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Posted by: | Posted on: March 21, 2015

Political Leadership Skills are About Different Skills of Imagination and Transform Such Imagination

Many times and many occasions, that coach and trainer of Leadership Skills skills 5have encouraged participants to utilize your imagination and later transform your imagination into reality. Naturally, the world is clouded by two inseparable phenomena: world of imagination and world of reality.

How could one paint about the future of things, and the ability of oneself to effectively fathom such futurism, is a skillful imagination.

By using different effective formula and tactic, one can reach their imaginative future easily.

For instance, how Cambodia should be seen in 2020?

Image:- It should be operated by alternative government that focus on skills 2more democratization and the rule of laws, equitable economic development, the government is not led by the status-quo, the post-baby-boomers and silent generation of Cambodia can climb up to government leadership, and middle income status of Cambodia embodied etc.

Transform:- According to researches, Cambodia is not yet in the stage of Spring Change, but Cambodia can be on incremental change. Researches provided few indicators: not like Tunesia or Egypt that their military and armed force are skills 4somehow neutral, these countries have not been affected civil wars, and their people are not much traumatized by wars and social ills. For Cambodians, they see that the Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) is not exactly Cambodian political party because this party was created and fed by Vietnamese since 1979. Next question is how much this seeing is true and how much it is just a nationalism syndromes?

Tools:- As the wake of Enlightenment by Voltaire (modern scholar) whileskills 1 Lord Buddha preached this Enlightenment approach since 488 years B.E. During that time, Buddha said “Four noble truth are: the truth of suffering, the causes of the truth of suffering, the ending of suffering, and the path leading to the ending of suffering”, or in short, reality of war and conflict, its causes, reality of its ending, and methods to transform such risks into opportunities.

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Posted by: | Posted on: March 17, 2015

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from Khmer Youth part 12

This part, Mr. Sophan Seng, analysed on manner of human beings to uphold a sustainable world. It is broadcasted by CMN radio on Monday, March 16, 2015.

leadership excellence graphicMan is a noble being, to develop oneself as a member of human race, one must pursue the seven Dhamma following:

1. Kalayanamitta=having a good friend
2. Sila sampatha=perfection of morality
3. Chanthasampatha=perfection of aspiration
4. Attasampatha=perfection of oneself
5. Thiddhisampatha=perfection of view
6. Appamathasampatha=perfection of heedfulness
7. Yonisomanasikhara=perfection of wise reflection

Posted by: | Posted on: March 16, 2015

ខ្មែរយេីងជាអ្នកត្រិៈរិៈ ឬ ជាអ្នកមនោសញ្ចេតនា?

ដល់សាច់រឿងដែលខ្ញុំនឹងពិភាក្សាអំពី ការគិតប្រកបដោយត្រិៈរិៈពិចារណា ខ្ញុំចង់ដឹងជាដំបូងថាតេីខ្មែរយេីងភាគច្រេីនជា អ្នកត្រិៈរិៈ ឬ ជាអ្នកមនោសញ្ចេតនា?

តាមការស្រាវជ្រាវនិងអត្ថបទចុងក្រោយបំផុតដែលខ្ញុំបានអាន អ្នកគិតត្រិៈរិៈគឺអ្នកនិយមប្រេីខួរក្បាល អ្នកមនោសញ្ចេតនាគឺជាអ្នកនិយមប្រេីបេះដូង។ ទាំងពីរនេះមានភាពអច្ចរិយៈតែរៀងៗខ្លួន ហេីយភាពជាអ្នកដឹកនាំត្រូវមានវិធីក្នុងចូលទៅសេវនាជាមួយ។

តេីរូបអ្នកជាអ្នកត្រិៈរិៈ ឬ ជាអ្នកមនោសញ្ចេតនា?

Thinker or Feelerប្លង់អ្នកត្រិៈរិៈ

  • ឡូសុិក
  • ជាក់ច្បាស់
  • តឹងតែង
  • មានហេតុផល


  • យល់ចិត្ត
  • ទទួលយក
  • មេត្តា
  • ទន់ភ្លន់



  • ផ្តោតទៅលេីគោលការណ៍និងឡូសិុក
  • អាចផុសឡេីងដាច់ស្រាច់និងម្យ៉ាងរបស់គេ
  • សថាស ខ្មៅថាខ្មៅ
  • ទទួលស្គាល់ថាជំលោះគឺជាច្បាប់ធម្មជាតិ
  • កំឡាំងជំរុញទឹកចិត្តកេីតពីផលសំរេច


  • ផ្តោលទៅលេីអារម្មណ៍និងគុណតំលៃ
  • អាចផុសចេញឡេីងទៅតាមអារម្មណ៍និងគ្មានហេតុផល
  • មិនប្រាកដប្រជា
  • បច្ចៀសខ្លួនពីជំលោះអោយខាងតែបាន
  • កំឡាំងជំរុញទឹកចិត្តកេីតចេញពីការសរសេីរ

តេីអ្នកអាចសេវនាជាមួយ អ្នកត្រិៈរិៈ និង អ្នកមនោសញ្ចេតនា ដោយវិធីណា?



  • ផ្តោតទៅលេីផលវិជ្ជមាននិងអវិជ្ជមាន
  • ជជែកដេញដោលប្រកបដោយឡូសុិក
  • ត្រង់ទៅត្រង់មក

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Posted by: | Posted on: March 15, 2015

Leadership in Action at work place in Western world

We, Cambodians, wish to see the upcoming new selection advertisement of Nine Members for the new NEC is broadly outlined such as the Job Descriptions, Detailed Obligations and Responsibilities, Qualifications, and Security Check etc.

There are different levels of Civil Service Competency Framework by Grades in the UK. But this example one is in Grade called “Band B”. In brief, those wish to work within this grade must possess following competency within the Civil Service Values Encircled:

Civil Service Leadership Competency B of UK1. Setting Direction

  • Seeing the big picture
  • Changing and improving
  • Making effective decisions

2. Engaging People

  • Leading and communicating
  • Collaborating and partnering
  • Building capacity for all

3. Delivering Results

  • Achieving commercial outcomes
  • Delivering value for money
  • Managing a quality service
  • Delivering at pace


Beside of detailing each framework and sub-framework, the job description (ភារកិច្ចការងារ) outlined effective behavior vs. ineffective behavior as well, for example:

1. Seeing the Big Picture

Keep up to date with a broad set of issues relating to the work of the Department vs. Have a narrow view of their role, without understanding the Department’s wider activities

2. Changing and Improving

Understand and apply technology to achieve efficient and effective business and personal results vs. Avoid use of technology and stick to tried and tested means of delivering business objectives

3. Making Effective Decisions

Demonstrate accountability and make unbiased decisions vs. Avoid making decisions that lie within own remit, continually push decisions up.

4. Leading and Communicating

Display enthusiasm around goals and activities – adopting a positive approach when interacting with others vs. Express limited interest in goals and activities.

5. Collaborating and Partnering

Demonstrate interest in others and develop a range of contacts outside own team to help get the job done vs. Ignore the knowledge and expertise that a wider network of colleagues and partners can bring to the work of the team.

6. Building Capability for All

Take ownership of team and individual development by identifying capability needs and consistently development objectives vs. Fail to address own capability needs or identify learning opportunities.

7. Achieving Commercial Outcomes

Be able to identify and access departmental procurement and commercial expertise vs. Make poor quality commercial decisions or take actions without having engaged with departmental commercial experts.

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