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Posted by: | Posted on: January 6, 2015

The Pragmatism Politics Thought by Young Khmer Generation Part I

Program: Pragmatism view of politics by Khmer Younger Generation.

This first part, you will learn the meaning of Leadership Skills, its broad meaning and activities, and how Khmer leaders have been in role model?


Posted by: | Posted on: January 1, 2015

What should CNRP and CPP behave for this 2015?

CNRP must not neglect this absorbing activity through concessioning various political means such as accepting to reform the NEC within a jargon paper contract (while deviling in details), giving TV channel (while strictly regulating inside the application form (អញ្ញាប័ណ្ណ)), and upgrading opposition party to officially recognize through the constitution in mandating power of opposition leader paralleling to that Prime Minister (while the leverages and obligations of this post are not yet detailed) etc.

Today is January 1, 2015. I am staying home for this year holiday. This holiday should accommodate me inside couch to read or to watch movies rather than keyboarding to express view on the blog. Actually, I cannot abstain to pen idea and paint vision for the collective interests of Cambodia at all.

CNRP is the opposition party that has been built within democratic principles while CPP has been born from different wombs of political spectrum. Opposition’s obligations are to criticize the government. Criticizing government doesn’t mean you are going to oppose everything that government has been doing, or to say the least, if the government is continuing to jail opposition activists and civil rights activists, opposition leaders must not only say this activity is not to create the culture of dialogue or politics of cooperation. Deploying this rhetoric doesn’t translate the duties and obligations of the opposition at all.

Why CNRP must slow down or low down its criticizing crusade towards the government? Because the opposition wants a new NEC to be reborn first, or waiting for other appropriate circumstances etc.? No. No. Criticizing the government in failure to implement the laws, to develop economic equally, or to fail to put the interest of the nation first etc. is a must. Opposition CNRP must continue to criticize and furthering its critics authority by bringing professionalism to its table through doing scientific researches and compiling those research findings into dossiers or documents to educate the public.

Whenever, CNRP stopped criticizing the government (ruling party), it means the life of the CNRP shall also perish.

2559 or 2015?

2015-01-01 23.43.09According to Cambodian lunar calendar, the new year shall likely start in the first moon day of Vishakha each year. This adoption owing to the birth of Lord Buddha on the Full Moon of Vishaka, so from that day should be considered the first day of the year calendar. However, Cambodia norm and costume have adopted Gregorian lunar month to follow the phase of the moon by calculating according to bright moon night (ខ្នើត)and dark moon night (រនោច). The first month Khmers have started to count is likely first moon day (១ កើត) of Magha (មាឃ) fallen into around ending of November and middle of December. This lunar month calendar has been using among Buddhist temple congregations and rural Cambodians. But as probably adopted by French colony, the city dwellers and government including school teachers and students are using Solar Calendar system like Western culture by adopting January (មករា), February (កុម្ភៈ) etc. and use the A.D. year.

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Posted by: | Posted on: December 31, 2014

Happy New Year 2558 or 2015

Happy New Year 2015

Posted by: | Posted on: December 21, 2014

The Cambodia Politics of Nostalgia: From Indochina to AEC 2015

In the meantime, the challenges Cambodia is facing for Asian integration is its slow increase of population including skill labors and strengthening the rule of laws within the country.

  1. The eyes-catching danger for Cambodia right now is the influx of population flowing from Vietnam. While the population of this country is hiked up to 90 millions, Cambodia is likely existing only 14 millions. The westward travelers of Vietnamese population is encouraged by both geographic frontier that blocks by China vast sea at the East, and their Vietnamese existing networks in Cambodia established since 1979 during more than 20,000 Vietnamese armed soldier trespassed into this country and anchored the power base in this land for more than 10 years.
  2.  Cambodian opposition party, CNRP, must promptly initiate the very jargon present Immigration Laws by introducing new up-to-date Immigration Laws and Laws on Nationality Naturalization and Names Change that other countries have effectively used it. Current Immigration Laws and Laws on Nationality Naturalization don’t respond to reality of Cambodia and to the policy of Asian Integration including its upcoming AEC at all. Some few recommendations, the Immigration Laws and its Control must be under Special Force of National Authority Level, not under the Ministry of Interior as practicing at the Present. While nationality application and name change (?) are under the Royal Decree, the Citizenship Identification Issuance must be under National Authority Level, not under provincial governor as presently practicing etc.
  3. The Immigration Authority must enforce the Laws and Implement them effectively and equally. As evidence, Cambodia must accept the reality that those remaining Vietnamese populations, at least since 1979, are in large number and omnipresently living throughout Cambodia. Those citizens have not yet been well integrated and naturalized. Of course, those citizens have created their living community in Cambodia before the birth of current Immigration Laws and Its Enforcement. This is odd. And this is imperative to create and effectivate National Level Policy to handle with those populations.

The most reliable way to anticipate the future is by comprehending the past and understanding the present

After indulging into the prolific description of Henry Mouhot for his book “Travels in Siam, Cambodia, Lao and Annam” during his visiting of these countries between 1859-1861 as a nature researcher and explorer (botanic naturalist); I am keen to glancing back to Angkorean period, the Indochina Federation of France, and the Vietnam’s War or the War that can change France Indochina into Vietnamese Indochina. After that, I am keen to looking at the present for different available scenarios to bring back the Spirit of Angkorean the Great for the Future Cambodia.

Recalling the Past of Greatness

Indochina King Norodom 1865

King Norodom 1865 Courtesy of: Keo Chanbo

Not need to describe much on the glory of Khmer empire between 8th century to 14th century as those gigantic monuments such as Angkor Wat, Bayon, Preah Vihear, Banteary Srey, Banteay Chmar, and groups of Sambo Prey Kok etc. are still discerning truth for all of us. Henry Mouhot visited Angkor Wat and he was stunned that Angkor Wat was built by Rome or Greece, and it is a world’s famous architect of Michelangilo in this plunged state. Of course, many believed and stated that Henry Mouhot is a botanic researcher (naturalist and explorer), but I am convinced that he is the France’s spy who recorded all treasures, natural resources, and geographic map for France to plan its colonization on this region. He is not different from Chou Ta Kuan who visited Angkor during the 14th century as a Chinese Ambassador but his detailed descriptions were sent directly to Mongol Emperor for conquering attempt on this region while China was a Mongol’s vassal state.

France firstly learnt about Cambodia and the Angkor from a Portuguese  Christian monk, António da Madalena , who visited Cambodia during the the 1586. The motivation behind France to arriving Cambodia, Vietnam and Lao, could be variable but I am believed, France was inspired by the Greatness of Angkor Wat depicted by Henry Mouhot, and the Official Invitation by the Khmer King Ang Duong. Many scholars wrote that France favoured Vietnam more than Cambodia and Lao as Vietnamese were so welcoming to the arrival of France including their subservient attitude, diligent, industrious, and more populated than Cambodia and Lao. But my argument is that France took their accessibility as a key decision-making by creating head-quarter in Vietnam as during that time only through China’s Sea that France can embark and transfer manpower and goods. France’s base in Vietnam is important to go through Cambodia and Lao, to Thailand, and to counter England in Burma.

Indochina Money 1 Riel Indochina Money 1 riel 1 Indochina Money 1 Riel 2 Indochina Money 1 Riel 3 Indochina Money 1 Riel 4 Indochina Money 1 Sen Indochina Money 2 Riel Indochina Money 5 Riels Indochina Money 5 Sen Indochina Money 10 Riels Indochina Money 10 Sen Indochina Money 20 Riels 1 Indochina Money 20 Sen Indochina Money 100 Riels

France created Indochina currency by using Vietnamese (Chinese pictographs), Laotians and Khmer scripts within all money bank-notes (see above bank-notes photos: courtesy of Keo Chanbo). France employed Vietnamese to work more than Cambodians and Laotians. France built schools and universities in Vietnam, not in Cambodia and Lao.

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