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Posted by: | Posted on: March 1, 2016

Cambodia Election 2013 of Lesson to Be Learnt through IFES Survey Report

Source for your references

IMG_20160301_161655Opinions on the Electoral Process

  • Cambodians express a strong sense of civic responsibility when it comes to voting, but, concurrently, are split on whether their individual vote makes a difference. The vast majority of Cambodians strongly (83%) or somewhat agree (16%) voting gives them a chance to influence decision-making in the country, yet there are as many Cambodians who agree (47%) as those who disagree (44%) their vote may not make a difference. Undertaking campaigns explaining the importance and value of each citizen’s vote, as well as building knowledge of and confidence in all aspects of the electoral process may encourage more citizens to vote.
  • Focus group findings highlight a lack of awareness regarding other forms of civic influence besides voting. When discussing how citizens can be a part of the democratic process, very few focus group participants are able to cite other examples. While enthusiasm and belief in the importance of voting is very positive, the low awareness of how to be civically active highlights the need to inform citizens about other avenues of civic participation that can help them express their views on social and political issues.
  •  Just as Cambodians believe in the importance of voting, most citizens believe elections are crucial and participation is the obligation of people living in Cambodia (84%). Still, four in 10 (43%) acknowledge there is room for improvement in the electoral process. Many respondents suggest obtaining more information about, and easing access to, the electoral process in order to improve the process. Respondents also mention addressing procedural issues, such as improving accessibility of polling stations for persons with disabilities, taking steps to improve the voter registry, adding more polling stations and providing better oversight and organization of elections overall. Focus group participants reveal similar opinions. Providing more voter education information; takings steps to improve the transparency and fairness of the process; and making the voter registration process easier to understand are all mentioned as ways to improve the electoral process. These findings highlight citizens’ recommendations on how to improve the process, and consequently their opinions of the process, and could be taken into consideration in future strategic planning initiatives.
  • Cambodians also express strong support for public disclosure of campaign contributions in higher percentages than in the 2012 IFES survey. Eighty-five percent of Cambodians believe it is very (45%) or somewhat (40%) important for candidates and parties to publically disclose the money received for their campaigns. This compares to 2012 data, in which 73% of Cambodians said it is very (34%) or somewhat (39%) important for candidates and parties to publicly disclose the money they receive for their campaigns. This increase illuminates heightened awareness of the importance of disclosure in campaign finance over the past year.

Read entire research by IFES on Cambodia 2013 Survey_Report

Posted by: | Posted on: February 29, 2016

Overseas Absentee Voting for Cambodians Overseas is required by the Laws

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 53

aroundtheworldThis part (53), Mr. Sophan Seng continued to describe the unalienable rights to vote of Cambodians overseas. Furthering to introduction of the CEROC part 52, Cambodians overseas have played important roles in nation-building of Cambodia following renaissance of political, social and economical changes.

  1. Politics: as the matter of fact, Cambodian diaspora had actively engaged in national liberation during the foreign occupation between 1979-1990 along Thai-Cambodia border, and they were significantly helped to push for the establishment of Paris Peace Agreement (PPA).

  2. Socially innovating: Cambodian diaspora has built hundred and thousand Buddhist temples to stock their culture and belief. Buddhist temples are central of identity, languages, spiritual needs, and volunteerism.

  3. Economically contributing: Both Cambodian migrant workers and Cambodian diaporic members have annually contributed to economic growth and GDP not less than 500 millions dollar usd each year. But recent finding broadcasted by VOA Khmer indicated that just Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand alone has sent remittance back home not less than 1 billion usd each year.

The above significant engagement and contribution, including, the guarantee of Cambodia constitution as well as the Universal Declaration on Human Rights of the United Nations, Cambodians overseas and the overseas absentee voting choice for those people, must not be deprived.

Posted by: | Posted on: February 29, 2016

FAQ for Elections Canada of lesson to be learnt

I’m a Canadian living abroad. How do I vote?

If you live outside Canada, you can apply now to vote by mail if you:

  • are a Canadian citizen
  • will be 18 or older on election day
  • have lived in Canada at some point in your life
  • intend to move back to Canada to reside, and
  • have lived outside Canada for less than five consecutive years or are exempt from the five-year limit

If we accept your application, we will add your name to the International Register of Electors and send you a special ballot voting kit.

If you are not eligible to vote by mail, you can vote in person at an advance poll or on election day – learn more.

Who is exempt from the five-year limit on voting by Canadians living abroad?

You are exempt from the five-year limit if you are:

  • employed outside Canada in the federal public administration or the public service of a province,
  • employed outside Canada by an international organization of which Canada is a member and to which Canada contributes, or
  • living with an elector employed as described above, or with a member of the Canadian Forces posted outside Canada, or with a person employed outside Canada by the Canadian Forces as a teacher or as administrative support staff in a Canadian Forces school

How can I prove I am exempt from the five-year limit?

If you are exempt from the five-year limit based on where you or someone you live with is employed (see list above), you must provide proof of employment for yourself or for that elector.

For example, provide a copy, photo or scan of a current:

  • Canadian diplomatic passport
  • employee identification card, or
  • document on the organization’s letterhead, showing the employee’s name and employment status, signed by an authorized official of the organization

I live abroad and I am voting by special ballot. What is my Canadian address for voting purposes?

If you are voting by mail-in special ballot, your Canadian address for voting purposes is the address in Canada where your vote will count. You will vote for a candidate in the riding that contains this address.

Read More …

Posted by: | Posted on: February 28, 2016

Committee for Election Rights of Overseas Cambodians

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 52

CEROC Logo 1This part (52), Mr. Sophan Seng elaborated on The CEROC or Committee for Elections Rights of Overseas Cambodians. This diasporic volunteering leadership has mainly focused on two goals:
1. Collecting all suggestions, petitions, and participation of the Khmers overseas in order to campaign for inclusive participate in Cambodia elections. This participation shall enrich the Cambodia political leadership and participatory democracy of this nation.

  1. Focusing on researches and publications of some technical, mechanism and procedural practices from many countries who have included their citizens abroad to vote at their home-country elections.

By incorporating with many stakeholders, the CEROC is being recognized by Khmers diaspora, migrant workers, students, and government officials working abroad, widely.