violence occurs, foreigner has always taken advantage. All Khmers must wake up for a great unification as a Khmer family. Message advised all youth to conduct professionally, non-violence and stay in unity.
Photo courtesy: Facebook

After Aja A’s comment on violence and military coup will happen if the CNRP won the election, NEC has taken a historical action to order shutting down this radio channel. But civil societies are eager to see official confirmation from top officials of military and police department to this incitement comment. Aja A or Seng Bunveng’s comment is seen as intimidation during this election season.

However, it has become heating debate and sharing on facebook right now after CTN aired a video clip made by cutting from different sources accusing the CNRP’s supporters and youth as immature, bad behaviour and gangster. The clip televised throughout the country and ended by a song praising the CPP.

NEC must also take action on this airing clip whose content is considered causing hatred among political supporters. It is likely an incitement. After the airing many violences happened.

This is the clip aired by CTN accusing CNRP’s supporters are racist, disorganized, particularly young supporters (youth) are like gangster.

This is the clip of the so-called CPP’s young supporters are stoning at the CNRP’s young supporters. Many surrounding people tried to stop them.

This is a clip of another man who was bleeding on his head.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 19, 2013

Historical heroic greeting of the Khmer Politician in this 21st Century

However, many young participants gave interview through the media said that “the power of money cannot defeat the power of spirit or ទឹកលុយមិនឈ្នះទឹកចិត្ត”; and saying goes “please look at Cambodia with your wisdom eyes, not by naked flesh eyes or សូមក្រលេកមើលកម្ពុជាដោយបញ្ញាចក្ខុ កុំមើលកម្ពុជាដោយមំសៈចក្ខុ”, or “moral support retained more efficacy than other means of political supports or ការគាំទ្រផ្លូវស្មារតីអាចមានប្រសិទ្ធិភាពជាងរាល់សំភារៈនយោបាយផ្សេងទៀត.”

While Phnom Penh Post highlighted the main page titled “unprecedented turnout greets Rainsy”, Cambodia Daily titled “Rainsy Returns to Largest Opposition Rally Ever”, thus I  would like to title it “Historical heroic greeting of the Khmer politician in this 21th century”. I collected below videos and photos for library profile and reflect them as time permitted.

Sam Rainsy Return

Photo Courtesy: Facebook

Sam Rainsy Return 1

Photo Courtesy: Facebook

Sam Rainsy Return 2

Photo Courtesy: Facebook

People say “pictures speak truth hundred words”. In the same time “live videos speak truth thousand words”. Both videos and pictures above speak truth hundred thousands words.


It is true that Cambodian people, both young and old, rich and poor, are flocking to greet H.E.Sam Rainsy in his returning to home country from his self-imposed exile to avoid 11 years jail attempt. The greeting organizer planed for 40,000 members only, but the participants skyrocketed up 1 million according to the latest source from the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP).

– This unprecedented crowd tells us that Cambodian people need CHANGE in political leadership and governance system for a better future.

– This fever crowd is brave to stand up for their ideal, conscience, belief and self-determination (as majority of those participants were not invited or hired to come).

– This enthusiastic crowd is the manifestation of bravery act of H.E.Sam Rainsy in protecting the Khmer territory border land with Vietnam, not a criminal act as accused. The trial has spoken truth to Khmer conscience and mentality. It is another evidence that no one can distort the real interest of the Khmer nation from the Khmer people.

– This cheerful crowd is a testimony of Khmer people who fully value the mode of unification. The marriage of two parties into one big party is an ideal symbol of Khmer unity nationwide.

– You might have more words to decode from those videos and photos…

As said, this new party created by combining two democratic parties are seen as lacking many things such as finance, strong administration, and media coverage for its policy etc. is actually unparalleled to its contender, the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) who has everything in hand.

However, many young participants gave interview through the media said that “the power of money cannot defeat the power of spirit or ទឹកលុយមិនឈ្នះទឹកចិត្ត”; and saying goes “please look at Cambodia with your wisdom eyes, not by naked flesh eyes or សូមក្រលេកមើលកម្ពុជាដោយបញ្ញាចក្ខុ កុំមើលកម្ពុជាដោយមំសៈចក្ខុ”, or “moral support retained more efficacy than other means of political supports or ការគាំទ្រផ្លូវស្មារតីអាចមានប្រសិទ្ធិភាពជាងរាល់សំភារៈនយោបាយផ្សេងទៀត.”

Thus, the Phnom Penh Post on its news titled “Hero’s welcome for returning Rainsy” wrote that [“It’s time for a change,” Ministry of Education staffer Le Hour, 32, told the Post amid the crowd. “In the office, I’m CPP, but I don’t really support their policies.”

Asked if he thought the CNRP now stood a chance in light of Rainsy’s return, he expressed optimism, with a caveat.

“If the election is free and fair, he will win.”]

This description mainly tends to point out that Leadership Skill is about self-reflection that from seeing such unprecedented crowd showed up in greeting an opposition leader, the ruling party must look at themselves twice or several times. And if the ruling party wish to see the brighter future and collective interest of the nation, they must accommodate FAIR PLAY in the election.

Posted by: | Posted on: July 10, 2013

Election Watch: H.E.Sam Rainsy will return to Cambodia before July 20th

Sam RainsyThe latest update on the hottest news of Cambodia Election is about the confirmation on the return to Cambodia of H.E.Sam Rainsy, the president of Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP), before July 20th, 2013. The confirmation posted by The Phnom Penh Post which is confirmed by the permanent members of the CNRP.

There are many debates, analysis and reporting on the “cause and effect” on the decision of H.E.Sam Rainsy to return to Cambodia prior to the election day of July 28th, 2013. But I am very blissful after listening to his affirmation and affection on his firm decision without fear of jailing or any possible ill-will to cause his life. His returning to motherland is not an intention to campaign vote for his party, but for everyone regardless of what party do you like, it is his will and his time in a life to sacrifice for his beloved motherland.

In the interview, Sam Rainsy also appealed to all youths and his supporters not to ignite any anger or violence.

Please, listen the video below:

In the meantime, there are huge campaign to protect H.E.Sam Rainsy from the youths and supporters in Cambodia. To what I have seen in facebook, there are text support, like support, change profile support and audio message support with the video clip. The clip below is from an active youth whose age might be around 18 years old to rally support and stated that he can sacrifice whatever he can do to protect H.E.Sam Rainsy.

But to what Cambodian government under the rule of the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) as their strategists must do brainstorm right now is the pressure from the United States on an insurance to ensure that H.E.Sam Rainsy can return to Cambodia safely and no arrest will be happened. The ruling party of Hun Sen this time might be facing with the challenge of their own political legitimacy and the pressure from the most powerful democratic country, the United States. In the hearing of more than 1:30 hours, the themes were opened by chair specifying Cambodia as the main issue focusing mainly on the nature of totalitarianism of Mr.Hun Sen, rampant corruption, abuses on human rights, deprivation on political opponents, distorting genuine democracy and enfranchising or manipulating the election etc. Six witnesses were present and members of parliament as well as senate from both parties were present in the room.

The theme was concluded in the anticipating of fair play in election and it is repeatedly stated that this Election in Cambodia must be fair and free and acceptable by the international standard, if not so USA will cut its aids or imposing on Cambodia by other possible means.

The election must free and fair must absolutely include H.E.Sam Rainsy in the play game or it simply means allow H.E.Sam Rainsy return to Cambodia without obstacle.

Subcommittee Hearing: Cambodia’s Looming Political and Social Crisis
[Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific | 2172 House Rayburn Office Building Washington, DC 20515 | Jul 9, 2013 2:00pm]

Opening Statements


Mr. John Sifton
Asia Advocacy
Human Rights Watch
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Ms. Evi Schueller
Legal Consultant
Cambodian League for the Promotion of Defense of Human Rights
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

Mr. Patrick Merloe
Election Programs
National Democratic Institute
[full text of statement]

Mr. Daniel Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
SRP International Group
[full text of statement]
[truth in testimony form]

***Any changes to witness list will be reflected above.