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Posted by: | Posted on: June 1, 2017



What is change in Cambodia?
Please, look at Cambodia Constitution especially in chapter 118 & 119.

Courtesy: Social Business News

Courtesy: Social Business News

Article 118:
The Council of Ministers is the Royal Government of the Kingdom of Cambodia. The Council of Ministers shall be led by one Prime Minister assisted by Deputy Prime Ministers, and by Senior Ministers, Ministers and Secretaries of State as members.

Article 119:
Upon the request of the President and with the agreement of both Vice-Presidents of the National Assembly, the King shall designate a dignitary among the Members of the National Assembly of the party holding the largest number of seats in the National Assembly to form the Royal Government. This dignitary and Members of the National Assembly and members of political parties represented in the National Assembly who are proposed for positions within the Royal Government present themselves to the National Assembly to ask for a vote of confidence.

After the National Assembly passes a vote of confidence in the proposed Royal Government, the King shall issue a Royal decree appointing the entire Council of Ministers. Before taking office, the Council of Ministers shall take the Oath of Allegiance stipulated in Annex 6.

Posted by: | Posted on: May 31, 2017

Could half of million dollar US to develop Commune-Sangkat is possible or not?

Courtesy of : Planning for Growth

Courtesy of : Planning for Growth


Could half of million dollar US to develop Commune-Sangkat is possible or not?

Posted by: | Posted on: April 29, 2017

Prisoners of conscience of human rights defenders got human rights awards

Op-Ed: &


Mr Ny Sokha, Mr Yi Soksan, Mr Nay Vanda, Ms Lim Mony and Mr Ny Chakrya – also known as the “Khmer 5” – are five Cambodian human rights defenders who have been arbitrarily detained since 28 April 2016 as a result of their legitimate human rights work. The five human rights defenders have all been working in the field of human rights their entire lives, and together they have a long history of assisting victims of rights violations. They have taken leading advocacy roles, calling for the promotion and protection of human rights in Cambodia, and worked to empower thousands of Cambodians to actively defend their rights.

FreeThe5KhNy Sokha, Yi Soksan, Vanda and Lim Mony are all senior staff members of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (“ADHOC”), a Cambodian human rights NGO. Ny Chakrya is a former ADHOC staff member, and is now the Deputy Secretary-General of Cambodia’s National Election Committee (“NEC”). He is the only independent and non-partisan member of the body, responsible for election monitoring and internal audits into allegations of election fraud. ADHOC was founded by a group of former political prisoners in 1991 and is one of the leading civil society organisations protecting and promoting human rights, rule of law and democracy in Cambodia. It has played a vital role in protecting destitute victims of egregious human rights abuses, among others by providing them with advice, legal and material support.

  • Ny Chakrya, before becoming the Deputy Secretary-General of the NEC, was the Head of ADHOC’s Human Rights and Monitoring section, where he focused on helping victims of rights abuses.
  • Yi Soksan, a Senior Investigator is a specialist in investigating violations of land and natural resources rights, one of the most challenging and widespread human rights violations in Cambodia. He has devoted his life to promotion and protection of human rights for more than 20 years and started volunteering at ADHOC in 1991, the year it was founded.
  • Lim Mony has been working to protect women’s and children’s rights in Cambodia since she started working at ADHOC in 1994. Before her arbitrary detention, she was a Senior Investigator, assisting women and girls that fell victim to gender-based violence, in particular rape and domestic violence, or that became a victim of human trafficking. She was responsible for investigating violations of women’s and children’s rights throughout Cambodia.
  • Nay Vanda joined ADHOC in 2008 after leaving a career in politics to devote his life to civil society and protecting human rights in his home country. He maintained ADHOC’s local network with other civil society stakeholders, represented Cambodian civil society on a regional level and advocated for Cambodian human rights issues in ASEAN-related forums.
  • Ny Sokha has been with ADHOC since 1992. At the time of Cambodia’s first United Nations-backed democratic election in 1993 he worked with ADHOC in all parts of Cambodia, managed ADHOC’s alternative dispute resolution programme, and was the Head of the Human Rights Section before his detention. Their years of service demonstrate integrity and commitment in the defence of the human rights enshrined in international human rights law and Cambodia’s Constitution and are an impressive example of the valuable work of human rights defenders all over Cambodia.

The detention of the five human rights defenders comes in the context of an increasingly severe crackdown on civil society and the political opposition in Cambodia, with many individuals facing arrest and prosecution as a result of their work. The five had collectively worked on the case of Ms Khom Chandaraty, a woman alleged to have had an extra-marital relationship with Kem Sokha, then the acting leader of Cambodia’s largest opposition party. Since April 2016 Kem Sokha has been under investigation by Cambodia’s Anti-Corruption Unit (“ACU“) for involvement in prostitution, after leaked telephone conversations appeared to reveal a relationship with Khom Chandaraty. The ACU’s zealous pursuit of the case against Kem Sokha has met with significant criticism, including, for example, from four UN Special Rapporteurs, who noted that elements of the case “suggest that this entire episode is nothing more than a politically‐motivated persecution of civil society.“ In their roles at ADHOC, the five provided legitimate and routine legal and material assistance to Chandaraty, who had approached ADHOC for support upon being subject to investigation by the Antiterrorism Unit of the Ministry of Interior and later the Prosecutor of the Phnom Penh Municipal Court as a result of the alleged affair and the leaked audio recording on her Facebook profile page. After changing her narrative from denying the alleged affair to admitting she had indeed engaged in an extra-marital relationship with Kem Sokha, on 22 April 2016, Khom Chandaraty alleged in an open letter that the five had convinced her to lie in the course of investigations.

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Posted by: | Posted on: April 28, 2017

Government belongs to the Cambodian people, not to any particular political party

Political Paradigm of Pragmatism from the Khmer Youth part 104

This part (104), Mr. Sophan analysed on “Government belongs to the Cambodian people, no one can privatize government”.

Members of CabinetWith this prudent aspect, Cambodia is Constitution-based nation. As said, political parties are just part of the nation’s actors paralleling to civil societies and other spatial communities in which hose actors are generally called “stakeholders”.

Cambodian people have placed in a grey zone in comprehending the government leadership especially the government has irresponsibly worked to cloud the Cambodian people not to see the government as it is belonging to the Cambodian people through all provisions by the current Constitution, not belonging to any political party.

One of the examples is government leadership structure or bureaucrats. The government-led part is not the government although those top leaders including Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Ministers, Council Ministers, and Secretary of States or all of them are called “members of cabinet”, are from a party.

Those members of cabinet swore in to office to serve the people, to abide by the Constitution, to protect national interests, and to protect Constitution etc. Each provided royal degree to those members mean they have passed credentials, qualifications, and undertaken high esteem of responsibility in front of the King, the Cambodian people, and the Constitution.